I was overwhelmed by the outpouring of caring and encouragement that I have received. Sometimes I am just blown away by how incredibly awesome some of you are...and I just wanted to say that I am really very grateful and honored to know you. I know that I've not been the best at keeping current on reading blogs, or being as active in some of my favorite groups as I used to be for the first 7 or 8 months of my membership...and it makes me sad to think that I've lost touch with some special people as a result. The only excuse that I can offer is that my life has just seemed so freakin' surreal since about May ...it's just been one thing after another for going on six months now and I'm totally in treading water mode; just trying to keep my head above water everyday by doing what I have to do to make it through each day. I hate that I've seemingly lost the ability to look ahead more than a day or two at a time, always reacting instead of acting and that's just so not me!
It has been especially difficult for me without my Flashmo being here...he keeps me anchored, steady...he is my strength when I do not have any of my own, with him I feel safe and protected always and only being able to see him for 18 days out of the last 103 has left me struggling a bit to hold things together on my own. I know that he's doing what he needs to do to secure a better future for us, and appreciate how hard he has been working while he's been away..It's not that I've not been able to keep things together while he's been gone...it's just that it takes so much more effort to keep up on things and to handle all of the little things that life seems to want to throw at you, and I find that I have much less time and energy to do things like hang out on SG. I miss it...I miss being up on what's happening in the groups and on blogs...playin' with my geezer friends in all the silly threads they have going on, usually by the time I see them and post up the thread's several days old and I'm late for the party so to speak. *sighs* Anyway, guess I'm trying to say thank you to all of you who've been so supportive of me through all of the drama that has been my life since this last spring! I love you all big bunches
A few quick updates:
**The new dogs and Flash the wonder boxer are getting along famously
We had a jailbreak this last week though with the girls...Kiya and Maya had a big adventure!! When I got home that day I knew something was wrong because there was only one little dog head in the window when I arrived home, and I just about freaked out. I called and called and called for them, looked everywhere and was just getting ready to call the lady at the pound to see if they had been picked up again when all the sudden they showed up out front, wigglin' and happy to be home
I had to put together a hillbillie dog fence on the one side of our yard where the fence isn't 6 feet:
I'm sure my neighbors are thrilled
I got a calll from the lady at the pound last night...and she informed me that my application for the special permit that I need to have for three dogs hasn't been approved yet! She said they finally got the map back that had been requested to verify which houses would fall in the 100 feet from our property line area, and that I was two signatures short!
I was able to get one of the two needed last night, but will have to stalk my neighbors today to get one more...wish me luck!
** My spider bite is almost healed now after three weeks of antibiotics and a whole lotta pain while my honey kept it drained for me the first week after I got it. Uh...can you say " I hate fuckin' hobo spiders?" Anyway, the spot is about the size of a dime now and most of the pocket underneath it is gone. WOO-FREAKIN'-HOO!! I've been told that this may stick with me for months though, because of the location of the bite and the fact that I have Systemic Lupus which causes me to have a compromised immune system.
Sorry for the craptastic phone pic....but you get the idea!
Edited to say:
Here's what it did look like...
**Work has been pretty good lately, I really like my job and the people that I work with! YAY for small miracles!!
I've not had any more scares with residents like I had a few weeks back, and am hoping it stays that way because I really enjoy what I do! I've been able to get their billing caught up and get some money rolling back in from one of the programs that had been completely derailed by the program director. She's been called on the carpet by the Executive Director as a result...and is now my new best friend!
Couple random thoughts:
***Incubus's Light Grenades is an awesome CD!!
** 3 Boxers= lots of dog poop!
Best wishes to my dear friends Pisces101 and Aldremech! The wait is finally over this week
Also, wanted to say that I'm glad that one of my very favorite SG people is kind of back from the dead...Loves me Skottieisdead!!
Please stop by and wish Pandara good luck on her exams, and to help mydogfarted and khoos welcome into the world their little mykhoosfarted! She's gonna pop any minute now!! Most of all, please stop by and say hey to my honey Flashmo, he's been working his ass off for months now...six twelve hour days a week
Much loves to anyone who took the time to read this, it means a great deal to this queen of the monster blog!!
he'd already be in the hospital. It could still be quite serious
but your familey should be able to pull through. We are pulling for
you and if good vibes, shoulders to cry on, and advice count
ask and it will be given.
Back the end of July my daughter got a spider bite that infected.
The worst of it was that the Antibiotic could make her Photosensitive,
she healed up OK.
I haz nu phrend!