Its a rainy day here and I am cleaning the house and reading Denis Diderot's "the Nun." Yee-haw. And presently, I am also sitting here listening to Idjiit swear at the Mac website.
I'm so sad I have to miss 1) my Aussie cattle dogs perform a sheep herding trial and 2) the Carolina rollergirls bout against the Minnesota team. Its sure to the best bout they've ever had! Why am I missing all this fun?
Because I have to read three articles and answer 12 questions on readings for my Women in the European Enlightenment class.
Seriously, if you haven't checked out Korben's set yet, DO IT NOW!!! It's like the hottest set ever! (Yes, I may be biased...) but I guarantee you that you haven't seen legs and ass like that before EVAR! She's a lifeguard, and she's got the bod to prove it!
As if I haven't already given you enough reason to , I'll share some gushy news with you!
Today is the 5th year anniversary of Idjiit and I meeting!!!! We met here, and we've been inseperable ever since!!! I love that man, and I am soooooo lucky to have met him and to have such an... Read More
Okay... it's actually for a girl, that isn't in town... and I like her... a fair bit... but things are going to go slow for a while... neither of us want to rush in with emotions... so... it can't use the default thiings... and generally has to avoid the "L" word... etc.
As for me, that day... probably get high... VERY high.... haven't been high in quite a while.
Yay! I feel much better. And I'm back in school which has put me in a good mood. Weird, huh?! Well, maybe it was the visit from Stiles and his good friend that out me in a good mood! They were (are always) wonderful guests and good company to hang with.
glad you're better. We're gonna do our best to be there. C gets off work around 5. So, we probably wouldn't leave 'til about 7 or so to get there around 8ish.
Ugg, day 4 of being sick with a cold! What a way to ring in the new year. Well, it's all gotta look up from here, right!? AT least I don't have some yucky, potentially deadly flu or something!
Happy 2006 all y'alls! I got some of the best midnight new years kissing I've ever had last night from Idjiit. Woo-wee, I was all weak in the knees! What a great way to start a year!
Oh my god, I am still full. Idjiit's parents and their friends are all practically gourmet chefs who specialize in the succulent and spectacular. LOADS of delicious food and divine desserts. Xmas and gifts received were all wonderful, and hanging with his family is always a treat and a blessing, but the food is what you really remember and talk about for weeks afterwards.
I actually lost a lot of weight recently but I absolutely PIGGED OUT, today. You know when you get so full that you feel sick and then you eat just that little bit more and regret it all day? Yeah.... I did that.
I've thought about getting a poster that reads 'It'll just go on being unrequited if you never fess up to it.' for my door. I'm not really sure what message that would send, though.
( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(X) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
(X) I've Never Been To Japan
( ) I've Never Been In A Taxi
( ) I've Never Been In Love
(X) I've Never... Read More
I miss her too!
How about... flying burrito, Fosters, or take out Chinese at my place!
You choose!!