Fright Night
A Haunting in Georgia
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
An American Werewolf in London
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!
Audrey's Door
Bell Witch
Bruce Vs. Frankenstein
Come Closer
Dark Shadows
Dracula Year Zero
Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters
Heart-Shaped... Read More
I got my hairs cuts today..nothing huge and big..a trim and had some of the volume removed (because I have really thick hair) you know you, I never noticed how dark my hair was until I seen it on the ground. One this is for sure.. I need to lay off the coloring.. well at least bleaching of my hair I need to deal.
i smoke, a lot. i dont blame anyone else for my bad habit, accept perhaps the assholes that stress me out to the point where i need a cigarette or else i will drop kick someone to the face!
So I am doing my best to sleep..but i can't seem too..ugh..I hate when this happens..really I shouldn't be sleepy at
So today I have been going back through some peoples old blogs.. and WOW the memories.. somethings I miss.. some bring back bad memories..that kinda make me mad.. one thing is makes me appreicate some friends..and how awesome and amazing they are!... Read More
AHHHH my eyes why must thou bothersest me?? Really WHY?????
This weekend has been a boring weekend.. very laid back.. very stress free..very nice.. which was good because the next two weekend are going to be hetic with graduation and bridal parties! OH yeah!! Must remember to buy chips.. and pay phone bill ASAP!
So I have been thinking.. I think it's time for a... Read More
Ah yeah, that's understandable. Do you work a regular 9-5? How far away do you live? I mean if you ever want to go and need a lift you're welcome to let me know. I didn't go last night, but it wasn't for lack of transportation. I have a sweet car that I love to drive, so I mean, if you ever want me to pick you up I wouldn't mind doing that. Just a suggestion, you know. If you ever do want to go
Aww MAN, you're missing out. Stuff is amazing. But, in all fairness, I have a lot of respect for people who haven't caved in to pressure and done the shit. I wish I had never even started personally. But to each his own
Ah that's too bad you work nights, man. The parties seem fun and I'm GONNA go eventually, I just need someone I kind of know online to sorta hang out with, you know? Might make it easier for my shyness
Oh I am sooo tired. I can hardly keep my eyes open..I have some pics from this past weekend.but I'll put them in my journal the next one.. because I want pics of my red hair too! I didn't take many pics.. because my battery's were almost dead.. I wish I would have gotten more but i didn't.
no no I just let my membership expire and was so busy with school and work I never got a chance to renew it and I kind of gave up on it but I missed it so I am back.
Why or why do commericals have to be so addicting!! WHY??? I swear I can spend all day singing stupid commerical songs!..ugh.. I fail at life!
i thought about going to the gym today.. thought about it..but that is about it! I really need to get back on the ball..I have fallen off the wagon..and believe me i haven't even tried to get back on!... Read More
Here's one for you