T and I went on a shopping expedition today. I needed to buy a yoga mat and a sports bra.
Surprisingly, it was the yoga mat that was easier to find. I tried on about 10 sports bras and I was jumping around in the changing rooms like a lunatic trying to figure out which one was most effective in bounce minimisation.
I've decided I...
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Surprisingly, it was the yoga mat that was easier to find. I tried on about 10 sports bras and I was jumping around in the changing rooms like a lunatic trying to figure out which one was most effective in bounce minimisation.
I've decided I...
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Sweet Jesus!
I just came home from seeing 'Donnie Darko' in the film fest. What a fantastic film. I'm not quite sure what intelligent things I can say about it without gushing a little, so I'll stick to the trivial:
I get jealous when people use 'The Killing Moon' by Echo and the Bunnymen in their films. If I somehow ever turned into a film...
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I just came home from seeing 'Donnie Darko' in the film fest. What a fantastic film. I'm not quite sure what intelligent things I can say about it without gushing a little, so I'll stick to the trivial:
I get jealous when people use 'The Killing Moon' by Echo and the Bunnymen in their films. If I somehow ever turned into a film...
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Why should it?
Dark Blue World.
That film was excellent.
I don't know why, but I think Donnie was...good. Could have been better, but good.
That film was excellent.
I don't know why, but I think Donnie was...good. Could have been better, but good.
I have bronchitis. It sucks. When I am not hacking my lungs up, my tummy is feeling gross from the antibiotics.
Evil sickness begone!
Last night I saw "My Wife is an Actress" It has Charlotte Gainsbourg in it and it is hilarious. You should watch it if you get the chance.
Evil sickness begone!
Last night I saw "My Wife is an Actress" It has Charlotte Gainsbourg in it and it is hilarious. You should watch it if you get the chance.
Make that 4 more to go. Yay!
don't forget "little otik." jan svankmajer rocks!
I'm new around these parts. I may gather up some courage to post on the boards soon.
It's Film Fest (http://auckland.nzff.co.nz) season here for a couple of weeks and I am going to a lot of films. It's lovely. Mmm. Makes up for the fact it's bloody freezing here at the moment.
I'm jealous that all you northern hemisphere suckers are experiencing summer. Hand some...
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It's Film Fest (http://auckland.nzff.co.nz) season here for a couple of weeks and I am going to a lot of films. It's lovely. Mmm. Makes up for the fact it's bloody freezing here at the moment.
I'm jealous that all you northern hemisphere suckers are experiencing summer. Hand some...
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You're welcome, I say 60 degrees is pretty cold hehe, it's about 90 everyday here lately!
Foxy picture.
Dreamy music selections.
Microserfs cracked me up.
oh yeah, welcome on board.
start posting, it doesn't take courage
although wit is highly recommended.
Dreamy music selections.
Microserfs cracked me up.
oh yeah, welcome on board.
start posting, it doesn't take courage
although wit is highly recommended.
I'd be too scared to do boxing! Heh. I don't like fighting-style things.
I think I'm gonna go to some hiphop dance classes with a friend and stick to all the walking I do.