Hi everyone!
So I'm two days into finals and, of course, the main thing I'm focusing on it my Bay to Breakers costume. For those of you who don't know, Bay to Breakers is one of the most awesome things about San Francisco. It is an annual race that, over the years, has become half-serious runners/ half-absurd costume and nudity early morning drinking massive street...
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So I'm two days into finals and, of course, the main thing I'm focusing on it my Bay to Breakers costume. For those of you who don't know, Bay to Breakers is one of the most awesome things about San Francisco. It is an annual race that, over the years, has become half-serious runners/ half-absurd costume and nudity early morning drinking massive street...
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Took me a second to fully get the "legal/illegal" image; at first glance it looked as if legal was represented by the tents of the homeless. People who have LL Bean tents however, generally also have homes- often plural. A couple of generations back, Black Friday would have sent shoppers into the cities to go and drain their bank accounts; and had the Occupy Movement (has that been trademarked yet?) been around in those days, possibly put the two styles of tent city right next door to one another. Conversations could have ensued, thoughts and ideas exchanged. In this day n' age, do people even shop downtown -or for that matter, in shops?
It's ironic that Black Friday's origins, if traced back far enough, lie in the "holiday spirit" -which needn't necessitate anything store-bought as long as the intention behind the gift is sincere. A holiday to commemorate the birth of a man who, as the story goes, tore through the centers of capitalism of his day.
More criticism of Wal-Mart can never hurt though!
It's ironic that Black Friday's origins, if traced back far enough, lie in the "holiday spirit" -which needn't necessitate anything store-bought as long as the intention behind the gift is sincere. A holiday to commemorate the birth of a man who, as the story goes, tore through the centers of capitalism of his day.
More criticism of Wal-Mart can never hurt though!
and don't forget to post lotsa pics
PS, The mermaid costume sounds super cool, I can't wait to see the pics! Hook... what a sweet choice!!