Most of the time, my writing becomes this loosely tethered rabid stallion and I'm too soft hearted to put it down. Not today, pally.
I'm not one of those guys who gets lonely. I have a pretty amazing life and have tons of contact with great hearted (albeit few of like mind) folks, so loneliness is usually far distant as I look across my life's... Read More
I'm interested to see how you're going to contemplate the smoothness of your manjunk. "I have some very smooth manjunk? Why? I guess I'm just blessed with smooth and supple manjunk. Why me? Why have I been chosen to possess such smooth manjunk? Some questions are better left unanswered." Heh. Manjunk.
I hates me some mustard. I can palate mustard seed dijon if it is IN something, but that shit alone on a sandwich disgusts me. And I cannot be in the same room as that bright yellow French's shit. Eugh. The smell of it, especially against bread, makes me physically sick. You + me = two peas in a pod. A pod that hates mustard for some reason.
Dude, that floor teeters on the verge of disaster area. I know what you mean, though, about being sloppy and yet clean. As long as it's just clutter and not mildew, you're in the clear. It's always nice to be tidy, too, though. I spent much of the beginning of January completely overhawling, getting rid of everything I didn't need and putting things in order so that I could find them. You can alphabetize your teddybears so that you can find them based on customized t-shirt message. (HAHAHA!) I keed, I keed.
Is it weird that Lungfish was playing as I read this journal entry? Yes. (Get out of my brain/track list.)
So, in the spirit of spring break, show me your tits. Or is that Mardi Gras?
Love that manifests itself as a racoon washing his hands,
It's funny to me when people look at identical twins and say "that one's hot."
In fact twins are pretty funny to me in the way that anime is funny to me...I just don't get them. (Anime reference c/o live convo with dialslowtoyearn..insanely cool chick. Cool enough, in fact, to be okay with being called chick.)
Anyway, I wonder what happens if there is... Read More
I'm a chick and I have no problem in admitting it. I'm a girly-ass, make-up lovin', moisturizer buyin', panty wearin' chick and yoo-oou think I'm cool. Wow, what am I? The five year old kid with ADD?
Dude, I can see your nipples. What are you? A hooker?
You're hotter than your twin, but that's mostly because of the obvious man nipples. What are you wearing? A mesh shirt?
I'd rather be the bad seed twin than the hot twin. Like I once said, I'm going for the fat Mary-Kate look. (And no, that's not a body image dig. If I was a regular Mary-Kate, there would be problems.)
Dialtoslowyearn Related Late Edge fact: One day, you accused me of having "Cletus teeth" (direct quote, you mean son of a bitch) because I had braces, and I will NEVER SMILE FOR YOU because of it. Okay, maybe once, but it will be a smile laden with low self esteem and resentment. Or not.
You're right. You are SO much wittier than everyone else.
I know what you mean about the whole a ton of shows/show concepts sucking, but, like we were talking about earlier, I'm more of a "the glass is half-full" kind of gal when it comes to TV. The actual concept of television is amazing, and a lot of the ideas that have come out of it are awesome.
For instance, teen dramas are awesome to me, and maybe you're just jaded by the American ones (I'm going into Canadian Tourism Board Claire mode -- watch out!), because we've got some great, if slightly guilty pleasure-esque programming starring real teens. Dude, we're the country that came out with Degrassi. And I'm not going to lie, I lap up the "Next Generation" like honey, and not just because I've got Degrassi homies. Shows like that are complete escapism, and I don't mind giving up half an hour of my life once a week to be sucked into a magnified version of my own existence.
I agree about the zillion versions of Law and Order/CSI. I fuckin' hate CSI, actually. The idea is interesting, but the puns and that Godawful smarmy-assed David Caruso in the Miami version make the show intollerable. I've got nothing but love for the original Law and Order and SVU, but CI is only alright, and (Bebe Newirth aside) the new Trial by Jury show is nothing special. Besides, something about a show starting out with an ailing Jerry Orbach in the first few episodes just does not bode well for me.
