ah yes, the all inclusive FUN. it's probably fun so fun it hurts kinda fun. I wonder if I could say fun some more, without sounding like a complete dork...probably not.
Oh and would you consider yourself the Hi or the Big O's in OHIO...
hey i think you should try to find me, im like a badger tho im very illusive and scared of bright lights. just aslong as you make no sudden movements then all is good. to be gentle is the key
seriously...i may just stay in North Hollywood when i got to visit my friend in a few weeks. I have a feeling I am going to buy a round trip ticket, but only go one way.
eeeewwww! only rock 'n' roll white trash lives in North Hollywood! except...I don't...but I'm white trash, none the less. So, I gather this decision was a spur-of-the-moment type thing? I never really cared much for LA...but then, I don't know what Columbus is like by comparison, either. :whater: When are you going?
i got a new car today for 1,500 bucks( at an auto auction.)I have never been to an auction before. There were people yelling a bunch of jibberish that i couldnt even begin to understand. What a mind fuck, seriously. If you have ever seen a movie that has a stereotypical auction in it....that is exactly what auctions are like in real life.
ahh you see thats cus i wasnt born (in the traditional sense) i was constructed in a lab out of flowers, kitten fur and blusher.
you are really hot! haha man i could get lost between your tits... sorry ive just regressed into lechery. *lick*
WHOAH! you say you have an Elvgren pin-up tattoo??! can i see a photo cus im in the process of choosing one of his pin-ups to get tattooed onto my arm. (im more trying to work out how to finance the work but ill worry about that when its been done)
So the car is gone forever...I found out yesterday. I am in the process of spending college money on a new one, which will be a piece of shit...such is life. You know what would make me feel a lot better right now? A vacation, or a good fuck...maybe both...
yeah it sucks spending money on cars... especially money that could go to college
i really hate spending money on computer stuff
i mean HATE it
but i so need to.
grrrrr stupid computer needing new stuff
listen to this shit....so i am dring home from the bar last nght(1/12/04) and i'm fucking wasted and my car dies on the highway. I sit with my hazards on and no one stops to help me. I was in my car for FOUR hours before someone stopped to help(i was too far away from an exit to walk). It was probably about 22 degrees... Read More
umm and fuck yes! are my favorite pics on the site right now. oh man i'm so going to lurk on you
edited cause i was reading your journal and i can't believe how much music stuff we have in common. i just got the money to buy the Ladytron album from magnolia's last night. i'm hooked on that and :wumpscut: and dismantled. that we got there, too. i'm addicted.
Holy shit. I went and got tattooed today. I had an appointment, but I didn't think it would last as long as it did. I got tattooed for like 6 and a half hours today. It would be one thing if it were somewhere "less tender" than it was....basically the inside of the upper arm is the most painful thing EVER.
inside of the arm...that's gotta be sensitive afterwards! i've seen some girls tattooed right up to their labia and mighty close to the clit. i'd imagine that would be a mess of hurt, too.
do you have any other art besides the sleeve? flipping through your pics i don't see anything else visible.