Jazz hands. Are they ever really acceptable in the work place? Today I found out that they are, but you'll be forever known as 'that weird girl with the purple hair who does jazz hands'. It seemed appropriate at the time. I've now learnt that my sense of humour clearly outranks theirs. Ah well, c'est la vie!
My arm has healed up a treat -...
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My arm has healed up a treat -...
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Those lines are awwweeesssome! 

Love the Raven! 

So it turns out that having your elbow tattooed is kinda nice. Really not painful at all. Inner arm just by my armpit was a whole different kettle of fish. I was not happy at all. :|
Still, I have the start of a gorgeous sleeve now, so I'm all happy...and a bit bruised. Photos to follow when I'm less gunky!
Still, I have the start of a gorgeous sleeve now, so I'm all happy...and a bit bruised. Photos to follow when I'm less gunky!
yepper the elbow is an odd but not so painful for me too- the inner arm though, eeeeeuuuch! so painful

Colour update: Was puple, now more of a bluey/yellow. Mmmm....attractive. 

The latest Download line up announcement was made tonight.
GWAR are playing.
That's my summer sorted!!!
GWAR are playing.
That's my summer sorted!!!

Well, today was shit. Just shitty shit shit.
New years resolution #1 is off to a cracking start.
New years resolution #1 is off to a cracking start.
Sleep on it! It'll be fine 

Sleeping helped. Today is marginally better. Just wish I could get healty again...
I am truly useless at updating this. I feel I have things to share with the world, but nothing that is particularly life changing. Or interesting for that matter. *shrug* But still, I shall do my best to update this little box on a regular basis (I'm not commiting to any particular time frame here - just 'regularly' will suffice for now).
Rules for 2011:...
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Rules for 2011:...
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No matter how small, it was still a victory. Like my lasagne. A moment to savour.
And also a pasta dish to savour.
Well hello 2011. Let's hope you're more fun than your cousin, 2010.
My new years wasnt so brilliant. I think I saw in 2011 by vomiting on a plastic plant in a bar. I started out with having 2 vodkas at my friends flat. We went into town, got to a bar and I had a shot of jager. We danced for a while and...
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My new years wasnt so brilliant. I think I saw in 2011 by vomiting on a plastic plant in a bar. I started out with having 2 vodkas at my friends flat. We went into town, got to a bar and I had a shot of jager. We danced for a while and...
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I caught a dude trying to spike a drink at the gig I was performing at on NYE. Instead of calling the police the bouncers fucked him up good. Can't help thinking that was the better choice for him, twat.
Glad you're ok though.
Glad you're ok though.
That would have been a much more suited form of punishment. If I ever find out who did it, I have a pair of 7" heels that have his head written all over them. Douche bag. But yes, i'm all fine and dandy now thank you.
I comforted myself with cheesecake and all became right with the world again. x

Right. Christmas shopping. Today, I'm going to make you my bitch.
How did that work out for you?
Erm, not so well.
It chucked it down with freezing rain, there were protests outside Topshop and people started glueing themselves to the windows, and it was generally very busy.
I gave up, retreated to my warm house, and shopped online instead.

I gave up, retreated to my warm house, and shopped online instead.

I GOT A JOB!!!!!!!
I'm so happy!!!
It's only for the local water company and although im technically only on a temporary contract, it's still a job for at least 9 months!
Such a weight off my mind as it now means I'll have some money in time for christmas. People will get presents after all! Hooray!!

It's only for the local water company and although im technically only on a temporary contract, it's still a job for at least 9 months!
Such a weight off my mind as it now means I'll have some money in time for christmas. People will get presents after all! Hooray!!

Irregular Choice gave away free sample shoes in town today and I missed it.
Sad times.
I've decided that tomorrow is going to be a good day!! I'm gonna head into town, get me some cheapy interview clothes (cannot turn up in jeans or a batman dress!) and I'm just going to have a 'me' day in the fresh air. This great idea may be...
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I've decided that tomorrow is going to be a good day!! I'm gonna head into town, get me some cheapy interview clothes (cannot turn up in jeans or a batman dress!) and I'm just going to have a 'me' day in the fresh air. This great idea may be...
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I've been reflecting on life for the past few days and I have come to a firm conclusion: 2010 sucks.
It all started so well! I was moving in with my boyfriend, we had a gorgeous (and huge) flat on the beach, work was great, all my friends were happy and things were just fun! Yet, fast forward to November and it's now the polar...
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It all started so well! I was moving in with my boyfriend, we had a gorgeous (and huge) flat on the beach, work was great, all my friends were happy and things were just fun! Yet, fast forward to November and it's now the polar...
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i hope every thing works out, your due some good luck
I feel like someones science experiment right now.
So far, in the past few weeks I've had mammograms, biopsies, scans and smear tests. I've been poked and prodded (in places where no one should be poked and prodded by strangers with cold hands) and I've given 8 little vials of blood. 8! No one needs that much of my blood.
Now I just have to...
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So far, in the past few weeks I've had mammograms, biopsies, scans and smear tests. I've been poked and prodded (in places where no one should be poked and prodded by strangers with cold hands) and I've given 8 little vials of blood. 8! No one needs that much of my blood.
Now I just have to...
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You have a great writing style and sense of humor.