Went to Oktoberfest in Kitchener this weekend. I got so TOTALLY hammered friday night that it knocked me on me ass as soon as I went in to the warm cabin. Lol, apparently I was quite social(which I am usually not). It was fun, and after a lot of sleep and a couple of Advil I was ready for round 2 on saturday(although I managed...
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He did say that the co2 demonstration was basic science...I think most people with any level of scientific education should know it.

I don't watch Bones, but there's an actor named Brian Cox who is totally different...I'm going to assume he's the one in Bones. But, they're not easily mixed up. The actor is much older...and Scottish.
Lolz, yeah I can picture that! Hoyts mom wahahaha!
Well I'm officially 28 and a bit now.... I don't have a steady job.... and winter is coming in... life sux...
thank you smile
OMG! I'm 28 in two WEEKS! I feel old... Lol, I'm a dirty old man tongue
Was going to upload some pics from Fan Expo but then I remembered that I hate the uploader on this site, sooo..... if u would like to see them just pm me and I'll figure out another way
Well, the job's not bad but the ppl and the pay suck. It's a chinese, family owned business and from what I'm told it's very typical of what happens in chinese family run businesses, bickering, back-biting, poor investment in... well everything, from paying a good enough rate to keep decent employees around, to basic facility investment to ensure that there is enough space for everything...
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Haven't posted in a while, kinda been busy spinning my wheels. Working like mad without actually going anywhere. I did manage to get out to the beach last week, it was GREAT weather to get out. The sun was shining hot, but the water was FREEZING, lol. Well that's life around the Great Lakes, it'll be late august b4 the water actually warms up to...
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One Rammstein vid up, crappy sound but it IS a phone cam. More to come when I have time
Just got out of the Rammstein concert, it was just as awesome as I expected it to b! I have a few Vids to put up when I get home(if they'll upload) XD
Awesome! Looking for to seeing the vids
Sry, vids will b delayed. I needed sleep when I got home and now I have to get some stuff done. Btw, they're camera phone vids so they're not great quality, u basically only get an idea of the FX, lol
Conservatives win a majority In Canada.... SHIT!!!!!! We had a voter turn out of 57% I don't think I can forgive those 43% of Canadians who didn't vote. There are hard times ahead as the party with the greatest reputation for fear, corruption and contempt, a party that is pro big business and anti equal rights, the party that will slowly tear our country to...
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Well its that colour now. Probably will be for my next set which I'm shooting at the end of the month biggrin
Thought I'd try something different and did it just before my birthday biggrin
Today was my last day. I asked to get off early claiming that since it was my last day I'd like to get some errands done during business hours. I just wanted the hell outta there, lol. Well assuming the agency gets some placements lined up for me I should actually b making MORE money now than at the temp to FT position. Trying to...
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