things i have done while here in brazil:
taken jiu jitsu classes
met lots of wonderful people
got some new tattoos (pictures to come)
tasted new foods
rebuilt a bond with an old friend
tried ca.... this traditional brazilian liquor that i cannot remember how to spell
learned some portuguese
had some great sex
talked to people about the simpsons, johnny cash, ray charles, and...
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taken jiu jitsu classes
met lots of wonderful people
got some new tattoos (pictures to come)
tasted new foods
rebuilt a bond with an old friend
tried ca.... this traditional brazilian liquor that i cannot remember how to spell
learned some portuguese
had some great sex
talked to people about the simpsons, johnny cash, ray charles, and...
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cool. you gonna post any of those pics? id be interested in seeing them.
i had no idea brazil has such a cool vibe. sounds like somewhere id definately want to check out.
i had no idea brazil has such a cool vibe. sounds like somewhere id definately want to check out.
Sounds like you had a great time in Brazil! A friend of mine is currently in Ecuador. He's been away for a month now - it'll be interesting to hear what he's done when he comes back.
I hardly ever travel - mainly because I can't afford it but I'm also very scared of flying.
I hardly ever travel - mainly because I can't afford it but I'm also very scared of flying.

standing there in the subway...kinda nervous, kinda confused. if this were any English speaking city, Id be fine, but a new city, that speaks mainly Portuguese and is larger than every other city in the world except for one other is kind of intimidating..... get on the green line (verde) at concaloco, get off at clnicas, take the dr arnaldo exit, then turn down teodoro...
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you need an excuse for that?

you need an excuse for that?
sweet. what're you planning on getting tattoos of?
47 comments and 4 pages for my last journal entry. i think this is a new record.
you know, i used to be witty and charming. i don't know what happened. now everytime i'm in a scoial situation, i'm at a loss for words. last winter i thought it was the winter, but it didn't go away in the summer. i don't know. i feel...
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you know, i used to be witty and charming. i don't know what happened. now everytime i'm in a scoial situation, i'm at a loss for words. last winter i thought it was the winter, but it didn't go away in the summer. i don't know. i feel...
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where are you?

well, i'm probably staying with streetmuse, although, i just found out she may end up going to mexcio that i may not be visiting afterall

so last week i went to NYC to get my tourist VISA from the Brazilian consulate. Everything's golden...everything's good. i can't believe this is happening. it was either a toss up between europe and Brazil, and it ended up that i was talking to my Brazilian friend more than my european friends so i chose Brazil. Brazil is a place I didn't know much about...
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you are very sweet. i would certainly take you up on that offer, but what can ya do? its not so bad. i have been on a date, a real one. you know, the kind where you go out and have a cocktail and get to know someone, then go home alone? never done that before.
i hear the women in brazil are generally pretty. you should have fun. and no, i was not a drama geek. i actually haven't seen brazil, i was just being a dork. but i hear its crazy and i will probably rent it soon.
i hear the women in brazil are generally pretty. you should have fun. and no, i was not a drama geek. i actually haven't seen brazil, i was just being a dork. but i hear its crazy and i will probably rent it soon.
no no no, go ahead and send it in.
we've gotten so few submissions this year that we're thinking of extending the deadline anyway.
we've gotten so few submissions this year that we're thinking of extending the deadline anyway.
weirdest fucking thing happened last week...
i get this package in the mail. it has no names on it. not in the return address or at my address. it's from somewhere in Plainview, NY. the post office stamp says "old bethage, NY."
i open it up and it's a cd with no letter inside just a cd. the cd is called "totally fucking gay" and...
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i get this package in the mail. it has no names on it. not in the return address or at my address. it's from somewhere in Plainview, NY. the post office stamp says "old bethage, NY."
i open it up and it's a cd with no letter inside just a cd. the cd is called "totally fucking gay" and...
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please dont bring this cd here!
I search for your friends profile at (a lot of brazilian are there, not at myspace) but didnt get any info, probably we have some friends in common, everybody knows everybody here.
I must practice my english now!

I search for your friends profile at (a lot of brazilian are there, not at myspace) but didnt get any info, probably we have some friends in common, everybody knows everybody here.
I must practice my english now!

a layoff is coming soon at work cuz the job's almost done. they're gonna lay people off from both 1st shift and 2nd shift, and have the rest of the people all go to first shift to finish the job for the last 2 months.
it's not a big deal, it happens all the time in union construction. the union manages your health and pesnion...
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it's not a big deal, it happens all the time in union construction. the union manages your health and pesnion...
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those fucking unions up there is a bunch of balls if you ask me. well, maybe not for construction.
so what kind of construction are you in?
so what kind of construction are you in?
Hi! Natas has no inadequacies, and he has a rather large penis. Any larger and it wouldn't fit in my mouth. When he gets drunk he can't come, and it stays hard for hours. Whew...I'm tired and very, very sore.
By the way thanks for the welcome.
By the way thanks for the welcome.

