And so as SATC came to an end last night, may I reflect on some of my favourite quotes.

Carrie: Later that day I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far...
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Hee, hah!

I was somewhat let down... "I mean Carrie, why can't you stay the way you are?!?!"

My sis and I attempted to analise what had just occured, too stoned to remember the good bitz... oh well! whatever

Samantha's stoic sensualism reigns surpreme!
aww, i got nuthin.. smile
Hey kiss
I woke up this morning on the couch.

I had a cherry stuck in my belly button, a big blonde streak through the front of my hair and I have no idea where my bra is.

What in the hell did I do last night?

Christ, I am off to the shops to buy hair dye.
Glad u liked my pics, sorry it took me a while to get back to you.

Hmm such a fear and loathing moment, waking up all messed up with strange appendages and no idea how you came to be in such a state.
Have a great one chica.
ahh you gotta love those times where you have no idea what has happened,one day youll look back on it and think yeah that rocked.
I really wish I was celebrating Halloween right now.

guess he thought noone would believe him if he said that! tongue tongue
hello smile where abouts in oz do you live? miao!!
I painted the town red last night for the first time in years.

Previous nights out involved a cocktail of drugs and alcohol....and I have avoided going out for so long in fear of slipping up into old habits. Last night was fuelled by alcohol, a colourful mix of delicious cocktails and wine, finishing with Caronas at the Newport jumping around to Felix and 'Welcome...
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It is really hard to find something suitable to wear to a formal wedding that wont make me feel uncomfortable, hot or irritable. The fact that black is not acceptable for a spring affair gets on my tits somewhat.

I decided to purchase a dark purple dress with black rose embroidery.

I hate weddings, esp a religious one that does not allow for alcohol. Damn,...
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Damn double posts! ooo aaa

[Edited on Oct 26, 2004 2:54AM]
I take it that means that you haven't done your tax yet?!! I'm sooo glad I finally did mine. I now realise that it'd actually been getting me down for the last few weeks. Not hugely, though, just bugging me, know wot I mean?

I'll be down a dirty, great hole in the ground again end of next month so won't be able to have a few drinks with ya to help getcha through the reception, sadly. Nuvva time, maybe?

I quite like Woosty sauce but just can't get past ketchup! Cheese, tomato, fried green capsicums and onions was my recipe tonight with a glass of Cab Sauv to wash it down (followed by a second... and a few more... wink ) Yerm!
My man caught me with Venla's set up today blush

And the crazy thing was he thought it was a pic of me! He went off he tree a little until I pointed out I dont have the great body and I dont pose in publce tongue

Boy, did he feel like an arse!
Hmm, lucky you, I aint sure my other would be very appreciative if she caught me doing the same ahh well.
Asses feel great.
hehe, thats cute. my gf was considering doing a shoot at one stage.. but she's lost interest. she just gets jealous instead...
how you been?
*yawn* A quiet Friday night at home with a purring cat snuggled on my lap.

Looking forward to a long weekend, a glass of red and a soak in the tub.

I got my hands on "The last Vampire" by Whitley Striebler who wrote "The Hunger" and "Transformation". Plan to lay out on the back lawn tomorrow and read on a lazy Saturday smile
One glass of red to last the whole weekend? If you're broke, I'm sure we can organise a whip-around and get you a bottle or two!

ooo aaa
Hello smile

I would've bought my nephew a showbag as well, but he's only 1! (He loves the loader and truck that I bought him for his birthday on Friday, though! biggrin )

How'd yer weekend go? Get much reading done? Did ya have yer glass of red?!! Hope it was all good.

Rob x

P.S. I am sweet! How'd you know? wink

ooo aaa ooo aaa
Feeling a little low today as my kitty Molochai is staying overnight at the vets. He got into a brawl and has a nasty infected cut under his front leg which will be removed, irrigated and stiched tomorrow.

The poor little boy is also losing his 'package' miao!!

Fingers crossed he comes home tomorrow safe and sound.
Yeah, it's pretty much crap. I like the idea he has for trying to help kids find some kind of career, but someone that can actually cook should be around to show them how to do things right

I will say, actually, that the bread, which I believe they bake on site, was good. But the rest of the food was poo. I barely remember it, other than it was some kind of pasta in a red cream sauce, but the sauce wasn't very flavorful and the pasta was cooked to death.
I know .... I didn't realize it was that big of a secret as to when to yank it out of the water, but apparently it is wink
Gearing up for the final this Saturday as an excuse to put on the footy shorts, long socks, a guernsey and down a shit load of piss.
I am a little pissed that I had to lend the man money so he can have a few bills during the game. He promised me a dozen Crownies. Who am I to complain? whatever
I cant believe Chris...
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hehe hi ! yeah its a nice guitar..
the boy who bought it is a really good guitarist/singer/songwriter... we have a band but no drummer or gigs yet frown i play bass...
being from here i'm not the biggest AFL fan, the league finals are coming up too, i usually watch all of it tho this time every year anyway... i do like the bit about crownies and a shitloadapiss wink
and you in the gernsey would be pretty cute too, the thought has me smiling smile

have a great day. hope they win smile

Apparently cosmetic foot surgery is now one of the up and coming trends.

Yeah sure, everyone wants perfect toe cleverage! surreal
I really like the older style Holdens also. The old style Monaros were very nice indeed.

My favourite Holden would have to be a Torana, the two door hatches, and the old Sandman. My dad used to own both and at one stage drove a very nice Statesman Deville circa 84 which I thought was luxury.

As for cute toes, yes they are important, but not going under the knife for smile
yeah, the statesmans were awesome... tongue ya rev head biggrin
i'm not into the newer models of any car really..
sorry i missed ur reply, i was checkin on my board... blush

Woke up this morning with no voice at all. Pfft. Just how I like to spend my weekend mad

Sometimes I wish certain people would curl up and die, or at least get the fuck out of my life. The type of people that make you hate yourself because you are not good enough for them to be your friend. Your not pretty enough for them...
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So true.

I guess its our ability to be invisable that makes us unique, and makes them less of a person.
hey sanguine!

do you have msn messenger?

I hope that Adam McPhee will be named to take on Geelong this Saturday night. It generally takes three weeks to fully recover from a hamstring injury and it will be exactly three weeks come Saturday. He wont be risked if he isnt close to being right but knowing how hard Adam has worked on his recovery, I have a sneaking suspicion he will be...
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