I know what you mean about the whole emasculated/jackass male syndrome in all sitcoms. It's one of the things that makes me hate "Everyone Loves Raymond" even more than I already do. It's just two people in a relationship being excessively mean to eachother. Plus, everyone on that show is fucking irritating as hell. (Odd side story: I saw the dude who plays Ray's brother walking about a foot away from me on Yonge street, and I caught his eye and he looked REALLY afraid of me and picked up his pace immediately. I don't know what I did, but I clearly really threatened this six foot something man with my small person demeanour. Ever since, I have had fantasies of taking him down all bad ass cop-style for some reason and yelling "You're not so beautiful any more, are you, Raymond's brother?")
[/TV obsessed loser]
You like shows with vampires in them because apparently you're a twelve year old prepubescent girl. Which is good, cause I finally have someone to give this training bra to. (Oh, Family Guy quotes.) Also, the world's most bad ass comeback is that one that you told me about AGES ago when some guy pulled the whole Dr. Evil thing on you and you made some comment about his s/o calling him Mini-You last night or something of that ilk. It made me laugh, and I would totally steal it if I was bald/a dude.
You should wear ties more often, since they're HOTT and such. (Yes, you get two T's.)
No scotch, though.
Love so gooey that it could only be replicated by a personal pan pizza (WHAT?),
Dude, I make amazing sushi, both vegetarian and fish-inclusive. I'd send you some, but I don't know how to use the fax machine. I think it's still broken from the time I tried to send you cake. (?) I've kind of neglected eating too. Whenever I'm in a pissy mood, I just drink coffee all day long (4th cup... I'm trying to find which one I like the most, and so far the straight latte is winning. Just because I haven't eaten doesn't mean I'm not consuming my fair share of calories...) and write shit. Today is one of those days, despite the fact that I'm actually doing just fine. A dude stared at me as he walked throught the store front, tripped over a coffee table and spilled ice everywhere. I feel like hot stuff for once. Sigh.
Also, your undoubtedly sweet tale of conflicting moons (Cancer and Scorpio, right? ... I'm not a creepy fan girl, I swear. I just retain information.) is cut off in the "sign" section of your profile. Just thought you should know.
Dial to Slow Yearn Fact -- I listened to Mr. Peabody and the Quiet You religiously and followed him around like a lost puppy, getting everyone to listen to it along the way. I also know that it's more of a band name than a radio show, and a damn fine one at that.
I'm now full of relatively decent coffee (thanks to the lovely people at the Downtown Philly Mariott Starbucks) and, despite getting shafted after the final Curtis call (it was down to 10 people from 120, and only one person made the cut from today... Boo!), I'm feeling content in being a geeky, chubby and yet somehow hot babe. Oh yes.
When I was a kid, I wanted a tatoo of Underdog flipping people off with the hand in the foreground and the hero himself in the background. Well, I waited and waited and then everyone and their mom (literally) got tatoos and I felt like if I was going to get it done, I needed to really like them. So... Read More
I'd suggest "Claire" in some sort of an artsy sunburst or under a rainbow. What do you MEAN that's a terrible idea?
But seriously, I'd have to suggest either a very simple design (a la black circle/shape of your choice on one side and an outline, possibly filled with white ink on the other)
You could go all out like a bad ass and get forearm sleeves (wrist to elbows) of images/stylized quotes/whatever of things that represent yin on one side and yang on the other. And if you REALLY like the tattoo experience, you could even get something put in the middle ground to link the ideas/represent the duality of the tattoos/everything in life. You could even get it on your lower back, if you're a slutty mom.
I've had it just about to here with this "patriot" shit. Did you know the 700 club makes bumper stickers? They have a whole line of "non-fiction" and propaganda but the thing that really pissed me off was this one sticker on the back of a pick up truck with a confederate flag sun shield. It was simple a restroom man icon , a large... Read More
See, this is why you need to be living in an actual CITY. You are surrounded by people who are okay with and even ENCOURAGING being stripped of their civil liberties. Even when the days are great, they're only okay. You deserve amazing every day, and I say that without an ounce of cheese.
Dude, I wish I was famous. Then I could kick your ass (as nicely as humanly possible) and abduct you on my tour bus. Next stop: relative freedom.
If I wrote an autobiography (156 illustrated pages of bad lessons and worse romance) I think that would be the title. I'm like a bad vaudville comedian with a terrible hook. Unfortunately it's just the truth.
I have no idea.
I don't know.
haven't got a clue..
...not a one.
I don't even know what I'm supposed to have a... Read More