Hey guys and gals,
As it has been the rule these last few days, I am in a foul mood. However, I know that once I hit rock bottom on this "FML" mindframe, I know things will be better, like they say, what doesn't kill you, only make you stronger (or fat, I've never been so sure on that one)
Anyway, there is one thing...
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As it has been the rule these last few days, I am in a foul mood. However, I know that once I hit rock bottom on this "FML" mindframe, I know things will be better, like they say, what doesn't kill you, only make you stronger (or fat, I've never been so sure on that one)
Anyway, there is one thing...
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There are only so many ways you can say exactly the same thing without starting to feel you are going nuts.
Seriously, people in the advertisement business, how in the heck you do it?
oh well, one more and we are done.
Yeah, yeah, i know, I am not making any sense whatsoever here, but please (like, pretty please with sugar on top) gimme a...
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Seriously, people in the advertisement business, how in the heck you do it?
oh well, one more and we are done.
Yeah, yeah, i know, I am not making any sense whatsoever here, but please (like, pretty please with sugar on top) gimme a...
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siii pasear por aqui es lo mejor para despejarse un rato
ojala las cosas salgan mejor para ti
piensa positivo deja la mala onda a un lado, y llegaran cosas buenas a tu vida!
gracias por recordarme en tu blog!
ojala las cosas salgan mejor para ti
piensa positivo deja la mala onda a un lado, y llegaran cosas buenas a tu vida!
gracias por recordarme en tu blog!
Today I come to you with a question...
Is it worth it working in something you don't like, something that makes you feel empty and even used?
I honestly don't know, but this thing is driving me crazy. A good indication that is not quite right is the fact that I look forward to it with dread rather than joy. And the worst part is...
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Is it worth it working in something you don't like, something that makes you feel empty and even used?
I honestly don't know, but this thing is driving me crazy. A good indication that is not quite right is the fact that I look forward to it with dread rather than joy. And the worst part is...
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encontre trabajoooooooooooooo
el lunes comienzo
el lunes comienzo

i love you butthead 
i really hope to see you soon around this parts, and i promise not to make you bike everywhere when you come


i really hope to see you soon around this parts, and i promise not to make you bike everywhere when you come


So, my dad is back in Venezuela, coming up next, my mother.
She is gonna stay for a couple of months, ironically I don't have to worry that much about screwing up my routine cause since she will be here that much time is a given that we won't stop our lives to keep her company. Don't get me wrong, i will try to spend...
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She is gonna stay for a couple of months, ironically I don't have to worry that much about screwing up my routine cause since she will be here that much time is a given that we won't stop our lives to keep her company. Don't get me wrong, i will try to spend...
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enamorada no, pero que me atrajeran mucho s...Y es un poco lo peor xD
Eso s, tiene su puntito divertido...jajajajaja
Eso s, tiene su puntito divertido...jajajajaja
Why is it some people have the really hateful habit of understimating your work?
And I don't mean it in the usual "this ain't good enough" or "you can't do it" attitude. I mean it in the spiteful "what i do is more important than what you do" or "your priorities are meaningless next to mine". I'm a really peaceful person (Araid and Sper can...
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And I don't mean it in the usual "this ain't good enough" or "you can't do it" attitude. I mean it in the spiteful "what i do is more important than what you do" or "your priorities are meaningless next to mine". I'm a really peaceful person (Araid and Sper can...
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si justamente eso pasa, y es maravilloso
ajajaja sii deberias visitarlo!
I just got home from Lisbon.
I spent the better part of last week, five days. We stayed at a hotel near the site of the 1998 World Expo, an impressive place. Sadly, it was the only impressive place. Don't get me wrong, Lisbon has really nice sights, is a town fillwed with history and great people, but the word crisis becomes so tangible when...
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I spent the better part of last week, five days. We stayed at a hotel near the site of the 1998 World Expo, an impressive place. Sadly, it was the only impressive place. Don't get me wrong, Lisbon has really nice sights, is a town fillwed with history and great people, but the word crisis becomes so tangible when...
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Y enhorabuena por la victoria de hoy, siempre nos queda la vuelta! =)

Y enhorabuena por la victoria de hoy, siempre nos queda la vuelta! =)
te extra#o napo napo

a veces pienso q no tenemos suficientes fotos juntos, digo entre nuestros amigos, no crees!

