I bought a Hello Kitty style pack of tissues for a friend that said "WARNING: ONLY FOR THE GIRL WHO IS ALL THE BEAUTIFUL". Man, did i score bonus points for that.
Mind you, only a freak would give someone a little pack of tissues for christmas.
I just saw the Princess And the Warrior ... HMMMMMM i think Franke is so gorgeous! I saw Anatomie (sp?) a couple of months ago and it was dubbed in english ... it was weird. It looked like Franke, but it didnt sound anything like Franke. Weirded me out.
It's my birthday! Yay!
I have nice friends and lovely husband and have spent the day playing NBA2003 and Tony Hawk 4 and making hashbrowns and drinking strawberry bubbly.
.Just went and had Japanese food at Moto with MattB and T. Oh so yummy. Gyoza is one of my favourite things to eat. I like Asahi.
I think we'll probably watch a video and have an early night.
The play finished on Saturday. We had a closing party. Free bubbly is dangerous.
At one point, I was standing outside and probably gesticulating wildly and... Read More
I am: Lazy, in my own little world, playful, fickle, fun, above average height, lots of curves, clumsy, the owner of a very short attention span, affectionate, goofy, sometimes a little selfish, laid back + casual.
I am into: Pretty songs, shakin' my booty, hanging out with my husband, my Livejournal buddies, cuddles, travel, conversation, watching films, planning adventures.
It is opening night of the play I am in tomorrow.
I am slightly nervous and our leading lady has laryngitis, so I am worried that she won't be able to scream at me in her inimitable fashion. Please send her get well thoughties. Thanks.
This is going to be the first time that my husband has seen me act and that makes me... Read More
Yeah I used to act a lot when I was younger and I never seemed to get over the butterflies no matter how well I knew the play or how many times I had performed it. Thats just me though.
We're in our new apartment. So far, I love it. It's cozy and looks nice and I feel good here. Someone please recommend some good hooks for hanging paintings. They have to be adhesive because our walls are concrete.
We spent a good part of Friday scrubbing our old apartment and sweeping and things like that. There was a Lee 'Scratch' Perry special on 95bfm.com... Read More
enjoy the new pad - I just stumbeld across and purchased the new Suede video Lost in TV DVD as well....and I may be the only person in America to have it...in fact - it may be the only copy released here....keep an eye out - the new Suede single sounds great (download at NME.com) and the CD should be out any time now.
The Internet is quiet when everyone is at Burning Man.
I am just playing a whole load of SSX Tricky and Smash Bros. Melee. Come over, I'll kick your ass. It's most likely that you'll kick mine, but don't tell anyone.
The Back to the Future trilogy is out on zone 4 DVD. I love the extras, I love the movies. They're a whole heap... Read More