Go see Juno. It is just simply the most amazing movie I have seen in quite some time.

Here's the trailer:

Go see it or you are fail.
i liked juno. story was done before kinda in saved! but ellen page was very cool.
have u found anywhere to cross process yet?

i keep getting a shadow in photos, why is that?
is it the lense blocking the flash?
yeah finaly settled in. everything has slowed down since the whole xmas leadup/xmas/new years etc which is good!

the shadow is in the same place in both mine and lelaina's cameras. the most logical explaination i though would be the flash not being able to go past the lense...

always on the right side.

oh well ill just keep experimenting
This is just a quick update to say hi.

Quick news:

- I live in New Farm now, on Moreton Street, with Goldfish and another friend called Kat.
- My internet access is a bit sporadic at the moment due to only one socket on the modem (who invented those stupid things??) and my laptop no longer charges its battery, which means it's now...
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It's amazing the amount of stuff that gets accomplished when you don't have the internet.
Your hair looks rad!
Curtin University of Technology (through Open Universities Aust or OUA). Hubby and I are doing Web design as a side thing and I knew nothing at all, so decided to learn. Turns out I love it! I got a HD for the first unit and the advanced one starts in June.
Okay well I'm back from Melbourne. Arrived last night. I spent yesterday wandering about the CBD and doing some Xmas shopping for my niece and nephew. And along the way I spent a lot of time appreciating the people I have in my life and how easy it could be to lose them.

I had some poignant thoughts to post here but I can't for...
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I felt strange when I lived on the Sunshine Coast because I rarely ever saw any black people. After living in the Territory all my life, I found it really bizarre to be around only white people all the time. I really wanted my little girl to grow up around all kinds of people, so I'm glad to be back in the NT now.
I bet the fish tastes like chicken... haha. Thanks for the compliment, apparently not good enough for SG Newswire tho... whatever Then again, with people like TheCoolerKing writing for the Newswire maybe that's a good thing.

Enjoy whatever you're doing tomorrow!
I wonder if this is common for everyone?

In the last ten years I've noticed something that seems to happen in my attitude. I'm not sure how to describe it exactly. It's like a change in the level of attention given to the smaller details and pleasures in life.

It occurs in waves. It increases and then decreases and then increases again and so on....
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Re your blog, yeah it comes in waves... it just takes something (its something u can never quite put your finger on) to kick you back into the positive vibes... it happens to us all... I wish it was that easy to stay the happy positive self all the time!!!

Thats cool re only 1 hr to brissy. Ill be up on the gold coast for about 4 days over xmas. And my good friend lives up in brissy, i look forward to meeting all you guys!
You know, I'm pretty sure you just plucked the memories from my head of the last 3 years of my life. I know exactly what you mean. Like Goldfish said, it's the keeping going in the meantime that can be so difficult. I've been "educating" myself for so long and putting off my real desires to travel and experience life outside of this blip on the map that, over the last three years, I've slowly, one emotion, one outlet at a time, been shutting myself down into exactly the person you described just so I could make it through. I became the miserable person I wrote about in my blog. Thankfully, I finished my studies a couple weeks ago and I'm hoping that going back to Canada in January (and then on to Europe at the end of next year) is going to be kick-start I need!

Glad to meet another SEQLDer!
Crazy crap that pops up from time to time:

So, Rook and I were at the Ice Bar in Teneriffe (Brisbane) and there was some Heineken Travel Reporter thing going on where you could give a travel tip into a video camera and it was part of some larger competition. I entered, but didn't make it into the selection that they chose to post on...
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She's cute. Did ya get her number? biggrin

I'm kidding. hehe

Is this Kim or, ummm...the other one, what was her name?
Exciting news!
Awesome post-rock band Explosions In The Sky are coming to Australia in February!

I shall be ordering my tix next Friday as soon as they go on sale. They'll be playing in Brisbane on Feb 14 at The Zoo. Quite appropriate, really, since I've had something of a love affair with this band ever since I saw them open for Four Tet in...
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Love to. 'Cept I has zero monies.

They're such a great band, that's very exciting news smile
Haha ... I'm at my parents place right now. So I'm guessing it's a very similar situation.

