For all y'all who enjoyed the set, I want to hand out a HUGE, HUGE thank you from the bottom of my loins. It means a lot. This, I feel, is my first legitimate set that shows me in a positive light.
Candy and I knew that, before, during and after shooting this set, it wasn't gonna make everyone happy. 'Cuz when I... Read More
Since the debut of my new set, Drag King, comes out in just a few short hours, I have deleted my old subpar sets. At least the ones I'm allowed to thus far. But I selected 5 of my favorite photos from Dramatically Tender and Rock'em Sock'em Artist and put them in my Assorted, Like Chocolates album for your old timey visual pleasure. The same... Read More
things did not work out? Sorry... You know I love ya though
I can also say do not date spoiled rotten little brats that cannot cut their bond with their parents and tend to do what their parents suggest over what is healthy to do as a couple! (my recent ex)
So, I was working today, and I started to daydream a little. The boredom of it often fosters the brain's tendency to wander a wee bit, heh. I started to list off things that I enjoy that I don't do anymore 'cuz being an adult gets in the way.
I enjoy sitting in the grass under the sun, playing "she loves me, she loves... Read More
I am going to be in Minneapolis, MN for a few days next month. December 17th through the 19th. Technically the 16th through the 20th, but those are days where I will either be getting on and/or off an airplane, and y'all don't want to see how angry a Kav can get when she has to travel. It's no good.
I'm a total dweeb, but has anyone seen that Levi jeans commercial that features Walt Whitman's poem "Pioneers O Pioneers" in it? That poem is amazing. I don't care what the poem's true intent was (considering Whitman wrote it, I'm sure it's about socialism, but also I've read that's about the Civil War, so who knows). It's a fucking inspiring poem.