Personal money stuff that I doubt any of you will find very interesting....it's basically me just thinking outloud

I've come to the realization that I'm fucking broke.
I got my paycheck today. $130. (I get paid bi-weekly.) Not only that, but my paycheck is already spent (not physically spent, but all that money has certain places to go.) I have $2.14 in my checking...
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HAHAHAHA, man - we're the same person.

Except I spend more $$ on pot than you do.

Well, I got my I.O.U. down to $244 today. I'm getting there....
So tonight I have the house to myself, which is very nice. I decide to take a bath and since I'm the only human around, I leave the bathroom door open. The cats are all pretty curious and most come in to cautiously check it out. John, however, decides he needs to investigate further and hops up onto the edge of the bathtub. I warn...
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Have you died of cat scratch fever? blackeyed Did you and John fall in the deep end again?
Yeah, I've kind of been dead here recently. I'll get around to posting a new entry one of these days...
So I had my MATC placement test today. My mom drops me off at MATC and gives me her cell phone so I can call her if I'm done early, I go to the information center and ask where the room is, and they tell me I should be at the building on Commercial Avenue. Great, just great. So I call my home a billion...
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Math+Girlie= surreal
I made an A in college algebra. My secret!!?? I was dating a CPA at the time. And no I didn't date him for his math skills I am not that shallow ... he had a big ummm yeah a big boat and a vette as well. biggrin I do keep intellegence high on my list 'must haves' to this day.

Hi, My name is Janet. I live in KY. I am single. surreal I am a recovering redneck dater.
Cool and if you decided you need to cover the edges or at least the lower edge a good product to use is a Dr Scholls product. They are rectangles of that soft lining for calluses and such. You can use them to cover any edges you think you may need to cover. Very soft on any kitties boobies crossing over.

Thanks for the pictures. kiss I may need to buy one or two of those for my fickle Czar. Or maybe it will just give Nox a few more spots to use just to piss him off. lol

My Goddess of Night rules.

Even in the litter box department. biggrin
i did that for one of my cats back in NY, he was too big for regular litter boxes, so i got him a huge storage bing thing. but it didnt have that cool sticker...
I'm trying to think of some cool names I could name the corn snakes (if I get them).

For the white one, I was thinking Moonshine, just because I've always thought it'd be cool to have a white animal named Moonshine. I was thinking of Bathory for the red one (like Elizabeth Bathory, the woman who killed 600 girls so she could bathe in their...
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Hey Kiki - do you have any info on Wysong?
Wysong is a pretty good food, although some of the dry seems to have more grains/fillers than needed. It's all human grade stuff though. The all-meat canned food is awesome, but it can't be fed as a complete diet. What I like more about Wysong than their food is the information that the company puts out - particularly Dr. Wysong's book The Truth About Pet Foods. They've also got some information at http://wysong.net. I think my favorites are the Wysong company not recommending that you feed carnivores like they're vegetarians and what the Wysong company says about raw diets (in short, that they're good....you won't hear that from many pet food companies, especially pet food companies who don't make their own raw diet).
I'm going to go insane.

So first I'm browsing some reptile websites and looking at unbelievably gorgeous pictures of snakes - piebald ball pythons, white ball pythons, etc., some of which are going for $38,000. Then I come across this Southwest Wisconsin reptile website that's also selling various snakes, so I take a gander at some of the corn snakes. What do I see? What...
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I like the red one.
Thanks for the kitty links! They help reduce the number of people who think I'm full of shit. surreal

Guess what I just did!

I'll give you a clue...it involves getting my lip pierced.

Contrary to what Mark told me (I shouldn't have listened to him anyway), I cannot put a retainer in until after it's healed, which takes 2-3 months. So Smoky Jon's will just have to put up with my lip ring until then. I mean, the health inspector came in...
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hey there!

yeah, i never understood why piercings were somehow unsanitary. it's not like they're oozing pus or something. on the contrary, you clean your mouth MORE OFTEN when you have a piercing. it's just cause the people are fascists, ya know.
So apparently scheduling for 3rd quarter is tomorrow morning.

I'm going to take chemistry 5th hour, and genetics 6th hour. 4th hour there's a class called 'The Vampire in Fiction and Film' and that seems really cool, but I think I'll end up taking 'Surviving after High School' which is all about renting, budgeting, etc. And Denise is teaching the vampire class, so I know...
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I'm still going to call you Kiki.

Yeah, I figured people would. I'd just have my name legally be something really weird.
I ended up working at the pet store (a.k.a. the job I quit in August) last night because the person who was supposed to work had pulled a muscle in her leg. The free pet food sample shelf, something I always worked on and kept up, has gone to shit. The good thing about the declawing brochures is that there are still some there although...
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All you need is this.

And no, I don't stalk you, I stalk Wolfwood....