As I sit here waiting for the bus that will take me to my impressively boring job, I find myself wondering how my life got so mundane. The concerts and raves, the bars and clubs, it seems so long since I've done these things it almost depresses me. Maybe I'm a victim of my surroundings, my dull life being a product of living in such...
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I have a few set ideas, nothing solid yet...still trying to figure out how to even use my camera, i might have to find a photog instead
The way I see it, it's the uneventful things in life that make the crazy fun things happen. Or maybe I'm just a bit odd. But hopefully something will come along that will grab you attention & let you use your self to your full potential getting you out of this state of feeling the way you do. smile
First, I must say that I never attended Christian schools nor did I have a desire to. After reading your blog, they sound quite scary! eeek Personally, I was raised in a Baptist household and attended church every Sunday until I was a teenager. Now that I am an adult, I do not completely agree with organized religion as a whole. I think out of all the faiths out there, each of them has something unique to ponder over or agree with. I do believe in a higher power, but I do not think that you need to walk into a church or place of worship to be consider devout in your faith. I think all that matters is that you live a good and honest life, treat others as you want to be treated, and have faith and pray when necessary. No building has to be a a part of it. I have seen a lot of places of worship as recent in fact, that are more about collecting money than anything else. This would be great in my opinion, if the money collected went to something worthwhile such as the needy, a charity, or something of that nature. However, I have noticed most of time and not always I must add, this money is just making the building more glamorous. The lord above or whomever you choose to believe in does not care what the place of worship looks like or even further more what you wear when attending such a place. Many disagree with my reasoning, but that is why we have opinions. Everyone has one and if you agree, then you do. If not, then it leaves something up for discussion.

As for the "Happy Zombie Day," thing, I have a funny story to tell you about that. I am helping my boyfriend raise his four year old son. I grew up in church, but my boyfriend did not. His son has never been to church, so we were curious if he had any thoughts about religion. Obviously, they wouldn't be anything grand considering he is only four but we decided to ask him something simple. We asked him who Jesus was. He looked at us with a completely straight face and said, "Jesus is a monster!" At first, my boyfriend and I giggled under our breath. We were completely shocked that his son had said this and we had no idea where he had gotten or learned this concept. So we corrected him and told him that in fact, Jesus was not a monster, but a good guy who helped and loved everyone. We did not want to get too deep with him. We knew it would go completely over his head!

However, later that day, his father and I got to thinking, maybe his son had a point. Jesus had risen or been resurrected at some point, however you want to say it. So basically, he started off dead and then came back to life. Using this logic, this would indeed make Jesus a zombie. In our society, most people consider a zombie to be monster! So I guess, in some sense his little boy had a point. It really made us give it a second thought!

As for the horror movie thing, I love them myself! love Recently, my boyfriend has been really into watching Japanese horror films. We are both fascinated with Japanese culture and often watch anime. He does more than myself actually. I am just getting into it. I have yet to find what I like to watch in that genre. He has bought several Japanese horror films, but the other day he watched "Tokyo Gore Police." He had heard that is was really weird and extremely gory so he decided to watch it. It took him several days to get through it. He said he was awesome. I did not watch it myself, but from his description, it sounded a lot like the Grindhouse movies by Quentin Tarentino and Robert Rodrigez, but with a lot more blood. If you are into that sort of thing, then I suggest you check it out. He really enjoyed it.

Sorry for such a long comment. I just had so much to say. I hope you do not mind and ultimately find a decent movie to end your day with. Oh and yeah, thanks for the kind words regarding the poem that I posted on blog earlier. biggrin
The most minimal things make me mad. Of course the same goes for making me happy. Thus far work has been oddly busy, which shouldn't upset me, but I don't work enough hours a day to have a lunch, so I pretty much eat when I'm not busy. Got it? I was hoping to be in a better mood today since I'll be meeting up...
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Mate, that is the fucking cherriest of donations. I would have that thing in a New York minute! Tell me you swiped/bought that shit?
That so cool, I would love to wear that while shopping at Target! You need to keep food in your tummy to keep a smile on your face! No food = grumpiness.smile
The stuff that comes through my job that only I'd think is cool. Working in a Goodwill donation center grants me the pleasure of coming across all sorts of things. From coming across a voodoo doll (with book of magic) to yesterdays copy of Mein Kampf (come on, how appropriate was that?), there is usually some donation I find dope. Today was some old A-Team...
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Hahah, yeah it is a weird comment system. Takes a while smile
That sucks, man. Especially with her sister.

Low self esteem is such a horrible thing, because certainly in my ex's case, she's a fucking gorgeous girl. It all came from the fact that she used to be quite fat. Grew up, high school and all that being a big girl. Then she worked her ass off and is now slim and gorgeous, but still has that "big girl" mind set. It kills me because she lets guys walk all over her. The thing that depresses me is, the reason we never worked out is I'm a bit of a commitophobe, haha. I kinda told her early on I wasn't looking for a relationship. Of course what ended up happening is she believed that was a permanent thing, so even when I realised my mistake, she can't believe me. Sucks, but I suppose the thing for both of us is just to support them as best as possible, even if we're not the one they're with. :heavy shruggin':