bit of a sickday for lil k. i'd use that as an excuse for the following, but chances are you know me better than that.
1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with?
the yuppie, you mean? i think it was jake.
2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
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1. What is the middle name of the first person you ever slept with or had sex with?
the yuppie, you mean? i think it was jake.
2. What kind of underwear are you wearing and what color?
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(from Anne Carson's The Life of Towns)
Their faces I thought were knives.
The way they pointed them at me.
And waited.
A hunter is someone who listens.
So hard to his prey it pulls the weapon.
Out of his hand and impales.
Their faces I thought were knives.
The way they pointed them at me.
And waited.
A hunter is someone who listens.
So hard to his prey it pulls the weapon.
Out of his hand and impales.
The first time asians came to America, in 1421, They saw every savage test them with every breath, every look, and gesture. Everyone staring at them until the asiatic sailors did something real. Savages would not be tested in return. They later explained, "We already know we are real." Hunters do not always know their prey.
you go sleep now? nitenite
[Edited on Jan 04, 2006 11:11PM]

you go sleep now? nitenite

[Edited on Jan 04, 2006 11:11PM]
man, i'm tired of this good-girl people-pleasing charade i was programmed with since birth. wonder if i have the courage to just let it
i guess if i start acquiring a few enemies, i'll know i'm finally doing something right. though the thought of that makes little kenyon verrrry nerrrrvousss . . .
i guess if i start acquiring a few enemies, i'll know i'm finally doing something right. though the thought of that makes little kenyon verrrry nerrrrvousss . . .

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA. That is funny as shit!
My enemies are some of my favorite things. If there aren't any knives in your back, then you're not moving forwards.
i got this "juices and smoothies" recipe book for xmas, which, in all the excitement, i admit i secretly wrote off as a shwag re-gifter. a second look reveals that i stand corrected.
if all goes according to plan, here are some of the virgin cocktails that local and visiting friends will be subjected to in the new year:
fennel fusion . ginger juice ....
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The Word,
I was just in a whiney mood, I should expand my explanation. It is not that I don't believe my work is a form of artistic self expression, I simply have momentary feelings of loss for it's inconstancy. The double-edged sword of things that happen live is mighty. In one stroke you create a breathing moment only this audience will share with these performers. In the next stroke you must let it go and almost forget it happened so that you don't trip up in the following performance. I write and it is different, I have recorded music and that too is different. Right now for instance I'm in the early stages of writing a comic (my first) and the excitement is so big it's almost daunting. But preparing my roles for next season's plays is equally important to me. My artistic voice as an actor is a huge part of my creative life. It only saddens when I think of my role as a poem I write every night and burn at the curtain call. The upshot is I will write a new one tomorrow. When you started writing, what did it do for you? How did it first become a need?
Now as for Bunnicula. I really thought it was funny at the time, but they cant all be diamonds. Besides anybody who reads too much into my reference to Bunnicula and an allusion to the Bible in the same subject, could have an interesting time trying to find the comparisons.
P.S. Thanks for the absolution. Now give me a smoothie recipe that you think defines me as a person, teehee.
[Edited on Jan 02, 2006 9:02PM]
I was just in a whiney mood, I should expand my explanation. It is not that I don't believe my work is a form of artistic self expression, I simply have momentary feelings of loss for it's inconstancy. The double-edged sword of things that happen live is mighty. In one stroke you create a breathing moment only this audience will share with these performers. In the next stroke you must let it go and almost forget it happened so that you don't trip up in the following performance. I write and it is different, I have recorded music and that too is different. Right now for instance I'm in the early stages of writing a comic (my first) and the excitement is so big it's almost daunting. But preparing my roles for next season's plays is equally important to me. My artistic voice as an actor is a huge part of my creative life. It only saddens when I think of my role as a poem I write every night and burn at the curtain call. The upshot is I will write a new one tomorrow. When you started writing, what did it do for you? How did it first become a need?
Now as for Bunnicula. I really thought it was funny at the time, but they cant all be diamonds. Besides anybody who reads too much into my reference to Bunnicula and an allusion to the Bible in the same subject, could have an interesting time trying to find the comparisons.
P.S. Thanks for the absolution. Now give me a smoothie recipe that you think defines me as a person, teehee.

