I'm off to Florida come Wednesday. It's going to be fantastic. I haven't been near the ocean in 3 years, but I can still remember the way the air smelled. Wonderful.. I can't wait. I hope I run into some brilliant strangers there.
So, I wrote this little doo-ditty while checking out Evette's latest set. Oh, what she does to me.. or what she could do to me if she only knew.
Now I can start a new..
with images of my muse reassigned..
if she knew she spoke with her eyes..
might she sleep with both eyes open...
no, im not obessessed! BAH! just completely and intensely...
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I'm not obsessed either. ;-)
So off to another weekend of blissful ignorance. It's sad how I find the only thing closest to the feeling of happiness in artificial substance. It's not like I want it to be this way, but it feels like over the years, I've lost my ability to enjoy life. I still see the beauty for the tree and the feel the grace set in the...
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beautiful....& thanks!!
When they talked of love and being in love.. they never said anything about this. About how impenatrable the infatuation is.. how strong you thought you were but look at you now. Love made me weak.. and vulnerable and blind. I don't know if I ever want to feel this.. "love" again.
Hate thinking about ex's..
but God... she was soooooo inspiring.. music bled from...
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Hate thinking about ex's..
but God... she was soooooo inspiring.. music bled from...
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i need light.. in this life.
Wow. I just realized that I commented on my own blog. Go me.. .. rah. Great.. now I'm my own cheerleader too. Great start... ..
I totally get what you're saying. And you're probably right. For me though, I guess i'm not as kind as you... I don't feel like there is an excuse for cruelty no matter what you've been through. I guess i'm tough...

I loooooooooovvvvveeeeee tha ladies.. 

SG has changed a lot since 3 years ago.. i still haven't really figured this new stuff out.. killing.

what's this button do??