i used to love updating my journal, but now it can be a total pain in the ass. i really don't know what to write about.
i'm working on my zine some more, but right now i'm fucking pissed because i can't find this notepad that i wrote down a good story in.
still planning on going to brazil....
i went to 2 parties last...
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i'm working on my zine some more, but right now i'm fucking pissed because i can't find this notepad that i wrote down a good story in.
still planning on going to brazil....
i went to 2 parties last...
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Will try and get a shopping cart or something. Those matresses weigh alot.
I was trying to be funny...I succeeded. I think.
'Cause I know atleast you snorted.
Child support,10%= baby's mama support,90%
Its sad but true.
'Cause I know atleast you snorted.
Child support,10%= baby's mama support,90%
Its sad but true.
things have been too crazy this week. a game at work almost got me into 2 fist fights with the same guy. who's like 300 lbs. seriously.
and last weekend i was at a show and a bunch of people from this bar were playing barroom hero and they were trying to start with my friends. so some shit went down, and this other 300lb...
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and last weekend i was at a show and a bunch of people from this bar were playing barroom hero and they were trying to start with my friends. so some shit went down, and this other 300lb...
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Got the work sorted out. Starting on Monday. Lifting beds into a new hotel or something. Pay isnt bad but will keep my standards high. Cheers for the info.
Happy thanksgiving!!
Happy thanksgiving!!
Once I have time and am better at resizing or get some help from the bf I will post the rest of my rejected photoset. I thought the shots were pretty swell
how ya been bubba? i have been a lazy ass. sorry.
hope all is well, and buttplugs keep on pluggin away
hope all is well, and buttplugs keep on pluggin away

i like your new photo. i need to do new one too, my punkin is long gone.
toot toot
toot toot
no i like yours too. i see you went in a different direction. i was mostly refering to art school assholes.
Well said in the anarchist group.
time for an update.
my foreman realy pissed me off this week, saying some bullshit. and i bit my lip and refrained from winging my hammer at his fat head because in about 2 months i should be getting health insurance, a raise and a pension credit.
they're starting a huge expansion at foxwoods casino next month, so maybe i'll tell him to eat shit...
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my foreman realy pissed me off this week, saying some bullshit. and i bit my lip and refrained from winging my hammer at his fat head because in about 2 months i should be getting health insurance, a raise and a pension credit.
they're starting a huge expansion at foxwoods casino next month, so maybe i'll tell him to eat shit...
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im every guy's buddy at the gym, so i dont get the hitting on thing that often i dont think. my roommate says i never pick up on it. ah well
Hey, I didn't learn about butt plugs until last year!
Oh, I'm so sheltered.
I wouldn't blow off a chance to say 20 things about myself. I *love* talking about myself.
Now, really, how many people admit it?
Oh, I'm so sheltered.
I wouldn't blow off a chance to say 20 things about myself. I *love* talking about myself.

Dear Vegan,
How can one live in a Modern World and claim Veganism? Do you not feel the guilt for the animals that were killed and habitat was destroyed, for the products you purchase to live in a modern world.
Ex: The computer that you are using for your website was made in a factory. A factory was built and doing so, kills animals and destroys those poor defenseless animals' habitats.
How can a poor ground squirrel stand up to a D9 Catapillar bulldozer?
Do you wonder everytime you check your e-mail how many squirrels died for your latest joke of the day?
Thank you, have a nice day,
Love, your neighbor and friend,
Bob the meat eater.
Do I not have a point here? joe?
[Edited on Jan 28, 2006 12:49AM]
"How can one live in a Modern World and claim Veganism? Do you not feel the guilt for the animals that were killed and habitat was destroyed, for the products you purchase to live in a modern world."
There is no 100% vegan. The point of veganism is to reduce harm to animals (and often the environment and humans too) as much as possible. Some realistic ways of reducing the harm you cause are... are not eating animal.. this is very easy if you're willing to either spend the money for speciality products (expensive, just because it's specialty) or cook from scratch (dirt cheap), o some combination thereof. Also, not wearing animal products. Also not hard to accomplish. The point is not to not use ANY animal products, but to use as little as possible. Living without a computer is not reasonable for most people. Living without that fur coat is.
Personally, I take a slightly different view... I'm more concerned with environment and human rights than animal rights, though I still oppose factory farming which treats animals horrendously. I also avoid synthetic fibers which take forever to biodigrade, like plastics. If I could wear untreated leather I would.. unfortunately leather tanneries are really nasty on the environment and so not any better than plastics. I not only don't eat animal products, I also try to stick to organics, as the pesticides and herbacides in conventional foods just end up in our bodies, animal's bodies, water, earth, etc. I'll stress that for most vegans, though, anything is a go as long as it doesn't contain animal products, regardless of environmental hazard.