Guys! Let's help amazing babe @rare to become Suicide Girl!
She deserves it for sure!
Just go to her page and give some love to last set, pleeeeeaaase!
--> DΓJΓ VU<--
Guys! Let's help amazing babe @rare to become Suicide Girl!
She deserves it for sure!
Just go to her page and give some love to last set, pleeeeeaaase!
--> DΓJΓ VU<--
I've been nominated by @akril for this blog, so here we go!
1. I was a volunteer in the largest Russian botanical garden. I had excited trip from Saint-Petersburg to Altai for that.
Ten days of hitchhiking to one side, ten days of "working for food" and a week of hitchhiking home.
2. For over a year I lived in two cities. For example, every
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It's time to write about my new cosplay set and tell you more about it!
First of all, I have watched this anime several times in different periods of my life and admired it every time. I love San since my school years and nothing changing here. She's smart brave girl, strong and independent. I think we have to show to our daughters characters like...
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