Me: I’m so thirsty.

Life: Here you go stupid.


But I am finally starting to see the light

Hope you all are doing well.

Question: Have you all ever noticed that when you dislike someone everything they do seems to be amplified? When they talk, voice get louder. If they eat, everything they eat seems to be extra crunchy. If they laugh, it’s the loudest thing in the world. Or am I just insane?

*but it occurs more often
You are not alone on that one. There are a couple folks I have to deal with on a daily basis that make me feel that way. 

Is pretty damn confusing. Does green mean I liked it? Is it pink? Why do sotd’s sometimes show up different colors (green or pink). Man i’m getting old......👴🏼 And get off my god damn lawn while i’m at it!

They are Pink until you "like" them then Green. Handy so that ya can tell if you've already Voted for it. I put a ❤ in the Comments whenever I give a Set another look after Voting for it. Seems to be a way to prevent "Vote Early & VOTE OFTEN". Good luck.
I hadn't even noticed that they changed that. It's hard enough for me to navigate the site a this. Le sigh to the max.

It looks like SSRI's in my near future. I really do hope they help out. Wish me luck

best of luck!

This sucks. Rest In Peace or see you soon.


It's been a pretty rough year for me (mentally). Been feeling like Artax in the swamp of sadness. I know I'll eventually pull myself out, but it has taken a huge toll on me. I wish I could find the motivation to get back to the gym. I always felt better after a good workout. I wish someone would just swoop into my life and...
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If I had a nickel every time I had those wishes... chin up man, you never truly know the ripples of your life and the wounds you heal on your  journey and the people that hold you close to their heart. That's what I try to remind myself every time I feel down. 
@wrencher thanks for the words of encouragement man. They are truly appreciated.


I just realized that I have been a member of this site since 2005. 12 freaking years (off and on)

me too!!! on and off since 2004 i think
I'm back, and I remember you! The way the site functions now seems to make it nearly impossible to socialize. What's up with that? Definitely cause it to feel sort of pointless.

My doctor has referred me to a psychiatrist. He believes that I may be battling depression or be bipolar. Not sure I agree but nevertheless I will go talk to him. Although I know my mind doesn't function like most typical ones it's never been anything I couldn't control (for the most part). I know this is cliche but my mind runs like an out...
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I remember back when I could click a section and see new updates of everyone of my friends/people I follow. Now it feels like I have to hunt everyone down to see if anyone has posted anything. I am sure there is probably an easier way but, for the life of me I can't figure it out.

I have another check up pretty soon. I...
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So I scroll through posts from people I follow every time I log in.   If I click the home button it takes you to a feed of everyone you follow.  You can sort it by blogs/pics/videos or by members/hopefuls/sgs.