[Edited on Jan 02, 2006 9:02PM]
I love anything that calls for roses. Like rose-flavour Turkish Delight. Or rose-petal ice cream.
Happy new year, my sweet Kenyon!
I need more of that socialwhatsamahoozits you're talking about. Usually I find being social to be so tiring.
I have the icky bleach crusties on my scalp because it's crying right now!!!! The pictures I took make my hair look RED. I have to remedy this.

I need more of that socialwhatsamahoozits you're talking about. Usually I find being social to be so tiring.
I have the icky bleach crusties on my scalp because it's crying right now!!!! The pictures I took make my hair look RED. I have to remedy this.
"turn out the light/ set yourself on fire/ say goodnight"
Says You or Chan Marshall???
oh man. my grandmother just fell (again).
she's okay, just a little blood from where she scraped her shoulder on the corner of her nightstand.
and from the reindeer hoofprints, but that happened a few nights ago (!).
no, seriously. so when it happens, i whip on a jean jacket over my jammmies, step into some combat boots, and tromp next door - luckily the...
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she's okay, just a little blood from where she scraped her shoulder on the corner of her nightstand.
and from the reindeer hoofprints, but that happened a few nights ago (!).
no, seriously. so when it happens, i whip on a jean jacket over my jammmies, step into some combat boots, and tromp next door - luckily the...
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I spent a ton of time with my great grandma during the last 5 years of her life (we moved her out here to Boulder City). She had time warp vocabulary, but probably much more so - she kind of reverted to living in memories from sometime before WWII. She'd always ask me "so Robbie (she thought I was my dad) when are you going to take me with you on that machine?" machine meaning motorcycle. I'd usually say "Oh, you mean my flying machine? Wilber and Orville almost have it ready!" She never figured out she wasn't in Michigan anymore-When we'd take her in the car somewhere, she'd look at the desert and say "who put all those rocks there? It looks awful." If you could keep her focused she would tell you wonderful stories about things that happened sixty or more years prior, but nothing whatsoever about yesterday. Lucia Dardano, Mama Lou to me.
Blyss makes me dizzy she's so fucking hot. Do you think there's a tactful way for me to explain that she could do so much better than him? him meaning the chopper of course. I wish I could hook her up with a quality British fellow.
Blyss makes me dizzy she's so fucking hot. Do you think there's a tactful way for me to explain that she could do so much better than him? him meaning the chopper of course. I wish I could hook her up with a quality British fellow.
The same thing happened to me. I took care of my Grandfather when he was alive, and his wife. Now I take care of her. She's not my blood, but she was married to him for forty-four years. She loves me like the son she never had, who was never my father. Being on this tour is the first time I've been off the west coast since she stopped walking. Now every time she's sick I feel guilty. Helping yer familia is more than duty or obligation. You don't realize what it does to and for you until you done it. Personally, I feel more alive after helping her. More like I see what I have.
You are pretty good person there Kenyon.
You are pretty good person there Kenyon.
Dear Brokeback Mountain (the movie),
So you did your thing in NY and LA. That's cool, I respect your protocol. I hear you're up for tons of awards and all that, and sure I'm proud. Now, though, don't you think it's time to set up shop in my little town?
That's what I thought.
I will see you soon.
Yours Sincerely,
So you did your thing in NY and LA. That's cool, I respect your protocol. I hear you're up for tons of awards and all that, and sure I'm proud. Now, though, don't you think it's time to set up shop in my little town?
That's what I thought.
I will see you soon.
Yours Sincerely,
I somehow think that most of the US isn't going to react well to this movie. I'm pretty open minded, but I don't want to see it.
yea. if I go onto a dance floor it's my partner's and then it's mine...
the entry has also been properly finished...

