A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.
January 6, on which this feast is traditionally observed.
A revelatory manifestation of a divine being.
A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: I experienced an epiphany, a...
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A Christian feast celebrating the manifestation of the divine nature of Jesus to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi.
January 6, on which this feast is traditionally observed.
A revelatory manifestation of a divine being.
A sudden manifestation of the essence or meaning of something.
A comprehension or perception of reality by means of a sudden intuitive realization: I experienced an epiphany, a...
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For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.
I think about this all the time. It constantly pops into my head as it proves itself true over and over again.
Granted, clich bits of wisdom like this have a tendency to become incredibly annoying. Especially when someone who's really dumb uses them in some half assed attempt to sound like a know-it-all. But...
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I think about this all the time. It constantly pops into my head as it proves itself true over and over again.
Granted, clich bits of wisdom like this have a tendency to become incredibly annoying. Especially when someone who's really dumb uses them in some half assed attempt to sound like a know-it-all. But...
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I was talking about the SG Prom, silly.
I don't get to go, though. Not to the "official" Prom, but I am going to the one in Toronto in June. I'm soooo sad I wanted to meet Noir and everyone and now I'm all heartbroken and drunk.
I don't get to go, though. Not to the "official" Prom, but I am going to the one in Toronto in June. I'm soooo sad I wanted to meet Noir and everyone and now I'm all heartbroken and drunk.
come on you never have been angry and laid into some poor wall or something
I'm very busy lately. so enjoy this song by flogging molly. it's called "death valley queen." you should listen to it because it's soo sad, and most people can relate to being rejected.
Death valley queen where have you been
Since they crowned you in glory
Filled your head with dreams
But it still goes to show in every desert
There's a rose that's blooming...
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Death valley queen where have you been
Since they crowned you in glory
Filled your head with dreams
But it still goes to show in every desert
There's a rose that's blooming...
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I got your zine about a week ago, and have been meaning to write you for some time. I keep waiting for you to update, but then I remembered your busy at the moment.
I liked what you had to say, it was a fun read. Your stories rang so true with all my experiences working as well. It's funny, cause your talk about the hero hits my current sittuation on the head so well. My boss though is the hero. He writes the checks, does the business shit, but still feels like he has to assert authority over us in the shop. About once a day he comes back, and plays hero while we all watch him fuck up what was hours of work prior to his power trip. Your descriptions of your sittuations reminded me of my days spent at my current place...
I dug it a lot. I'll be putting it out there for others in the next few days. I loved what you did with the Crimethinc logo!!! Right on
I got your zine about a week ago, and have been meaning to write you for some time. I keep waiting for you to update, but then I remembered your busy at the moment.
I liked what you had to say, it was a fun read. Your stories rang so true with all my experiences working as well. It's funny, cause your talk about the hero hits my current sittuation on the head so well. My boss though is the hero. He writes the checks, does the business shit, but still feels like he has to assert authority over us in the shop. About once a day he comes back, and plays hero while we all watch him fuck up what was hours of work prior to his power trip. Your descriptions of your sittuations reminded me of my days spent at my current place...
I dug it a lot. I'll be putting it out there for others in the next few days. I loved what you did with the Crimethinc logo!!! Right on
I'm just saying "hey"
let's lighten things up a bit shall we?
one time my friend and i were bored so we had this brilliant idea to ride our bikes to a nearby wildlife preserve called blackledge falls. except most of the ride there wasn't a ride, it was walking your bike up this huge hill that hot afternoon in the early autumn. we must have been like 12...
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one time my friend and i were bored so we had this brilliant idea to ride our bikes to a nearby wildlife preserve called blackledge falls. except most of the ride there wasn't a ride, it was walking your bike up this huge hill that hot afternoon in the early autumn. we must have been like 12...
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This one time... in band camp...
Ok, couldn't resist. Never went to band camp, though. And no serious flautist would ever do that, so.
Ok, couldn't resist. Never went to band camp, though. And no serious flautist would ever do that, so.
Hey...thanks so much for wishing me a happy birthday!! YES - we should trade zines. You can send yours to POB 180143 Chicago, IL 60618. It feels really good to be doing ziney things. The past month has been so fucking saturated with schoolwork that I haven't even thought about my zine, but talking to you has been an inspiration of sorts. I need to write more and I need to get my issue out! Anyway, I can't wait to see your stuff. Caio!
I lift weights because I like the pain. I'm a masochist. I like the burn. I like how it feels when you're doing curls with a barbell and it hurts in your biceps as you're bringing it up for that one last repetition. Not thinking of anyone....or of anything...you're just purely isolated in your own body and you're mentally focused on this fight between yourself...
