Well, friends, hello and jeez it's been awhile! So, much has been going on in the last few months and one of those things is allowing me to return to this place i adore: I finally got a MacBook! Hurray! my first laptop ever! Currently I am sitting on a porch in Michigan, USA, drinking cup number whatever of dark, dark french press coffee and...
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Hello friend,
well, much like you have been missing on here, so have I, so it's taken me a while to realise you'd blogged again, sorry I took so long in getting to it.
Well, sounds like a merry pickle and no mistake. Do people have to draw borders? You've always seemed to me to be some one who is very happy being open and embracing whatever you feel is right. I can understand the confusion, though I don't think I'm very qualified to offer much advice.
What would Bob say?
Hope you're well, and you've come a bit closer to an understanding, if that's possible.
Take care,

Oh, on a totally unrelated topic, I saw Tool live a few weeks ago, and they were absolutely amazing, I would never have believed 4 people could make that wall of sound. And they played 'the pot' biggrin
Boy! I have missed you! I haven't been online in a LONG time..... but I am back and in slightly better condition than I have been... and I hope to stick around better for a while this time tongue
Hope to hear from you soon blush
Yesterday, a friend accused me of having my mind in the gutter.

That's all well and good, everyone is entitled to their opinion, but just because you read something sexual in my words, doesn't mean that I intended it to come off that way.

Now, I will admit that my libido has been riding me pretty hard lately, but I think I still have enough...
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okay... are any of those books any good? and while you're reading erotica... have you tried the poetry of Lenore Kandel?
This... is hard. Not difficult from pain or trauma. Far from it. But what I feel, have been feeling for a little while now, is just, well, all over the map, so to speak. I barely understand myself. To share in a way that is useful, interesting, even remotely intelligible?... Right now, it may be beyond my grasp on words. In addition, coincidence allowed Shakespeare...
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congratulations to your friend!!that truely is amazing =) im also glad to hear the show is going well for you, so are you doing a collaboration show with your friends too?

spain is part of my university course, im moving to valencia to study at the university there..hopefully doing french and translation...so i guess in a sense i am running TO as well as FROM...but we shall see =) its quite a scary thought that i'll be spending a year in another country, and also that i have to find an apartment to move into almost as soon as i get to spain =) the language barrier is a little frightening to say the least but im sure all will work out for the best!

it's good to find people on myspace, as a rule i see it mainly as a useful tool for promotion of unsigned bands and music and things, but it has also become a sort of symbol for peoples friendslists..i think thats silly!the "friends" i have on there are either bands i love or people i want to keep in contact with, unlike a lot of people who add for the sake of numbers =) rant over!

its good to have you back!
Hey Sweetheart! It is so good to read what you write....you make me pause and think and I like that smile I don't think we do that often enough.
I have to stop and remind myself of the love that is around me that I get too busy to feel sometimes.
Keep loving....keep writing.
Miss you smile
Hey Lovers!!!

Another brief note to catch people up a little.

The show is doing swimmingly. To give you myspacers an idea of what it is, you can visit it at www.myspace.com/deathstandsup

i am about to go into my final weekend and then i'm off to st. louis. in between performance weekends there, i'm being flown (ha!) to new jersey to help write and workshop...
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Greetings, everyone!

Well, turns out that I really am not getting online very much here at Tennessee. My hopes of blogging offline and then posting on someone elses computer are not coming to be. I guess part of me likes taking a break from cyberspace.

things are well, tho. the trip up from florida had some road troubles (blown tire, etc) but the show itsself...
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No place compares to NOLA, at least pre-Katrina. Walk off the beaten path towards the end of the French Quarter and it is another world. I was stranded there for a day before a show in 94 and found a huge flea market where I bought the coolest tie die shirt ever. The guy makes them for Halloween every year in limited quatities. It is a pumpkin in the design which makes it unique. Way better than any of the ones Mikos designed, and I always thought they were awesome.

I miss the South and the cultural differences from the North. Take care . Rit
blush I'm ever so embarrased to have to ask but...what is your show? Will it be comming to Michigan this summer?
Well, yuck.

