So I got the job. life has just gotten that much more simple for me. Not to mention I now get the opportunity to travel and what have ye. Saw the SheWantsRevenge show last night. The band itself was awesome as well as Iamrobot(?) Even if the person that set up the speakers has no sense of accoustics and dampening.... but hey whatever..... NEVER GO...
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GYAA!!!!!!! Just gimme the new position already... must we go on pretending like theres a chance I won't get it?! Wow.... what if I don't get it..... god that would suck..... I need booze..... you would never abandon me my liquid sunshine..... my.... my precious......
have fun with your sunshine, sweetheart.

and good luck on the job!
oh, well-

i'm not a drinker. once in a while, yes...but mostly i like shirley temples(7-up and grendedine).
Ok so yesterday I was working at the water front and they pull a "floater" (cadaver floating in the water" out of the water right after the ferry comes in. Naturally I grab the only camera I have which happens to be my phone and start snapping pictures of whatever I can. So today I am on my way to work and theres a car...
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I am too, just not on MSN or Yahoo. They arent working again. I am usually in chat kiss
SCARY! The disease went anonymouse (thats right anony MOUSE) I love my disease.... it sometimes makes me feel funny in the tummy and I wouldn't trade it for the world.
your disease?
I'm confused. maybe if I paid closer attention I wouldn't be.
so yeah, its me little sisters birthday today. I get the wonderful job at picking up a cake.... want to go skating but I really should sleep (don't tell anyone but thinking I might skip that part) worried about a sweet friend of mine and her dilemma with all the shit thats been going on... it just never seems to end for her and it...
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don be sad darling kiss kiss kiss im tired right now and i still have 3 hours of sleep left. there is a gameworks somewheres round here and the man LOVES it. i think hes only been there once though...dunno cant member....i want those dairy free donuts...dont know when ill have time to chat...work till 4...guitar practice at 5 then im going straight to bed...zoo tomorrow...then laundry...maybe tomorrow night? i misses you boy i really do.
bwah hah he will never post another journal im sure
things are strange.... scammers nowadays suck.... they have no clue what they are doing
I'm fucking pimp when I just let shit flow. Won me a set of Shewantsrevenge tickets today, got a new tongue ring and fixed up a bit of the bills I still have. On a side note I also discovered the joy of Poms new tea line (which comes with a nifty glass). Other reasons I rock? How about fixing my car door that had...
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i think ima go blah right now....

my father probably thinks I'm going to hell.

But not from the cheese.

ha ha haaaa, me one tech zero.... I managed to rewire and fix my car. today I even replaced the crushed in door all by myself....biggrin
allergies suck
this girl and i were sposed to hava girl tattoo day. all day. and very quickly into the tattoo day her stupid boyfriend starts calling and picking fights so we had to leave. lets just say by the end of the night her boyfriend and i got into a fist fight frown
I bought a bass today.... lurning is phun
The longer answer: I design all sorts of silly tools in excel at work, and sometimes I see something else I could use excel for. Er...and I'm...a fan of crypto. Pretty much just a hobbyist - I decided that I'd have to become a math freak to really do it well. Simple letter substitution is pretty soft - I probably could have done it by hand, but it doesn't have the feel of elegance when I do that. If you want to make it 1000% harder for the casual puzzle solver, just break everything into 5-letter segments, if that's a goal.

(As far as the general post went, there are worse things. That's not to knock any internal shit, by saying others have it worse - I just embrace the fact that however bad I have it at any one time, there is always something worse. Therefore, I shouldn't take my problems as a permanent, scarring condition. I'm pretty accepting of whatever comes my way - I think even a relationship breakup wouldn't phase me...embrace the emotion of sadness and anger, and know that it doesn't stay forever...and if I didn't feel those kinds of emotions, in those circumstances,I'd be less of a person.)

I'll get around to real golf practice - I just have to plan it ahead of time.