Rain rain go away come again when i dont have to look after jake and have nothnig better to do than sit in the house laughing at all the people outside getting wet. its no fun when your the one getting wet and the only cheap thing you can think of to do with your son is take him to ikea so he can break... Read More
Thank you kindly!
Graduation photos are always a little strange. Never had any myself but I love looking at other people's as they never look like themselves.
The weather in Cardiffland was suprisingly nice today
Shame i had to spend an hour of it in a jobcentre sorting out benefits and hiding from scary alcoholics drinking out of brown paper bags and playing a harmonica (no, seriously, they really were like that)
Jake has been a pain in the bum recently by being hyper and not sleeping at proper times hoping he... Read More
I got a 2:2 in my degree not the greatest mark but lots of other people had a 2:2 and they didnt have a jake to look after so am still proud of myself. That means i definately am on the teacher course
When we went to hospital tuesday morning they said we'd have to go straight to Morriston hospital in Swansea to the special burns unit there because they would have to look at it and assess it. We got there and they dressed it (whcih was very stressful and painful for jake) and then because he had a temperature and... Read More
I feel like i underestimated what a machine my son is. He sleep pretty well all night and then was up at half 5 really happy and hasnt even tried to take his bandages off. My mum came up today and he was just a happy little chappy as usual. I dont know what the burns look like tho until we go back to hospital... Read More
saw your blog and pics and just wanted to say what a wonderful beautiful family u are.. and i wish you the best as you raise jake... i once lifted my son and accidently hit his head against the corner of a wall and blood was everywhere- I was angry at him at the time, although it was not an angry action just picking him up. Terrible twos,, well the trip to the hospital and the feelings of guilt were immense. but raising a child is like that, many mistakes- its amazing any of us survive it.
I feel so low and guilty. Earlier this evening jake ran into the kitchen and knocked the jug of boiling water that i was heating his bottle in all over himself. The left side of him is covered in burns and hes all wrapped up in bandages. Its all my fault and i just want to take all his pain away. Hes fast asleep upstairs... Read More
Don't be silly - accidents happen. It's not your fault and don't beat yourself up about it. My son managed to pull a cliplight in to his cot by swinging his tiger around and set his blanket smouldering. We noticed the smell before anything bad happened, but y'know... You're the little lad's world - just give him lots of hugs and kisses
like everyone said really....it was an unfortunate accident. he wont think any less of you at all.....and why would he? look how much you love him....hes a lucky little fella.
Uni is nearly over!! my last seminar is tomorrow and after that its just handing in coursework and 1 exam. Am really glad because everyone told me i couldnt do it and i have From June 1st i will have nearly 4 months of doing nothing
My personal life is kind of strange atm but for the first time i cant really discuss it on... Read More
Hey. I am back. Came back yesterday. Had a mixture of emotions there: Good stuff:
Got to see family i dont see that often.
Went to folly farm twice
Went to beach.
Saw mates i was in school with and had drunken night in pub where the first thing someone said when i walked in was 'put your boobs away on myspace!' that made me... Read More
i say Nick is a big smelly fanny and should be pocked in the eye with something sharp hmmm yes.
don't listern to your mum. i would have walked away lol and then not spoken to her. but it is all good your new male friend is treating you well.
think we need to try and sort out a meet in cardiff i've been so busy with uni i totally forgot to say anything last month about it lol doh!
the pics of jake are great and im loving the digger lol.
fingers crossed my set gets accepted but u never know. im not going to get my hopes up as if i do it wil get to me more if it doesnt get accepted.
its great to hear you are feeling a lot more up beat yey