So Saturday was the best enjoyment I ever had after work. My buddy Keith and I decided we were going to go get a couple beers, have a couple smokes, and talk about what struck us. I am the type of person that would rather hang out with one person when drinking, rather than drinking with two or more others.

Something more personal to me,...
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I would love if you could make me a mixed CD!

Thanks for the birthday wishes smile
hahahaha, she's good at sharing the good news! smile
So... To be brutally honest, Lorelei has the award of the day. She totally made my day by giving me the thought of hosting her band at my place. As soon as I told my guys, we initiated a plan. We have this all set up. The Golden Hedgehog comes to life, should this event go down. When that time comes, I hope to see...
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of course!
hehe! thanks krallman- something to look forward to for next spring to be sure. thanks for getting your info to me. is the golden hedgehog the name of the barn? ? i love it!
Hmm... So, Navy beat Notre Dame by two points. It was busy as usual tonight at work. I've lost 1 percent of body fat so far. I found out that I am going to be getting a fat school refund check this spring. Found out that a girl I liked has genital warts. Found out another girl's father will not let me date his daughter...
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BTW thanks hahah! I appriciate the bday wishes! How is your week going hun?
well that sounds like it could be a lot of fun! the atmosphere sounds perfect too. if you could please message me your email address, then i can put you on my contact list .. wont actually start planning this thing for awhile, just in the preliminary stages smile
I don't know what to write. For once, I have a brain block. shocked Up for talking to anyone, I guess.biggrinblush
I get brain block all the damn time. It sucks
This week somewhat feels like this:

The title is Loss of Me, from Final Fantasy IX. I don't know what it is about this week, but that song seems to fit perfect. And this one will fit the week as well.

Kind of sad, huh? I guess this is a down week for me. frown
It's the time change. it makes people sad for some reason
Friday night, I went to the party. I left the white mask home, and went as a run-o-the-mill Irish mobster. I even made a final purchase and got a cigar. Little sidetrack here: I looked up at the SG girl in the corner of the screen and cringed a little. Back to the story: I went to the party, and I had some major fun....
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I have been baking like mad these days, just thought you would like to know. I actually just finished a batch of shortbread cookies. hope youd halloween was awesome! mine was
Okay... So I have the outfit set and ready to go.

1)My navy blue pinstripe three piece suit.
2)Periwinkle long sleeve shirt.
3)Yellow and Black diagonal slant tie.
4)Grey Paperboy cap
5)And how could I forget the white, emotionless mask?

Now, Friday, when I get paid, I am thinking about going to get a wood baseball bat, and maybe painting...
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Thank you love
I am satisfied with four things today:

1)I asked Cait to the Halloween party on the 30th. She said she would love to, however her dad's 50th birthday is the same day. It may have been a yes/no answer, but It is just the fact that I went and asked her made me feel good!

2)The workout I had tonight at the gym...
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That reminds me that I need to go to the gym.
Not gonna lie, but I am digging the new pics for the SGs. Keep 'em coming, gals!

I have been feeling like this all day. Just the song, not feeling like David Bowie.

Some reason, I can relate to it today. Beats me why.
thanks for the high hopes, but i highly doubt it.

In fact, when the 90 day period is up im deleting it.
its never bad to have high hopes, its just very unlikely. it was put up on a thrusday (one of the worst viewing days) and its been up for over two months and only has 260 comments. its a lost cause.

not surprised really. i was stupid to think that ppl would appreciate it
So... I should be working on a paper that is due Friday... But I say nay. I have had worse, and I have got it done in no time. I bought a gym membership today! I plan to stick to it. I know I know, famous last words there. But, in order for me to fit into my costume for a party on the 30th,...
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