Negro League Baseball
History and key players in baseball's gonebut not forgottenleague
by Michael Morrison
The Negro Leagues Commemorative Year Have you ever heard of Oscar Charleston? He's recognized by some as one of the most talented baseball players of all time. His career has been compared to both Ty Cobb's and Babe Ruth's. In 1921, he batted .430 and led the league in doubles,... Read More
You're the only one I figured no one really reads to remember ??? I guess???? But yeah...thanks for proving that I still have at least one sg friend from last summer I tend to cleanse and purge my friendslist too often. You're a lifetime member though
Some of you may, or may not know, that i was planning on not renewing my account here, at the end of feb. Well you can either thank Niobe, or curse her, depending on how you feel about me. She talked me into staying. So you'll have to put up with my bandwidth robbingself, for another year.
I did. I had the whole livinging room done differently. Then I sat back and looked at it. Didn't like it so I ended up putting it all back how it was. I did move the couch closer to the TV and I moved the popasan chair to behind the couch instead of next to it. So some things are different, but not much. And hey I only once during the whole thing.
Thanks for all the birthday wishes.
Thanks to Niobe for all the Birthday presents & the thread.
I had a good time on my Birthday, but i paid for it yesterday