so its for sure almost 2 am, and i can't sleep, and i gotta wake up in a few hours, getting used to this whole not sleeping thing but i am getting crazy headaches came i haven't been taking in as much caffeine as usual which is odd considering I'm still not sleeping well with no caffeine and i slept better before usually when i...
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yup been awhile since i posted, so since last time ive posted not alot has happened, i have made a few new friends, some better than others tongue but over all im pretty damn happy right now, i mean beyond being in a shit hole of a country im happy, i have a girl that i like, just gotta hope its mutual, i got me a...
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Awwwwwww!!! Joshy has a girl!! Yay! Tell me everything!! biggrin
so its been a couple of days since i undated but thats cause i am working 12 hour days and the wifi at work doesnt allow me on sg sadly, so ive been trying to get the people who i actually talk to to get a second form of communication with them but today is the first day off i have had in two months...
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Take care you. Happy 4th.
Yup so just another beautiful day here in Africa got the day off work thankfully. So since ive been on here i have actually managed to make a few friends and im gettin pretty content with it. i i have a feeling that when my month subscription is up on here that ill go for the longest sub possible cause i have so much fun...
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Well you seem friendly to me, so I don't mind bein friendly back biggrin
So first actual blog post!
Met this awesome SG on here only person who i actually talk to, also figured out that the chat is hit or miss sometimes i can manage to start a conversation. and other times i cant get a word in so im wondering how long ill actually be trying to get on the chat...wonder if anyone is reading this....who knows....
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Not caring what people say is a good thing. Trust me. smile xxx
Im a soldier int he us army, deployed currently but will be returning home in early 2012. love to listen to music, meet new people, watch movies and such as people put on bios about all that
Welcome to SG smile
welcome to the site!
Stay safe ♥