but today i kind of had to work my gear into them, so i went to check myself out in the mirror: PAINTED ON! wtf?
i've always been thin and sort of willowy, no question. now, suddenly, i'm like this r. crumb...
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And a page irreparably white
The mimosa calls up the heat of Nice
a large bird flies in a beam of moonlight.
And having braided my hair carefully for the night
as if tomorrow braids will be necessary,
I look out the window, no longer sad,-
at the sea, the sandy slopes.
What power a man has
who doesn't ask...
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i'm getting lost in crazy story-spinnage, which is good, but i definitely have to check myself. make sure i touch in with some version of reality on. a. regular. basis. been spending waaayyy too much time glued to the keyboard.
am going out tonight with a dear ol' pal, chloe. two chicks with french names running...
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it stirs the same feelings in me as the aforementioned "hallelujah" (known to me as a leonard cohen song, tho really any version will...
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that was my first dirty find. well except for in my sister's room... and does accidentaly seeing a friend in a porno count as a dirty find?
[Edited on Dec 13, 2005 5:41PM]
at least i finally know how to do this
ps - the "new punk" (at least, as it's know to me) frightens me. i...
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*high fives*
I don't know why *this* is so rampant around here, who started it, or what exactly it signifies other than
*imagine these words aren't words at all, pretend they are the actual thing or act the words refer to*
It seems to have worked it's way into my lexicon and I'm not proud of it. If it's use on the boards becomes too out of control I shall take to putting them at the beginning and end of everything i type.
Attn: Kenyon
If the perception of mrblisters as relatively mature persists after two weeks, consult physician. 12-12-05
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Should I be scared of braving the one-way streets alone, or bravely forge on? It might be more fun to meet up at the rather large parking garage and commute together so's if I get lost (and knowing me. . . .) you wouldn't have to wait for me all night and try to guide me back on course via cellphones. Let me know what you think, and I will follow your lead.
[ QUOTE ] blahblahblahblah [ / QUOTE ]
congrats to you two, glad i could help
[Edited on Dec 12, 2005 6:56AM]
THE BLOW: Concussive Caress, or Casey Caught Her Mom Singing Along with the Vacuum
Khaela Maricich is a K Records musician. She uses the moniker The Blow and has also been known as Get the Hell Out of the Way of the Volcano. She is formerly of the band The Microphones....
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[Edited on Dec 11, 2005 12:45PM]
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as luck would have it, _the lost boys_ is on the sci fi channel. each time i see it, the same reaction: my god, who is that oiled, overly muscular guy onstage at the carnival; you know, the dude in spandex with long, half-pulled-back...
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The Lost Boys soundtrack almost got worn out at my house. And it was on CD!
we should distract ourselves by talking politics someday.
Oh boy! This is the part where I get to see how cute you are when I piss you off. I'm a pretty straight-up capitalist pig . I refer to myself as conservative but don't usually stray far from the libertarian philosophy, either in economic or social issues. There are some exceptions though, like for instance: We should always give tons of money to the military so they can make huge fucking bombs and all sorts of cool things designed to blow everything to hell. How's this going so far?
I would like to chat politics, but presently I'm not too up to it, I'm starving. I didn't know one needed a 'scrip for O2. Hope it helps ya. If needbe I could periodically monitor your ability to handle physical exertion. You know, just to be helpful. Today turned out just fine despite my concentrated efforts to make it sucky. Go figure.
worked hard all day.
it's all crackly cold outside, clear-skied. the heat is cranked and i'm in flannels. i'm so cozy it's absurd.
i just plugged in my little...
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i really do need a break from cyberland though. especially naked hot chick cyberland. i've promised myself to spend more time with my flesh-and-blood friends, draining...
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I forgot to address the miracles/magic/superstition topic and I want to. The simple answer is that I feel religious language is necessarily symbolic. Religion is there for us to address and relate to things and ideas we really could not otherwise relate to. I am fond of saying, although I'm not sure I've thoroughly thought it out "either everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle." It's my opinion that an actual occurance in time and space that breaks (Gods) physical law could only be destructive. As such, it would have to fall on the "demonic" side of the coin. Which is really quite strange (on the surface) considering how chock full 'o miracles the Bible is. But return to understanding religious language as symbolic and they all shuffle around and find their place back within God's plan. Next time you open the New Testament, keep a watchful eye out for Christ speaking literally about any physical sort of attribute of divinity. The Father is like... The Kingdom of Heaven is as... If there's been anyone who more fully embraced the use of metaphor, I haven't found him