the entry has also been properly finished...
being a woman is weird.
"gift of the majii"- Yep, you got it on the nose! Ma otter hocked Emmett's tools for her entry fee. If she won the prize money she would've bought Emmett a guitar with mother of pearl inlays. Emmett put a hole in Ma's washtub to make his washtub bass. He was going to put a downpayment on a piano for Ma with his winnings.
I'd like to believe that the riverbottom nightmare band used the prize money to go on a serious drug binge.
I wish I was from a place called "riverbottom"
[Edited on Dec 26, 2005 6:39PM]
I'd like to believe that the riverbottom nightmare band used the prize money to go on a serious drug binge.
I wish I was from a place called "riverbottom"
[Edited on Dec 26, 2005 6:39PM]
Women are weird/"Being a woman is weird"...
Seems like the same thing to me, but I could be doing that weird male thing of unconsciously twisting your words around in my head... nah that's not it; women are weird... you were right the first time.
Don't know why I was arguing with you...
Seems like the same thing to me, but I could be doing that weird male thing of unconsciously twisting your words around in my head... nah that's not it; women are weird... you were right the first time.
Don't know why I was arguing with you...

ok. as a xmas present to you (and mostly to myself), i'm going to end the shennanigans a few guesses shy of 20. you made a good showing, all, and i'm proud of ya.
the lie is #14. it's a little difficult for me to admit this, being a "lit person," but i'm busting out there with it. seriously, that hapless wizard and his...
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the lie is #14. it's a little difficult for me to admit this, being a "lit person," but i'm busting out there with it. seriously, that hapless wizard and his...
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What was the jail-time for?
What was the jail-time for?
oh dear. that makes 2 things we certainly do NOT have in common. but at least now i have someone to give all those unwanted fruitcakes. my father says you can tell how much time has passed in a landfill because there's a yearly layer of fruitcakes. he should've been an archaeologist.
ONLY ONE of the following is false (just do your best):
1) i once worked for eight months as a professional tarot card reader
2) when i was 17 my boyfriend was 37
3) i was entirely bedridden from september 2004 to april 2005
4) i once proposed starting a yahoo group for all the guys i was simultaneously dating
5) i once held the...
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1) i once worked for eight months as a professional tarot card reader
2) when i was 17 my boyfriend was 37
3) i was entirely bedridden from september 2004 to april 2005
4) i once proposed starting a yahoo group for all the guys i was simultaneously dating
5) i once held the...
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it's in Manchester, CT, near Hartford. It's a really nice interior. I'll post some more pics when it's done. It's an Italian restaurant called Bellini's. They are a small, family owned chain of 5 restaurants from the Albany area. I heard the food is great.
left the driver-side door ajar. it rained into my car and the battery's dead.
moral: i need a jump.
"love is not enough. we die and are put into the earth forever. we should insist while there is still time. we must eat through the wildness of her sweet body already in our bed to reach the body within that body."
-jack gilbert
moral: i need a jump.
"love is not enough. we die and are put into the earth forever. we should insist while there is still time. we must eat through the wildness of her sweet body already in our bed to reach the body within that body."
-jack gilbert
I got water in my power locks once. My doors kept locking and unlocking at random. It was a little hard to get in the car. And then was disconcerting while driving. It was like the car was trying to tell me something. <click click clickity click>
Hope you got your jump. The personal bit: indeed I do, but not so often. Usually it's just informal and whenever it pops into my head to do so. Any formality added is done for myself to disconnect from distractions, not because there's any proper or improper method.

At any rate, I said that I was going to change my name to mrblyster until her hubby comes to kick my ass.
I was gonna do your survey as a reply but then thought it would be too long, so perhaps I will do it later.