I am leaving for Tennessee in a couple days and had to bid 'adieu' to Ashley. I say a lot of good-bye's in my life and sometimes it sucks more than others. I can only trust that the way we touched each other will continue to have positive effects tho our lives have diverged. I cried a little. Not as much as she,...
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You're right, I'm taking things too seriously. I need a dose of fun, and to get my head uncluttered. Not sleeping welll hasn't helped, but had a bit of a lie in today, rather than go to the gym. Mmm, guilty and fun, all roled into one, excellent.
Current Mood - Swashbuckling. Listening to Pirates of the Caribbean soundtrack. Makes me want to swing from ropes, clash swords and fight magical creatures. Now that would be a whole bunch of fun.
It shouldn't be about others, and what they're up to. As my sister pointed out to me last night, there was a period after I split up with my ex-ex (as in 2 gfs ago) that, once I'd got over it, and started purely living for myself, I actually told her it was the happiest I'd ever been. I'm close to that state again, maybe it's the proximity that's causing me to go a bit odd. Ah, were my life simple enough for me to understand, I'd be too simple to understand it, to paraphrase someone.
Still, I've had a good nights rest, some good guidance and advice from friends (looking in your general direction), and I think the main thing is that I just relax. Chill the fuck out. Stop worrying so damn much, for life is good. Very good.
Please pardon my ignorance, but what is the church of the subgenius? I think I'm going to have to look into it, sounds like a good outlook on life. I was thinking about becoming a sciencetologist, but then I realised they were actually serious. I had better tread carefully here, I don't yet know your views on them, and I don't want to offend you. I assure you, my religious sensiblities can't be offended, I don't have any.
Ah, just re-read your profile, I was actually thinking of getting a new tattoo on my left forearm, with the words 'for I am a raindog too', but I don't know if it would be appropriate, or whether I'd just get bored explaining to people what it meant. I could change it to 'for I am a raingod too', but that may cause even more confusion biggrin
Mmm, waffley and disjointed, but that's what you get for writing in between rendering smile
Woo, tuesday!
Oh yes, just before I forget, saw and loved Hot Fuzz. We did the effects for it at my company, but I missed out working on it, that would have been sweet.
Stay well, and stay in touch,
on the whole things sound pretty good apart from the distance from Ashley, which sucks.
I'd love to see your 'death stands up' show. If you ever come to the UK I'll find you a venue or two...
i hope you are well.
Peace and happy voodoo... wink
"Grindhouse" is king and Coincidence is Queen.

The Navy Seals supposedly drown you three times during their training. Three times. Drown.

"We are gonna weight you down. You WILL drown. We'll bring you back, but you WILL drown."

The idea is that they need you, as a SEAL to not fear drowning. You just can't. So, they do it for you, enough times that the...
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Wow, guns huh?
Tell you what, I saw an article in yesterdays paper that had photos of the 32 victims spread over 2 pages. Till that point, it was just a number, when you actually connect that with real people, real faces, it really brings it home to you. I think the whole gun thing is pretty fucked in the states to be honest. No way back, and more events like that bound to happen again in the future......not good.
So, on a more positive note, chilling with Danaddict. Haven't seen her on here for a quite a while, I've been a bit lax about myspacing her as well. Hope she's doing well. It's a shame that some people you're destined just to have this lovely, but utlimately, rather impersonal, relationship with. Should I win the lottery, I'm heading in your direction, taking both you, Danaddict, and potential others for a coffee/hot chocolate. Not all at the same time, it would just get a little too noisey.
I think the fact that you're doing what you can for this person is great. You can only really effect things to a certain point within your power. That you act on this, and make yourself available, is enough of an olive branch.
Oh, and don't worry, your drunken internet skills haven't failed you, you're firmly on my friends list smile
Which is your preferred method of interwebby communciation? Being sat at a computer for a large part of the day means I get a bit obsessive about checking all my various contact points. Although less so, now I've got an exciting, and difficult shot to work on. Finally finished on the bloody Potter film! Now on the next Bourne film. Can't see any shots without saying 'Matt Damon' in the style of Team America biggrin
Stay well, speak soon,
Hope all is well.
We have a few homeless people, mostly veterans around my work complex. One, Dan, is an avid chess player and I feel safer with him spending nights inside since 9/11. We are a government facility and security has stepped up insanely to enter my office building. Still, the main concourse is open to the public though and that is cause for concern since we are twin towers also. I think he would actually try and stop someone from placing a bomb there over night or something similar. No one messes with him. Then we have Patches who collects bottles to supplement his disability checks. The State Police are tolerable of both guys. Some they are not though. Panhandlers are frowned upon and sort of ruin it for the others who just like to keep warm, sit inside and read or people watch.

Sometimes I wonder what if the terrorists took a wrong turn and mistook our buildings as the WTC.
ooooh, what's all this new shiney stuff at SG? and what does that little heart mean? hmm. Figure it all out later.

again, sorry i haven't been around too much. i DO miss it all, but the interweb has just been a little hard to access lately.

