5 weeks to go.
I can't help but be sad that I have stretch marks. All on the right side of my belly, which is where baby sleeps. They are going to get so much worse too as the baby will put on a pound a week over the next 4 weeks. I sound selfish and stupid, but I can't help it.
I want to... Read More
The less pain relief you have the quicker the labour will be. I had seth in 3 hrs with no pain relief compared to Cohen who took 11 hours with an epidural.x
i'm glad it's cooled down a bit for you
just before betina had luca, she took to sitting in about 6 inches of cold water in the bath, cuz of a heat wave that august
I found my SLR when we moved so I thought I would be vain this afternoon.
My skin is so much better now I am pregnant. I love it. A lot more freckly too which is nice.
Oh, anyone who wants to keep in more regular contact add me on Facebook. Just drop a note with the add so I know who you are... Read More
Oh god I haven't replied to anyone off of my last blog. I am sorry. I am a bad blogger / responder.
I am tired. Very, very tired.
I went swimming and shopping today and am well and truly done with a capital D. I can't give the actual word "done" a capital D though as that would be appalling English and I wouldn't want... Read More
hey I might be in ldn in september for some days (not for the convention, I'd come in one of the first two weeks), I'd love to see you if it's possible with the baby. when is it due btw?
Yay for the house!
I know how fucking busy it is, hell, we're STILL very busy!
But don't you do to much work, lady. No tile lifting, no oil based painting unless you wear a mask (wich will keep you from catching swine flu also, so it's a win win situation )
And keep some rest when you need it!
You look so lovely!