First off, I apologize to @sinni for forgetting one simple task (Yes, I had plans to make artwork of her, but my scatterbrain probably got drunk, or fell asleep, or even worse, saw something shiny and got transfixed, I am a simple man, after all, and I also have no attention spa..ooh, a butterfly!). But she just posted a photo from her newest set and...
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I read something on Reddit about a face card, I'm assuming it's something to do with pretty or handsome faces, but I am an old man and am not nearly as in touch with this new lingo. But if it does mean what I think it means, then I want to present someone who really knows how to play a face card. @barbiedollx seems to have only really gotten active on here in the last few weeks, but, I know potential when I see it. I also know beauty when I am lucky enough to gaze upon it, and this woman is beautiful, there is no argument. Today was like gazing upon Aphrodite in human fucking form when I first saw Barbie. I want, no wish, for her to be a massive success on this site. Just look at her!
I'm listening to Green Day, and anyone who read my blog from yesterday knows that that can only mean one thing...
And no, I don't mean like the time I stuck my penis into a just cooked jacket potato because it looked like fun. (Spoiler alert, it wasn't fun, it burned.) (Spoiler alert 2: That never actually happened, I am into some kinky shit, but I draw the line at fornicating with spuds.). I know I said I was gonna make some smaller gfx, but I...
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And I'm pretty certain I've asked this before, but, aside from making my pieces too small, how do I go about getting it to show in a better resolution on SG? Every time I post a photo here, it loses a lot of the resolution. I swear these pieces, when I make them, are in far better resolution. When I post them, they look like...
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