I am in the last hours before a trip across the country. At 4.25 a.m. a shuttle will...
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Hey Sweetheart.... the heart is for friend requests pending smile
Hope you have a wonderful trip... I've missed your comments and blogs, so I guess you'll just have to write when you get back....
((((hug))) Be safe, have fun, and come back in one piece kiss
Heh, well I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted, because I hadn't realized that little gem was out there for the world to see. Tee-hee. blush
Friends and Lovers...

I have been doing more 'doing' than thinking lately. More living. As a result, I haven't written as much as I might like. But, once again, Dreams are on my mind, so I'll subject you to more musings. I have to say 'musings', because I think that words like 'theorising' require the proponent to have enough scientific knowledge to back up any...
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Sometimes I think nightmares is the mind's way of throwing its "hands" in the air and crying "Augh!!" tongue In other words, when you have puzzled a problem too long, been stressed in an odd way or simply just off kilter, the mind finds a way to stretch itself out and prove that things aren't that bad.... At least that is what they have always seemed to me.
I used to have a very vivid reoccurring nightmare that would happen for several weeks after a move (we moved a lot when I was a kid). It was always sepia toned like an old movie and I was always a little kid (about 5) dressed in 1920's type kids clothes. I was always lost in my Great-Grandparent's small town. Never anything more than that, but that was always enough to send me into crying jags that tended to jerk me awake. The funny thing is that the dream never changed, even after many years. When we moved two years ago (just across town even) I still had the same exact dream for about a week....Odd..... blush
Well, congrats first of all on the 'Best stage act', I'm sure you deserved it.
Onto the dreams/nightmare thing.....I honestly don't know what I've ever learnt from either, apart from that if you're chewing gum in your dream and it tastes like your hand, well, let's just say I'm glad I didn't properly chew it, but I did have rather dribble covered fingers when I awoke.
Nightmares, for me, always seem to have a large portion of helplessness in them, as in, inability to do some thing, be it run (for some reason I become weightless and can't get any traction), being unable to pull a trigger (way too hard, and the effort of pulling it means I can't aim) or being trapped (kind of endless house, or circular corridors). Maybe these recoccuring themes in themselves mean something, but they happen at vague times, with no direct link to real world stress. To be honest, I'm happy if I dream with either good or bad outcomes, as it means I'm probably sleeping well.
Do dreams have any purpose anyway? I still don't know. Why, for example, did I recently dreamt I shaved my legs? Surely there's not much of a life lesson to be gained from de-hairing bits of my body? And if there is, what on earth is it?
Glad that you're spending lots of time 'doing', find it can help with the thinking.
Stay well,
Friends all,
i've been quiet for a litttle while and it looks like it may still be Monday before I can say much. Time is the only interference right now. Normally late nite is when I get the house internet to myself and lately I have been going to bed a little earlier. Hopefully I will have a new macbook within a week or two...
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Glad things are going well!
Just caught up on your posts, I am pleased to hear things are going so well. That's awesome.
peace and happy stuff... smile
I have issues with biting. By that I mean that I have had experiences with biting that have caused me to not like it. The first time I was bitten was in some sort of wierd street fight when I was 11. My neighbor, who was a year younger than me and who both realisticly and ironically refered to himself as a 'full-blooded Navajo', made...
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I'm in your top ten artists! I feel so awesome. Thank you.
welll im glad =) this is the girl you were talking about before i assume? it is sooooo good that you're happy and im glad you two are together =D

i would love to trade addresses =) but you might find my student hovel a little...hovel-like =) its a roof over my head though so i'm not complaining =p

and yes...i do love the usa...hopefully if everything works out in the next few years i will be moving over there to find work and live for a year at least if not longer =)

have fun sweetie and i hope to hear good tidings from you soon <3 xxx
I have an interesting life. I do not say this because I think I have an interesting life while others do not. We all do. I say it because I am always surprised that it is, in the ways that it is. Lately, as should be evident to anyone who has read more than one of my posts here, I am meditating quite a bit...
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heya! we do have a lot to catch up on it seems =) im a sorry i have taken forever to reply to things lately its not like me, there again im not normally this busy...so drop me a line and let me know what has been going on in your life =) and i will reply as soon as i can

its nice to be home...there really is nothing like it...though i've never felt such a wrench leaving a place as i did leaving the USA...which is bizarre since im patriotic at heart and i love everything about england
Well thank you for the comment on my profile pic. Amazing what five minutes of photoshop can do these days. Have your worked Shakopee, I used to work there as well as Bristol. Both of those faires are going down the crapper. The management is trying to bend the vendors over a barrel, I'll save you all the crappy "only at the faire..." drama but let's just say I'm happy to be out of both places.

And yeah... The MoM (Ahem) are a kick. One of my online aquaintances manufactured their chainmail banner they carry around now. He likes their music maybe just a little too much.