First off, I apologize to @sinni for forgetting one simple task (Yes, I had plans to make artwork of her, but my scatterbrain probably got drunk, or fell asleep, or even worse, saw something shiny and got transfixed, I am a simple man, after all, and I also have no attention spa..ooh, a butterfly!). But she just posted a photo from her newest set and...
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I read something on Reddit about a face card, I'm assuming it's something to do with pretty or handsome faces, but I am an old man and am not nearly as in touch with this new lingo. But if it does mean what I think it means, then I want to present someone who really knows how to play a face card. @barbiedollx seems to have only really gotten active on here in the last few weeks, but, I know potential when I see it. I also know beauty when I am lucky enough to gaze upon it, and this woman is beautiful, there is no argument. Today was like gazing upon Aphrodite in human fucking form when I first saw Barbie. I want, no wish, for her to be a massive success on this site. Just look at her!

Omg! Do you believe me if i tell you that I get excited? đŸ„č I’m very active because to be SG is my big dream And this community have persons amazing And one of they are you. Thank you very much for your words 💖 I’m crying of happines đŸ„č thanks for believe in me
@barbiedollx Oh, I believe you when you say you are excited. You're a very brave woman for sharing yourself in such a way on sites like this. You can count on it that you have my absolute loyalty on this journey here. I cannot wait to see what you do.
Are you fucking serious? You knew what you were voting for you fucking moron! The fact that you are now begging a man who has only ever cared for himself, is fucking laughable. I don't wanna ever see anyone out of a job, but, you reap what you sow, I'm afraid. Trump doesn't care about you, he never has. The only time he pretended to care was when he wanted your support. Now you might as well be Old Yeller, ready to be shot behind the fuckin' woodshed. Good luck on the unemployment line.
Also, does the J. in his name stand for Judas, cos that's what he is. He certainly ain't no man of God.

I'm listening to Green Day, and anyone who read my blog from yesterday knows that that can only mean one thing...

And no, I don't mean like the time I stuck my penis into a just cooked jacket potato because it looked like fun. (Spoiler alert, it wasn't fun, it burned.) (Spoiler alert 2: That never actually happened, I am into some kinky shit, but I draw the line at fornicating with spuds.). I know I said I was gonna make some smaller gfx, but I...
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Oh?  So you’ve never tried to bust it in a Russet?
@fredhincanada if I could post gifs on here, I would post my favourite Andy Samberg/Jake Peralta gif, but as I cannot, I shall just indulge you with a "Noice!"

And I'm pretty certain I've asked this before, but, aside from making my pieces too small, how do I go about getting it to show in a better resolution on SG? Every time I post a photo here, it loses a lot of the resolution. I swear these pieces, when I make them, are in far better resolution. When I post them, they look like...
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And yes, I am aware that the Nokia 3310 didn't have a camera, but shh, it was for the LOLs.
Here's my first attempt (In a long time) at a smaller artwork, this comes in at 700x500 pixels, at a 300px resolution, as opposed to the normal 1024x768 at 72px resolution. @evoke gets another nod this time around, as my silly ass seems to be a bit addicted to her at the present moment LOL.  Photos are taken from her most recent photoset which was shot by the ultra talented I dunno if this is gonna be a permanent thing, with the smaller graphics, but who knows, whatever happens, hope you all like this LOL. It's not my most imaginative piece, I know.
Nice 😍
Because I know I had some catching up to do, more @evoke fanart! (Spoiler, I haven't done the continuation of Break a Sweat, yet.). This young lady is just 100% fire! This time round, the photos used are from her August 2019 photoset which was shot by the very talented @milkydame who is an SGH herself and is also a fucking smokeshow! Hope you all like it :-D
Long awaited @evoke fanart! The set these photos are taken from,, was actually released nearly 6 years ago and was shot by the fantastic I fell in love with the set and although she is fully clothed in this piece, she gets naked and oiled and, my God *bites knuckles*. I think another piece might be in order, showing some of the more NSFW shots in this amazing photoset. Sorry it took so long to make artwork of you, beautiful lady, it will not happen again, I promise. Hope you all like it!
@fern fanart! Her set just got made SOTD and I knew I had saved her galleries for a reason. Now today is that reason. She's such a fucking babe! Photos used are from the aforementioned SOTD: which was shot by the very talented @caustix. Hope you all like it :-D
Another Beautiful one!!! @leighgabriel