I'm telling myself it's only for a couple of months more till I save some more money and get a steady job.

I'll make it my New Year's resolution or something. heh.
Time for a quick update.

Today is my last day of house-sitting in Brisbane. It's been surprisingly rad.
Also, it's been really busy, I've been doing all sorts of things.

Tez, Dah, Goldfish & Rook had their housewarming. I had a great time and enjoyed myself immensely. The food spread they put on was huge and delicious. I filled up on snacks waaay...
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Yes, it has definitely been a lovely week.

See you Saturday smile
I'm just interested in seeing him again. I'm not romantically interested in him again.

Thanks for caring miao!!
The Halloween bash held at S_Eldorado's was a roaring success. My memories of it are fading swiftly, however, due to the effects of alcohol. Check out the blogs of Tez and Goldfish for photos.

We (Dah, Goldfish, Rook, & Tez) also visited the Annual SGAU BBQ. Way too many cancellations made it a much quieter affair than last year....
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Bahaha, if I was to tell you that - I'd be even more unpopularwink

Oh and thank you - the hair turned out quite finesmile

It just all depends what the laughing is about.
Well today sucked slightly.

I was up at 7.45am (quite early for me!) to be ready for phone calls and refreshes to try and get tickets for the Bjrk show at the Sydney Opera House. As hard as I tried, I could not even get one ticket! It's like it sold out instantaneously!
I kept trying until after 9.00, but eventually had to pack it...
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Yup! Yup! Yup!

About to sit down and watch.
So. Very. Excited!

Sorry to hear about the tickets selling out. That is going to be one amazing show.
Sorry, that isn't me rubbing it in. Just making an observation as a fan. smile
i like your sketch.

Thank you for the comment about my hair.
It's looking pretty craptastic. But eh.
Bjrk is playing the Sydney Opera House on 28 January. I wouldn't have known this in time if it weren't for Malana so I am in her debt for letting me know.

I am going, to hell with the cost. Tickets go on sale this Friday.
Also, I am so excited. And it'll be nice to visit Sydney.

ALSO, HOLY SHIT! I'm (hopefully) gonna see...
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I'm SO going too.

Can't wait to be obnoxiously drunk and wearing funny clothes with you this weekend. smile
she played in argentina some months ago and was soooo expensive. anyway tickets were over like 3 days before they started selling.

kiss kiss

I might be irritating my friends by banging on about all this environmental and socialist democratic stuff.

Sorry, folks. smile

I promise I'll wind it down eventually. Just make sure you recycle, ok?
Didn't notice.

I have a song for you though..

It's the only one I could find.. who films a tv?
You're welcome smile
A combination of events have put into me this idea of no longer being apathetic about important issues.

The Federal Election, naturally, is one of those events.
But also, I've just watched Michael Moore's Sicko and Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth on two subsequent evenings.

It's stuck a fire under me and I feel more impassioned to do something about it.

Something else that's been...
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Goldfish said:Also:

Lexiphanic said: In this country we call it ...

Uh .. hypocrite says what?

Uh... I'm still right if I'm referring to anywhere apart from North America. And, usually, I am, aren't I?

I'm going with my original statement. When in Australia, Ketchup is Tomato Sauce, it's as simple as that. It's not patriotic, it's just the way things are. Go and tell a Chinese person that they're actually speaking 'Chinese,' and see how far it gets you.

My point is, and always has been: every time our world becomes globalised the corporate giants take a little bit more shine off the fantastic differences in cultures around the world. Every time you call it ketchup you're kissing the joy of travelling goodbye.

Dude, I'm fighting the good fight, my way. Didn't you see the colours flying proudly in my blog post?

I'm hitting them where it hurts the best that I can. G.W.B. has already proven that losing an election means sweet F.A.. And what are our choices, really? The Greens aren't going to seize power (not without a coup, anyway) so our choices are Conservative A or Conservative B.
Wow, real option for change there!

Just because I don't chose to fight your way, doesn't mean I'm not fighting at all. I'm apathetic about the current system, not about change (REAL change that is).

SPOILERS! (Click to view)
(And no "Face it..." is a way of highlighting that which is blatantly obvious.)