And now I have a cold. My head is stuffy and eyes burn oh so slightly and I l sleep for hours on end. Although I dislike it, the rest is plesant, and I like that people want to take care of me. There's no better way to excuse sleeping for hours on end and not going to the gym and eating the hottest food...
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exams shmizams.
Only I can't do that.
Income taxation it is! (for tonight anyway)
Only I can't do that.
Income taxation it is! (for tonight anyway)
Thank you for the comment!

haha. yeah thanks.

so I got a little drunk. And then lastof9 had on these really good jeans. And he has the cutest butt in the world. Like when he's standing across the room you want to take your little hands and squeeze it! So I told him it was cute, and he said yes, yes like a bunny!
lastof9 has a bunny butt. Go tell him that...
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lastof9 has a bunny butt. Go tell him that...
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hee! excessivity isn't always bad
thank you!

thank you!
I know this is dishonorably late, but thank you so much for the sweet comment on my set, it means so much to me!
Thanks so much everyone for the birthday wishes! I really appreciate it!
Wow, the site looks amazing this morning - I love the hearts!
Ok, now time to go to class. I can't wait until I have more time to browse again!
Wow, the site looks amazing this morning - I love the hearts!
Ok, now time to go to class. I can't wait until I have more time to browse again!
Because of the huge number of comments on my latest set... You are receiving this comment late and it is the same comment that I am leaving everyone else as well. I usually try to thank everyone individually and much more personal like, but I would just never in a million years have the time to do that this time. So, I just want you to know that I appreciate that you took the time to comment on my new set. It was very wonderful of you, and I'm sorry that my return comment is so impersonal. However, if you want to stop by my page and say hello sometime, leave me an email, whatnot I'd love to chat. I am nice to everyone that is nice to me.
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
Happy late Valentines Day!
So, thank you very very much for your nice comment on my set! It is appreciated.
Happy late Valentines Day!

So far only my eyes, I'm workin on the rest!
I am almost always a fan of long hair (as you can probably tell) and almost never opt for shorter and I'm being honest when I say that I think the short hair looks quite becoming on you. And that make-up, too!
I say go for the change with the hair. I think it would look good by looking at the pictures.
Lovely eyes by the way.
Lovely eyes by the way.
Dropping like flies. Yes, except the one on friday is going to bend me over like none other.
Here's to you Antitrust!
Dropping like flies. Yes, except the one on friday is going to bend me over like none other.
Here's to you Antitrust!
antitrust law, we don't really have that in the u.s. anymore do we?
ok you're right, i was just testing you. but you should be studying instead of goofing off on here
good luck on the finals!

sorry lolly05 for turning your thread into a bitch fest, but when mastercraftsman opened up his mouth to insist that he's so well travelled he has learned the secret to men's personal preferences on sex simply by knowing their race, I had to beg to differ. Yes ladies and gentlemen, he insists that it is a fact!
Oh, right and apprently it's ok to use...
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Oh, right and apprently it's ok to use...
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that guys an ass-hat! and you're very pretty!

Oh oh..... good I'm far away now before you start hitting people!
Just kidding, you're right!
And thanks for the lovely words on my venting.
Just kidding, you're right!

And thanks for the lovely words on my venting.

Why are people so close-minded?
Ahh yes, but I am the naive one. If refusing to buy into stereotypes and generally politically incorrect statements is naive, then I'll tattoo it across my chest.
Did you also know that, in addition to hating oral sex, black guys also have huge penises, are lazy, and by far superior athletes. This differs from Asian men, who are hard...
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Ahh yes, but I am the naive one. If refusing to buy into stereotypes and generally politically incorrect statements is naive, then I'll tattoo it across my chest.
Did you also know that, in addition to hating oral sex, black guys also have huge penises, are lazy, and by far superior athletes. This differs from Asian men, who are hard...
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I think close-mindedness is generally based on ignorance which there's no lack of. I guess the good thing is that ignorance doesn't discriminate - there are dumb people of all races, ethnicities, religions, sexual preferences, etc.
Yeah, I kinda had some restrictions due to the fact that I'm hosting it up on putfile.
If I could find a free hosting site without a "no porn" policy, then I would be able to make it a bit more racy.
If I could find a free hosting site without a "no porn" policy, then I would be able to make it a bit more racy.
exams start monday. I shall be unavailable until 12/15 - cause that's when those fuckers end.
I'm trying really hard to understand the situation in France, but it's gone a tad bit beyond me. The young people are upset that they have no jobs, no social programs, and that they are discriminated based on their poverty level - even to the point where they are turned down for jobs based on the address listed on their resume - apparently companies don't...
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I'm trying to go to bed earlier so I'm not a zombie during my classes. The goal was 10. It's not 10:39. How about we make it 11 and I say I got in there 20 minutes early? I wake up pretty early - around 6:45ish to hit campus around 7:30 - even though I don't have classes until 10 - parking is so awful...
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And your right, goddammit, I'm going to b-l-o-g about what ever the fuck I feel like, given the proper moment.
Besides, I'm sure I'll be quite sick of own ranting, given a short time.