I am taking Crimiinal Justice to earn my Associates degree. I'm just getting as much useful information under my belt so I can become an Animal Control Officer. The more education I have the more they want you. I'M ON IT! I'm being proactive so I can succeed with my goal.
Heres a true story that should bring a smile to your face.
My man is in MN right now. He wired me monies today to help me get through while he is away. I receive $100 via Western Union. I go to my bank to pay the overdraft fee I was aware of which was $34.00. Of course it's never what it seems. I actually... Read More
Man oh man that Judge yesterday didn't like any of us. I honestly don't know if I won or not. Wait and see. I'm ready to write a second appeal if need be. I am in the right; therefore this chick a dee will absolutely NOT back down. It's just major frustrations...whatever.
The way I see it IF you feel you are right FIGHT for it all the way No Matter How Many Road Blocks You Encounter. Your effort will get noticed and the truth will prevail always. May not seem like it at first, but IT WILL. Been there done that too many times.
soooooooooooo I must appeal for my unemployment AGAIN. ROUND TWO! It really chaps my hide to know I am fighting for what is already mine. It just gets recycled over and over and OVER AGAIN. Not to mention to be taxed on it over and over and OVER AGAIN. Grrr...
I will eventually win there is no doubt in my mind. Just takes time for the truth to prevail I suppose.