I must say i used to some what like the band My Chemical Romance until the day of December 6th 2005, I will be the 1st to start a boycot for everytime they decide to come back here. 1st of all the lead singer points me and my friend out during the end of there first song and said if he saw us pushing little...
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Well another day another concert
Thrice and MCR tomorrow nite me and my buddy are taking the bus up to S'Toon i hate taking the bus more then anything in the world but it should only be a couple of hours at most i hope. Well off to the store for smokes and drinks
ttyl l8r!

Ya man, i caught the sick mushroomhead photo on someone's page and then saw your favorite bands. "Where the Buffola Roam" huh. It's amazing how many people have never seen or heard of that flick. "Um, we're out of coc"

Korn at the palladium tonight, old school pits, mmmmmmmmmm...........

WOOOHOOO!!!! finally a day of soberity......man i was on a 6 day stint of drinking
my body could take anymore late night drinking, but damnit its my buddys last day off work tomorrow so i might go in and drink some brews in celebration.......which seems to be my reason for drinking all week.... but i am counting down the days till Deftones i hope that...
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Damn you and your name changing! *grumble* Oh man, I will cry so much if I can't go to Deftones
Do you know when tickets go one sale? (not for a while, I'm guessing...)

or makes me scared to drive
This message is for anyone who gives a flying fuck about the worlds undisputed greatest band of all times arrival to the shittest place in the world!!!!! THE DEFTONES APRIL.8TH (SASKATOON) MUTHA FUCKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i think my life here is done know
just jokes but seriously fuck this is the hugest news in the world!!!!!! spread the word and sell the show out!!!!!!!!!!!!

when do tickets go on sale? id love to see that.
so i hear... the only prob is theres no way they'll get any more than an hour on stage.. but for a meager drive to stoon it'll definately be fucking worth it
Well this weekend has been a blurry haze of to much drinking and to boot my best bud BJ got home from BC thank god it was getting normal to not be able to hang out
but hey in other news work is getting better after 2 years its starting to pay off
............... but i would like to suggest a really good DVD Killswitch...
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nice man, is BJ back for good? and you'll hafta sho me said dvd
Well well well i just heard the line up for this years Taste Of Chaos Tour I think I my have shat myself........Deftones, Thrice, Ateryu, Story Of The Year, As I Lay Dying, dredg.......i think my life will be complete after this......my hopes that they will tour up here again because the line up this year is way better than the last one thats for...
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I'd love to see deftones, atreyu and As I Lay Dying.
Avenged Sevenfold kicked ass last night!
Avenged Sevenfold kicked ass last night!
Damnit, have you found any tour dates/locations? I'm having no luck *pouts* Haha, I'm a nerd though and aside from the Deftones, have no idea who those other bands are 

Sweet potato Jesus!!!! I just got a phone call from my roomate and it seems he is gonna be locked up in jail til morning for some bullshit breaking and entering shit that was not even breaking and entering but thats a whole different story(they went to the dudes house to talk to him then turned ugly) but i gotta say HOLY FUCKING JESUS TITS!!!!!...
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WHAT!?! What the hell happened!?
That sucks so bad. Haha, did you get your wrestling game? I got my Fatal Frame III
Hehe, Jesus Tits...

Hehe, Jesus Tits...
work always sucks.
and avenged is gonna kick ass tonight.
and avenged is gonna kick ass tonight.
Welcome to my boring life.........I will make this short and sweet because i really need to shower before work but not much is new here I got to work tonight at 5 and its my favourite day wing wednesday *puts magnum to head and cocks it* well i guess it not to bad ah who am i kinding its prob gonna suck ass. Well back...
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Bah, the dreaded wing wednesdays. EVIL! One day I'm going to come in and order 30lbs of wings and wait for you to come out and murder me 

the zombie make-up kicked ass, but the funniest part was that they were standing outside the gay bar spitting fake blood on each other to get that splattered effect.
Oh Jackass, how I love thee (and I don't need to worry so much about the $$ because my birthday is 5 days after it is released)....hello birthday present for Dolce!
Oh Jackass, how I love thee (and I don't need to worry so much about the $$ because my birthday is 5 days after it is released)....hello birthday present for Dolce!
Well well another day another journal......... i think i am gonna start a song of the day.........for today its gonna have to be a tie between Ateryu - Lip Gloss And Black and 30 Seconds To Mars - From Yesterday both equally different Ateryu being a lot heavier and 30 Seconds To Mars being more melodic riff styled i highly suggest listen to both if...
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I still owe you the first 30 Seconds to Mars CD, I'll give it to you tomorrow.
BOO URNS to work
BOO URNS to work

Greetings friends from the internet i have returned from my eternal boredem to add yet another journal......lol i am not gonna lie i keep forgetting i have an account but here goes........ my halloween was pretty good i guess i prob should have gone to ohallons on the 31 but for some reason i decided not too.......oh ya cause i am an moron!!!! but at...
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H.S. Thompson is the shit, and you better be getting sick, if only to share in my pain
anywho, i'll giv ya a call this weekend so we can chilax to the max, if i'm no longer diseased by then

anywho, i'll giv ya a call this weekend so we can chilax to the max, if i'm no longer diseased by then

Bitch bitch bitch
Haha. Oh man, have I got stories to tell you (some of these stories are filled with recently outed LESBIANS! *gasp* Oh the Drama). We need go for coffee soon damnit!
Bleh, hope work's going alright. No more horrifying battle wounds?

Bleh, hope work's going alright. No more horrifying battle wounds?
Well i guess i forgot i had this account again...........lol just joking, i been working to god damn much lately so its been hard to keep up on this piece of shit called a computer. bought the new bloodhound gang album and it f*cking rocks even more than the last one like six years ago..........damn lazy prick that make easy but enjoyable music/noise. I refer...
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gah, that cut sounds nasty.
So WHO are you then!? lol!
Well well i guess i am on the site.............i can't wait for someone to make me a friend.............
........ well i gotta run to work yo.............

i found you!
Whats up Tardy
Long time no see, you should come out for drinks with me and the mexican tomorrow... tomorrow being thursday
Long time no see, you should come out for drinks with me and the mexican tomorrow... tomorrow being thursday