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yep, got dressed
i live in NY not CT.
thanks for the welcome tho.
thanks for the welcome tho.
i saw the layoff coming a mile away. as soon as i walked in, i felt like the black sheep. i was only surprised that i had been able to stay working for that company as long as i did.
Flo was the foreman. Flo, short for Florentino, was a Portugese guy from Fall River, Massachussetts, which is about an hour drive south of Boston....
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Flo was the foreman. Flo, short for Florentino, was a Portugese guy from Fall River, Massachussetts, which is about an hour drive south of Boston....
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I know this sounds bad but I wish I were laid off. That way I could have more time to work on my clothing business.
I've missed a whole week of work because I have the flu and I'm not bringing in a doctor's notice. Think they'll fire me for that? lol
I've missed a whole week of work because I have the flu and I'm not bringing in a doctor's notice. Think they'll fire me for that? lol
me to...!
why oh why do i wait all week for the weekend to come when i don't do anything on the weekend? i wish i could be working overtime now. then at least i'd be making money.
shit, that reminds me to call up a friend whos ceiling i was supposed to work on.
shit. i'm sorry. no story this week, i'm all dried up. i...
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shit, that reminds me to call up a friend whos ceiling i was supposed to work on.
shit. i'm sorry. no story this week, i'm all dried up. i...
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what can I say!!!
do you want some tickets to the gun show???(as a point at my massive muscles...)
do you want some tickets to the gun show???(as a point at my massive muscles...)
I know your farther than most of us but you could join our get together's down here. *nudge* you missed movie night.
I wish I could talk to girls in person the way I do on the computer, it's so much easier as a name and words, than face to face.
As for cursed, maybe an ex jinxed you?
I wish I could talk to girls in person the way I do on the computer, it's so much easier as a name and words, than face to face.
As for cursed, maybe an ex jinxed you?
Western Connecticut is the part of CT that's right up next to New York, so it's one of the most expensive places in this country to live in. a lot of old money families are well established there, and lot of businessmen will raise a family somewhere in Western Ct, while they have an apartment in NYC where they play sugar daddy with hot younger...
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Anarchist zine printers sounds sooooo cool! I have about 5 issues of LfL. I am working on issue 6. Want me to send you one when its done?
Common People by Pulp
She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge
She studied sculpture at St Martin's college
That's where I....
Caught her eye
She told me that her Dad was loaded
I said "In that case I'll have rum and coca-cola."
She said "Fine,".....
And then in thirty seconds time she said
"I want to live like common people
I want...
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Was cool meeting you at Shag Frenzy, hope to see you again
Hey, it was nice meeting you. Hope you can come to other events.
i had to leave. my roommate alicia was a psycho. she kept on telling me that i said things i never said, she was always meddling in my business, and she was always telling me what to do. besides that, alicia was also a pathological liar. i just couldn't stand living with her anymore. i probably should have made her leave, seeing as how both...
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1st per'zine. I'll send further issues during the next year too.
Nice one.
i like people with manners. i like to piss people off, i spit, i say some pretty crass things now and then, and i swear casually like most people from the northeastern states, but i like the concept of manners. real manners. not the stupid, keep your pinky in the air while you're sipping your tea things, but the kind of real manners that actually...
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don't take offense to this.
but, how do you know my name? did i sign an email with it?
people in eugene don't really know me by name. see there is this petty little internal war going on between the green anarchists, and everyone else. so we all know each other, but not by name. Chaz sounds familiar, but his face isn't popping into my head. Mostly everyone I know, I know by face...
...people are paranoid here.
don't take offense to this.
but, how do you know my name? did i sign an email with it?
people in eugene don't really know me by name. see there is this petty little internal war going on between the green anarchists, and everyone else. so we all know each other, but not by name. Chaz sounds familiar, but his face isn't popping into my head. Mostly everyone I know, I know by face...
...people are paranoid here.
have you ever had the feeling that you are about to be thrown from a window because of something you did wrong? i asked my microwave that this morning. weird, huh? well i gotta take off, going shopping for microwaves and a couple of other errands. and is there actually peace in the middle east, now?
Yantic is a part of Norwich that remains seperated from the rest of the city by a railroad and route 2; the state highway connecting Hartford to Norwich. There's only one way in or out.
There's not much in this small corner of town. There's a post office, a lot of old mill houses, a junkyard, an abandoned factory, an old stone church, and a...
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There's not much in this small corner of town. There's a post office, a lot of old mill houses, a junkyard, an abandoned factory, an old stone church, and a...
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What an interesting story...
eek, were are you i'm frightened (in a clingy paranoid way) you have'nt posted since january
hey summer, want to play me?