Just went on Vat-kay to Salem Mass and Maine it was great.

NOt alot to say i am back on the air in radio 92.1 WSEN to be exact

still trying to make a baby, not as easy as you would think

I am going back to School to become a LPN im pretty exicited.
LLOOOONNGG time no post...just wanted to say all is fine, not alot going on BUT we are going to try to start having a BABY...yea..little scared but super exicited as well.
Hi there...I know we dont know eachother, but I read your post in the matrimony group and came to check out your profile and read your journals...I see you sont update very much, but I hope things are going ok for you, and if you want to talk you can drop me a line.
Well i have to admit i do hate myself at this moment, bad, and this isnt a whoa is me thing either, basically because of my laziness and my lack of motivation and my stupidity i have pretty much fucked my marraige, i love this woman more then anything but it has become paintfully clear that being with me is hurting her more then anyting....
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I just thought I'd drop by and say hello. I hope you are doing well.

-Billie Mae wink
I just don't know what to do or say anymore, last time this happened I thought I would have fixed it by now. When I say things I mean them, and I mean that im going to do them. I know that the job I have now will pay off, it may take longer then I or her wants but I know it will pay...
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Your situation sucks. What does she want you to fix? Whatever it is, you shouldn't have to leave your house until you do. What's the point in having a house if the relationship inside sucks? Like you're always upset over getting yelled at? Doesn't sound like much of a home to me. Just don't take the yelling. Lock yourself in a room with headphones or go somewhere for a while. If she's yelling at you, I'd say you're not the biggest problem. All I know is what I read in your blog, and I don't think that's enough to give you good advice. I wish I could. If your job will pay off in time and you know things will get better after, then you have something to look forward to. This is just a rough spot.

Everything I said probably sucks, but I'm trying here. smile
i got my PUG!! i've always wanted one and i got her now, she is Dixie we got her from a Pug Rescue group, other then that not alot going on leave me some comments and ill return
Im excited to go see spider man 3 today, i know im a nerd, and my B-day is tomorrow (may 5th) i just hope it all goes smoothly we are having a BBQ and sometimes i feel like my wife almost wants things to go wrong just so she can yell, and get pissed and be able to say "see I DID ALL THIS AND...
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spider man 3, yay. i'm kinda excited even though i don't LOVE the movies...theres just something about them that makes them good. anyways, Happy Birthday!! I hope all goes well for you, and that you have a wonderful day! smile
your welcome! how was your birthday?? did you get some good weather..and good eatin!!??
NY is not the most excitiing place to live, thats for sure. I want to moooove. really bad. but i have to be patient. so in the meantime, every once in a while i'll go out to a bar/club and catch a show, take a walk in the park (the short 2 months of beautifully warm weather that we get!), or go to the beach-thats about the sum of NY! ha oh yes, and the ever so popular NY State Fair (EVERYONE in NY knows about that!)
what keeps you busy in..Cato??..thats not very far from me smile
Long time no talk, im still alive sorry i havent been in the chat room in forever, working alot and making ends meet as they say.. miss you all take care
ends meeting is a good thing, lol.
Ok so i seem to have a fantasy/sexual feeling latley that i cant find any info on, or a web site or anything...here it is PLEASE leave feedback...ok i think about my wife maybe we are at a party, or out somewhere and its obvious other guys are looking at her. I may make a comment along the lines of "that guy is checking out...
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I say tell your wife. Talk to her about it...She may be into it too and you just don't know it. wink I don't think it is strange at all. Sometimes I it's nice to know that others want or like what you have and they can look but only you can touch. wink I don't know of any websites or anything sorry.
This is a PART 2 from my last blog PLEASE go back and read that one before this and give advice.

Things I have to do to Better Myself for us.

Study for the postal exam more.
Get a better job (or second job)
Be more open and honest with my wife and not hide anything
Stop being so lazy, have some ambition and want...
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Thanks! and good luck with all the above.
THank you. smile
Its been a rough few weeks, i feel like everytime my wife and I are OK something happens that makes us not OK, and the part that tears me up the most inside is the fact that, it seems to be a combo of my fault and her unwillingness to be supportive, and what REALLY hurts me is no matter how mush i love her...
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does sound like rough times. I know I have been there before. It you need anyone to chat with about it feel free to email me here or if your on messengers lemme know.


WOw you two haven't been married long to have such troubles frown
this snow is getting overwhelming, north of me they have declared a "state of emergency" it's nuts, so i have a day off today and i was made to feel bad about that, but no biggie, sometimes i get so bored here my head hurts, i live upstairs of a funeral home and its dead (pun intended) blackeyed
It's been a rough few days for the wife and I, we have gotten to the point where i left and she took off her rings, all this becuase i dont have a huge paying job even though i continue to look for it, now i know i have to get a good job to support us i want to so im not innocent in...
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whoah!! sounds bad..money has broken up a few people I know. Hope you two are working on it.... smile