So, yeah...another long weekend on tap here. I wanted to try to at least post a quick update for all of you who've been following everything that's been going on with our son Ryan. Waiting...waiting...hurry up for some more waiting. Have I told you guys yet that patience is not necessarily my strongest suit?? If you've not read my last couple of blogs, you can... Read More
Hang in there, you're far stronger than you realise and I'm sure that you are fully equipped to deal with whatever life throws at you. I hope that you get the good news you are hoping for.
Weird Internet Guy You Don't Know.
Jewelz, I hope that you're doing ok. You're strong enough to deal with this too.
Last night was one of the longest nights of my life...unable to sleep, feeling frightened, useless and overwhelmed. If you did not read my last blog, click here so that you might understand this one a little better.
Ryan called me yesterday evening with the news from his tests and doctor appointment. The news wasn't great...the doctor said that the CT scan showed swelling of... Read More
This last week I shared the something that was causing me to have a great deal of fear and anxiety with some of you via private messages....For those who did not receive the message, it's under the spoiler.
I'll repeat what's been said; if your sons problem was major
he'd already be in the hospital. It could still be quite serious
but your familey should be able to pull through. We are pulling for
you and if good vibes, shoulders to cry on, and advice count
ask and it will be given.
Back the end of July my daughter got a spider bite that infected.
The worst of it was that the Antibiotic could make her Photosensitive,
she healed up OK.
I haz nu phrend!
Hey darlin, I missed your spidey bite episode, sorry to hear about it, definitely a 'hit and run'..hope you are better now...gosh that sounded so painful. I bet you have that basement fumigated by now huh. Well good luck with the dogs...I was just stoppin by with some lovin for yah. and read all about it..none the less
Hope you're all better. another friend of mine on SG has been having a lot of trouble with insect bites. I'm glad yours doesn't seem nearly as bad as his. He had to be hospitalized recently because of an infection.
Hope you're able to adopt. They'll definitely have a loving home with you.
This moment in my life....this very moment while I am typing these words...could only be described as sublime perfection
I am sitting here in my living room with my laptop, right next to Flashmo and his laptop, with a sleepy boxer at our feet...just hanging out, having a cup of really great coffee and sharing the joy of just "being" on a Saturday morning! No... Read More
Your comments are very well thought out and extremely helpful. I appreciate the time and effort that you put in , in order to try to help me.
The truth is that Mae-Ann is extremely important to me. She has so many qualities that are important to me that I'm ashamed of appearing so shallow. She is a caring, nurturing person who loves me to death. I need and love her as well. If you were to put all of the good things about her on one side of a scale and what I see as negative on the other side, the positive side would be overwhelmingly dominant.
I'm such a fool to even obsess about the negative sexual aspect of our relationship. In truth, it pales in comparison to all of the wonderful things Mae-Ann has brought back into my life.
As I write this and read the comments and PMs of my friends, I realize more and more what my priorities are. I understand more than ever that this special lady is the best thing that's happened to me since the passing of my wife. It took the wisdom and love of some very wise and caring people to help me see the light.
You have my sincere gratitude and appreciation. You are a true friend.
It sucks waiting for something or someone. A little time it can be fun too much and it can be torture. Sounds like he is a good man with a good woman waiting for me.
OH HONEY if you CAN make a time machine I will personally rub your feet and do whatever you want for like a MONTH!!! Possibly a lifetime but I would honestly have to ask aldremech about that one!!
Just a quick note to say that I am still alive and kickin'...just been a very busy last four or five days and I've not been able to get around to everyone's blogs like I would like to. I am hoping things will settle down in the next couple don't drop me from your friends list just yet
I use to work with kids and teenagers who were developmentally disabled I know some days can be really rough and you never know what you are going to get. I have been stressed because of work or the lack of it, although I am hoping that this will start to pick up sometime next week.
The morning started out to be a day in which Winnie the Pooh would have felt right at home...all blustery and wet. Days like that always seem to give you time to think....least they do for me and I've spent the better part of my day today realizing that there is a part of me that has been missing, and that it's high time to... Read More
I'm doing ok...
I'm just sorting some things out...
Some relationships have come to an end, and my realizations about some things were right, and it hurt..but at the same time I'm kicking myself for not following my gut instinct ya know?
If you haven't seen me around as much the last few days...Flashmo got home on Wednesday and boy howdy what an extendo weekend it's been around the Jewelz and Flashmo homestead Nothin' but nekkidness, bewbie bars, 4-wheelers and motorcycles, beer and tequilla, great food and music, and of course...more nekkidness!
Wednesday and Thursday were very much needed chill days around the house for us...just hanging... Read More
Yep... I was a bit worried when I was leaving her at the airport, I parked the car on the first floor right by the elevator so that way when she woke up she would be able to figure out where she was a little bit quicker...
If you haven't seen me around as much the last few days...Flashmo got home on Wednesday and boy howdy what an extendo weekend it's been around the Jewelz and Flashmo homestead Nothin' but nekkidness, bewbie bars, 4-wheelers and motorcycles, beer and tequilla, great food and music, and of course...more nekkidness!
I fully intend to get my butt back here tonight and properly update this...gotta lot... Read More
Thanks to everyone who took the time to leave me your thoughtful comments on my blog from Saturday....they really helped quite a bit, and I appreciate all of your kind words!
I don't have much to say this morning other than that Flashmo will be home tomorrow, and I"m UBER excited about it He will be home for about a week before he has to... Read More
His birthday is today...not Monday.
I know what date he was born on...just not what day of the week it fell on evidently!
Hang in there, you're far stronger than you realise and I'm sure that you are fully equipped to deal with whatever life throws at you. I hope that you get the good news you are hoping for.
Weird Internet Guy You Don't Know.
Jewelz, I hope that you're doing ok. You're strong enough to deal with this too.