Ever feel like your a bright light bulb surrounded by floodlights?
nope... Usally I feel like im a floodlight surrounded by 60 watt lightbulbs, and wishing I was a laser
I think sums up the last two days...
So, what sums up your last two days is fucking a horse, and having a gay ass pianow, mantra, where it shows that your a gay fag, that had no Idea what a real night of drinking is... or show tooo much of how much you like weird animal sex
It's not a punk show till somebody bleeds.....
My friend Lauren had a kid while I was deployed and has been caring for the kid by herself for the last four monthes with nobody helping her. She needed a break badly, so I took her with me to the warped tour as her birthday gift. Found a babysitter for the next two days and bought...
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My friend Lauren had a kid while I was deployed and has been caring for the kid by herself for the last four monthes with nobody helping her. She needed a break badly, so I took her with me to the warped tour as her birthday gift. Found a babysitter for the next two days and bought...
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It ante a show till someone bleeds... it isnt a good show unless its me... Yea I feel ya on the show thing tho.
Hell yea, glad you had fun bro.
Hell yea, glad you had fun bro.
Pictures at the tour with my friend
I am a fucking nutcase with drinking problem ! I have been "recommended" to go see a counslor about my depression and drinking problem. I told him that I may have dabbled in a bit too much before I deployed, but now focused on school and training for an upcoming muai thai smoker. He said that to cure my depression is to go and get...
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Yea, your a closet nutcase. And yes you are a bit cooler drunk. Little bit more annoying to but hey, shit happens. Trick is being that same guy sober. You could always try....
OOh man... Hope you enjoyed warped tour... Because space nipples from the planet Bloody Pooptron is coming to raid your stash of Candy Corn and green beans. Which will leave you a craving to eat your own penis fried with green beans.
OOh man... Hope you enjoyed warped tour... Because space nipples from the planet Bloody Pooptron is coming to raid your stash of Candy Corn and green beans. Which will leave you a craving to eat your own penis fried with green beans.
god damn I love you, you fuckin g fat as...."snake eyes" Justly I should oblige.... But fuck karma.... I love her dearly... but when is the last time she got me laid...
Since I have been threatened to post a new blog or face the consequneces, I have not much to write about. The only thing I have to say is that unless I give out m buisness, don't ask.
your fucked
I shall bring you death to your non blogin ass
I must take a small hiatus from everything till I can find what I lost. I just can't remember what I lost.
Lost your drive....
And your innoccence... Tho that one I think would be good for you once you put something in its place.
And your innoccence... Tho that one I think would be good for you once you put something in its place.
WOO HOO! Spring Break is here..... and I have come to leave a dent in this tiny island of South Padre.
First I feel I must explian my circumstances, I set up my trip through a site called StudentCity.com for me and Imy best friend Nivoldoog. Nivoldoog then bitched out of coming for some mildy retarded reson of that he's going to school, but had...
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First I feel I must explian my circumstances, I set up my trip through a site called StudentCity.com for me and Imy best friend Nivoldoog. Nivoldoog then bitched out of coming for some mildy retarded reson of that he's going to school, but had...
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I just watched a movie called Fanboys and reminded me of this blog I wrote two years ago..
It is a new day, and there is still more in the world to fucking wish it would fall into a black hole! This time it is a war that has been ticking me off for the last few years, an epic battle that could, no scratch...
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It is a new day, and there is still more in the world to fucking wish it would fall into a black hole! This time it is a war that has been ticking me off for the last few years, an epic battle that could, no scratch...
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thomas guiles
1422 w oglethorpe hwy lot 16
hinesville ga, 31313
thomas guiles
1422 w oglethorpe hwy lot 16
hinesville ga, 31313
So I have anger issues...
I have been deemed a high risk when I return from deployment. Half of it I accept of my own idiotic responsibility, then other I leave to job hazard after-effects. I am a high risk for two reasons:
Reason Number One: Before deploying, I consumed massive amounts of alcohol. I though I drank quite often, I never showed up to...
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I have been deemed a high risk when I return from deployment. Half of it I accept of my own idiotic responsibility, then other I leave to job hazard after-effects. I am a high risk for two reasons:
Reason Number One: Before deploying, I consumed massive amounts of alcohol. I though I drank quite often, I never showed up to...
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The only lesson I got was, "Don't drink me for quite awhile"
ROFL, I needed that. It made me laugh.
I challange you all to send a random message to a random person and see what develops...
oh wow thanks. I now know this guy I had a huuuge crush on in high school is at fort bragg, but coming back in a couple weeks and wants to get lunch when he gets back - he's all cut and tattooed now!
yay random messages to random people! and you are AWESOME for writing such a blog
yay random messages to random people! and you are AWESOME for writing such a blog