I was attending an engagement party at a pub in London. I was 'orribly bored.
I remembered that my favourite band, amiina was touring at the time but didn't know where exactly.
I wandered out of this pub and across the narrow cobblestone road to another pub. This pub was bigger than the previous. It's lighting... Read More
I saw the Bourne Ultimatum today with my dad. A good movie for seeing with your dad, unless he is a huge pacifist or hates Matt Damon. I liked it, and I was surprised that I liked it.
Had a really great chat with my dad afterwards. In many ways, I... Read More
You dad sounds a lot like mine. He's also into cars but chose something else for a living. He's actually done a few cars on his own at home. Some really full on jobs too, like cutting the rear quarter off one car and welding on a new one. All on his own.
The problem I have is that I've spent years trying to understand him, and hopefully give him a way to understand me, but I'm starting to think some things are just the way they are and they'll always be that way. He's too left brain, I'm too right brain.
Having a good relationship with your old man is a good thing. So more power to you.
I want to write a post about the intricate mental challenges I'm experiencing from reading Mark Z Danielewski's books. I had a longer one planned but upon attempting to write it, it unravelled.
I read House Of Leaves while living in London (Goldfish has my copy at the moment -- may God have mercy on her as she reads it). It was a life-changing... Read More
I've been powering through White Oleander ever since you left, in the hope of re-beginning House of Leaves again asap.1 And I really enjoyed talking to you about your novel earlier also. I'd definitely love to borrow it when I finish it's heavy predecessor, if I may.
Good news:
3 assignments completed! Still have to research and write another 2,000 words worth but that's not due until Monday morning (11am AEST). I am super-student, from the Planet Do-It-All-At-The-Last-Minute!
Or some sort of assignmenting robot.
Cool news:
I received all of my results back from the last round of assignments. ALL High Distinctions! Rock on!
The rain is coming down in sheets and I absolutely love it.
I experienced a couple of cyclones when I was young. We had to put our outdoor furniture in the pool so it wouldn't blow away. I loved it. Whenever the wind gets wild and the rain comes down in buckets, it puts me in a good mood.
Interestingly, drizzle doesn't. But it did... Read More
Getting more wind than rain at the moment. Always the way further in land.
Thanks for dropping by last night. My friends in Melbourne are typical white middle class suburbians. Which I am too I suppose. They are just very resistant to what is not the same as them whereas I lke what is not me.
There's a recurring dream I have that is very vivid. So vivid that, until I wake up, I am certain that I have done it.
The dream involves leaving Iceland. A mountaintop airport gives you two options: an airplane like everyone else or this sort of hang-glider-thing. It's a sort of improved hang-glider, with a broader wingspan. This hang-glider option is the alternative way of... Read More
yeah, we didnt get to be in it together, i was also painting the pink onto the ears of a different poodle.
i am not sure when it goes on tv, its meant to be on like in the daytime "prime" times like sunrise, oprah, dr phil
it looked like it was going to be so dodgy, but it turned out not to be too bad
Photos are fun, but it seems video is great, too.
I'm thinking I might put together a little video series on here, but I'm not sure what to do with it.
Maybe a "Lexiphanic's Lessons" series?
Any ideas, feedback, suggestions, rejections, comments, complaints or compliments are welcomed and appreciated!
Great, that's a fucking stupid idea. Thank you for finding out for me.Though it still doesn't explain why I can't change it back to Goldfish in the edit function.
I have an assignment due this week but I'm taking a break for a day or two before I get into it. Last week's two assignment nightmare really drained me and so I'm relaxing a bit more today.
I think my account expires pretty soon.
I'll renew once it does. Don't panic.
I renewed it not long before I left London to (slowly) return to Australia. I can't believe it's been that long already. It still feels like not that long ago. I've so many lasting memories from that journey.
I spoke to an Icelander on his way home from his first visit to Canada and I asked him...
"How do you like Canada?"