i hate it when people randomly disappear from my friends list. i'm trying to figure out who the culprit is, but i just can't. maybe it was one of my new friends and i wasn't important enough to take up space in their important friends list. their loss, i'm awesome! haha j/k, you know that's just a way for me to build myself up, right?... Read More
I'm such an ebay fiend. I just wish vintage clothing wasn't so expensive. Never fails, I think I'm winning and then in the last 30 minutes the price triples. Sneaky bastards.
Early Days of Ebay
when i was little, my brother and i went with my mother to a silent auction at our school. for some reason, i really wanted this basketball that had been donated, so i bid on it and was very determined to get it with my own money. i kept checking up on it to make sure no one outbid me, and... Read More
hmmm...when i was in kindergarten, i was a really big dork. (not that that has really changed all that much) anywho, it was snack time, and my mom used to pack me with the handisnacks and she would buy milk for me through the school's milk program (lol, did anyone else have a "milk program" at their school?) i opened up my milk in the nice little carton, and then i attempted opening up my handisnack, but it wasn't coming off too easily, so i tugged on it quite hard, and while doing so, i knocked over my milk and spilled it all over my brand new dress. i think i ran to the bathroom and cried because i cried a hella lot when i was a kid. but i learned a great lesson from this event: always open your milk last.
everyday, two people would be able to go and wheel in the milk from the "milk room" on this little cart. it was a big privilege to be able to go and get the milk at my school.
Yah know...You can have your ashes made into a coral reef...I think it's a neat idea...
You can also have them made into jewlery...which is kinda strange
votes are in: it's snowing in my room. that's why all those white dots are there.
today was...
a)boring and uneventful
c)awesome and exciting
d)all of the above
i'm sick of sleeping alone. but when i get the chance to sleep in the same bed with someone, i can never sleep. i want to be used to sleeping in the same bed as someone.... Read More
I've been alone with you inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips, a thousand times
I sometimes see you pass outside my door
Hello, is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
My arms are open wide
Cos you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much, I love you
I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again, how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello? I've just got to let you know
Cos I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely
Or is someone loving you
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you
Is it me You're looking for?
Cos I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely
Is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying
I love you
student payroll is fucked because they keep sending my check to the daycare, which never ends up having it. and they keep paying me from the daycare funds (which STILL doesn't make sense because it's WORK STUDY MONEY, NOT DAYCARE), which disallows me from cashing my checks. So they owe me $200+ those little shits! AND i have to keep signing freakin' affidavits saying i never got my checks.
i just found the photography group. i knew it was there, but always thought it'd be all these tight-ass photography people who think they're better than all the rest.
man, i was so wrong. i think i'm in love! i wanna get all involved and shit. these are my people
although, you were my people first...
and to envoke commentry:
1a)what is your most favorite... Read More
2. home is where my husband is. There's nothing worse than coming home to an empty house.
3. Unless someone is extreme in their looks, I really don't pay that much attention to their looks. Personality is such a key factor to me, especialy a sense of humor. I guess that's why I am very seldom attracted to people I don't know.
i just went snowmobiling for the first time in years... it was lots of fun. i hate snowmobiling, but this was worth it. it was a short ride, but once we got there (a place called Bog Pond), my friend Peter was there. he's been in Iraq for a year and just got home last week. i didn't know he was home, so when he... Read More
i am not sure if i like this new thing. if you go to a SG's page, her photosets have that bigger photo with the name of the set written in script. if the SG has more than 4 photosets, you have to view an additional page to see them. and the date that the set went up isn't on it. i like knowing the... Read More
Thanks for the compliment on my set. I did adjust the height and location of the tripod as well as take it off and position ist elsewhere too, but, honestly when I take pics of myself at arms length they almost always suck.