SSo my apartment complex offers classes from yoga, sewing to arts and crafts & today we decided to check out the clay class! :)
@missy @rambo Gave me some blog homework!!
1/8 : What's on your bucket list?
I've never really thought about it until now but here we go:
1. Fly Out Of Country to see a band. Traveling in general
I think seeing a band in another country would be sick with it!!!! I'd imagine the venues would be different then most here,& different countries would put...
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Anyone else play??
Meet Nome :) He's sweet & loving.
If anyone is a vet or knows about medical stuff with cats let me know. He has a growing bump in his mouth & it's heartbreaking. I unfortunately can't afford care for him :( I just need advice.
annnnnyway , A fact about me: I adore cats & always have. I've had waaaaay to many cats to count....
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Just bored stories about my ink :)
System of a down has been my all time favorite since middle school. I never thought I'd ever see them live & I missed so many opportunities.
I FINALLY saw them last April & they were amazing!!!
33 songs in two hours. The energy was very much alive and being with people & enjoying the music was an...
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Happy New Years
So besides SG I'm completely off all social media. I'd like to post more & get into this site.
What's on everyone's mind? Can anyone start by giving me a blog topic / topics?
what's some special tattoos you have with meaning behind it??
Mine would be the famous picture of tigger on top of Winnie the pooh that I have on my foot. My
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