If you ever get a chance to check out SyFy's version of Alice, the only thing I have to say is you will never look at Disney's Alice in Wonderland the same way. It is that amazing.
Crazy... when does it come on again?!
This day could not go any worse.
First to start the day, my family goes on the offensive against me more and more during lunch.
Second, work has to be the damn busiest Wednesday I have ever worked.
Third, my fucking computer has to wipe its memory clean after restarting it, meaning everything that wasn't already onto the hard drive is gone. Music, pics, files,...
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the link for my wishlist is on my blog sweetie.. did your birthday just pass, or upcomming?
Never again am I touching the hot sauce at work. I was bored, see, and there was a bottle of it behind the line, on the grill station. It was that dead tonight. I took a two ounce cup, filled it with Hacienda's Ouch-y-wawa Habanero pepper sauce, and downed the shot. I was fine, and then the hiccups started. I suppressed them no problem, and...
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I'd never be able to take a shot of hot sauce. Yuck.
365 Blog #3: A Day At Work (And a Cat!)
So, today, for the 365 Blog, I decided to take some randoms at work. Nothing too special, right? Well, you be the judge. The first pic was me standing at my station, and I turned left in my spot and snapped a picture. Here, you can see: A burrito on the rack, a Torta Cubano...
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that IS a cute cat! thanks for the bday wishes smile
Ok that cat photo is adorable, you are correct.
thanks for love and support!!!!kisskisskiss
So, Radeo inspired me on her last blog to do a 365 picture thing, where she got her inspiration from someone else. I think I would enjoy that. Sure, most of my pictures would be coming from my phone, as I don't have a digital camera yet, or a professional camera like Augenblicke or AlissaBrunelli has, but eventually one day I will have one. Anyhow,...
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So... I have been losing weight like crazy. Here to date: A month ago, I started at 245 lbs. As soon as I started to lose weight, I cut down to 235 lbs., and that was a week in. Eventually, I hit a plateau. I was losing body fat, not losing weight, but gaining muscle. So, I started stepping up the workouts, on top of...
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Im happy for you... ignore the pumpkin pie and keep up the good work!!
I consider it a bonus when you look in the back of your pantry and find an opened bottle of Polish vodka from ten+ years ago, and that was when Thanksgiving cooking was in full effect. Needless to say, I finished the bottle later, playing my mom in Mario Party 8 on the Wii. It was a good time all around. The only sad thing...
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So... I need to think about my 22nd birthday coming up. It is a month away, and I was thinking about getting a tattoo, but then again, I am not sure. Meh, I shouldn't worry about it. When it comes, it comes. I still owe my friend a beer, and then maybe I can get one step up on him and buy him another! haha....
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They're shooting next weekend. I'm not sure when it's airing. But, it should be soon after that.

It'll air on Attack of the Show.
Thank you for the encouragement blush. You could always get a small tattoo/start of a larger one smile