a veces pienso q no tenemos suficientes fotos juntos, digo entre nuestros amigos, no crees!
I've been kinda...off.
Trying to keep myself busy, finding every other proyect i can get my hands on in order to feel useful, so far it's going great, I'll be doing art direction in a couple of 35mm short films and i've been working with a friend in a documentary, it looks promising, i really like where the film is going.
But I really need...
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Trying to keep myself busy, finding every other proyect i can get my hands on in order to feel useful, so far it's going great, I'll be doing art direction in a couple of 35mm short films and i've been working with a friend in a documentary, it looks promising, i really like where the film is going.
But I really need...
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muchas gracias... espero lo mismo
a alguien que valore la persona que soy
a alguien que valore la persona que soy
gracias! te mando mis mejores vibras para que consigas trabajo pronto

Back in 1912 the world was a different place.
World War I had not begun, the Republic of China was a brand new country, the same way that Arizona and New Mexico were new states, also, Turkey was still the Ottoman Empire and Hungary and Austria were still Austro-Hungary, not to mention Germany being the German Empire. The RMS Titanic left Southhampton and shortly sunk...
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World War I had not begun, the Republic of China was a brand new country, the same way that Arizona and New Mexico were new states, also, Turkey was still the Ottoman Empire and Hungary and Austria were still Austro-Hungary, not to mention Germany being the German Empire. The RMS Titanic left Southhampton and shortly sunk...
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hugs* my dearest Napo.
Great lines!
Great lines!

well im sure some woman somewhere might like it... but its doubtful
I'm drunk, I'm happy and I'm home.
Sometimes I wish life could be this simple, all the time.
Maybe, after all this political shitstorm has gone down, what we miss the most is this, this simple life, this happy simple kind of life.
Oh well
P.S>.Every generation has a great conflict, a great war...out generation's great war is with itself.
Sometimes I wish life could be this simple, all the time.
Maybe, after all this political shitstorm has gone down, what we miss the most is this, this simple life, this happy simple kind of life.
Oh well
P.S>.Every generation has a great conflict, a great war...out generation's great war is with itself.

con mi muevo set podre enviarte algo de verano
I feel my time here is almost done, there are few things that this city can offer me now.
I think it's time to come together again and take over the world...
I think it's time to come together again and take over the world...
wow, where is the next destination darling?
Letely i've been having too much free time, free time lead to thinking, thinking leads to freaking out and freaking out leads to not doing anything which leads to tons of free time and so on...
But, on those few moments of clear thinking (and when I'm not shooting stuff on the TV), I wonder, what now?
I like this town, it's a great city,...
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But, on those few moments of clear thinking (and when I'm not shooting stuff on the TV), I wonder, what now?
I like this town, it's a great city,...
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Muchas gracias cario, es mi segundo ao de universidad 

Descubrir a Muse me tom tiempo, esta semana estuve ms all que ac... Y pues ya me imagino, si desde aqu el sonido cala por los huesos! ^^
Descubrir a Muse me tom tiempo, esta semana estuve ms all que ac... Y pues ya me imagino, si desde aqu el sonido cala por los huesos! ^^
I just realized that it has been almost two months since i posted something here on SG.
Lucky for me it's cause I've been keeping myself busy until, well, now.
Lets see, what's new on these almost 60 days...
I continued working on school proyects, art department (seems like they want to keep me there). I did one as prop master, great short film, kinda...
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Lucky for me it's cause I've been keeping myself busy until, well, now.
Lets see, what's new on these almost 60 days...
I continued working on school proyects, art department (seems like they want to keep me there). I did one as prop master, great short film, kinda...
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How come I join the site just for you and I can't add notes? =( It makes me sad u.u
Yes, sir! You're right =P
never been a fan of tumblr, so, I don't know how it works... Culturizame

i hope things start looking up for you!
i'm hoping that my boat sails and no "fml" shows up, but its being badass so far.
i'm happy to see ur trailers and hope the people love it as well.
lots of hugs! *
Also, you know that I'm here for you if you need to talk about anything! =) Things will get better =)
Love you, my dear... And miss you like hell!!! <3 (K) (K)(K)