So yeah, today is the last day of my Christmas vacation with my honey Flashmo and I have to say that this last week at home with him has just been exactly what I needed! My special thanks to Santa for bringing me everything that I had been wishing for this year for Christmas just a few days early...Our Christmas here was just amazing! Honestly,... Read More
Glad you got my text. I was having the hardest time getting through to people. I suspect I may have sent you and others multiple texts unintentionally.
I had a really nice New Year's eve with several friends and Mae-Ann. I was able to feel a little like my old self for a few hours. I wish it could have lasted indefinitely.
I hope you get everything you want in the coming year.
My man's home! My man's home! My man's Uhmmm, HOME HOME!!! They are back from Van Nyes almost six months after they started the "8-12 week long job" away from home and I couldn't have received any better Christmas present than to have him here with me again!
I'm thinking that it might take me a bit to get caught up... Read More
I haven't been on here for many weeks. I keep up on yo guys 'cause luky keeps me up to date. I see how much fun it was to catch up with ZPO, who looked like a big kid having a ball with the doggies, and a good Patron partner. I've got myself involved in a huge mural project at NJMP race complex's drivers Clubhouse. I will still keep on the other projects--I'll likely be getting to your image his month. Say hi to Flashmo. It's great to read the mood in your blogs when he's homeward bound. Lucky guy, there.
Merry Christmas, & Happy New Year.
If you have an Indian cinema near you, check out the movie "Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi" (it has English subtitles).
It's really sweet and charming and a real heart-warmer. Hopefully it will help you out of the "well"!!??!??!
I've been thinking about you, too. But my week got crazy busy and I have only had tiny pockets of time to check in, myself. And then I'm soooo tired that I don't know what to say most of the time!
In the spirit of the day, I've been spending a great deal of time today thinking about my life...and all the ways that I am fortunate. I love's always been my favorite holiday because I'm one of those people that tends to see the best in everyone and in everything. I prefer to live my life looking at the glass being... Read More
I'll have an update on the Seattle trip later or tomorrow! but for right now I just have a few words I want to get out there...
I've been doing a great deal of thinking lately and have become acutely aware of the fact that life really offers no guarantees to any of us. The lesson that I am learning from all of this is... Read More
I'm so glad you're my friend honey. It's true though eh, I too have lost one of my friends this past week or so and rather than wallow (which I've been doing this entire year) this one event has turned things around for me. I don't know why or how or anything but I'm feeling so much better about things. We are, each and every one of us, lucky to be alive and need to be more grateful. I believe that Ryan is now in the best hands and all will be well in the end. You're the most amazing person, mother, wife and friend and I love you very much.
There is no such thing as telling someone you love them too much. If you love someone, you love them and you tell them that you love them every chance you get.
I'm keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers still and I hope that everything works out for the best. And soon.
I just have a few minutes this morning to post an update about Ryan...but wanted to get something up here because I know that there are alot of you who've been following his situation. For any of you who have not been by my blog recently, you can click the spoiler to get up to speed...
I don't think any of us are expecting you to keep up with our blogs and little sniffles and whines and rants right now, so please stop apologizing and feeling badly for not getting back to us or checking in or whatever. You've written thank you blogs and messages on the geezer site and I'm sure elsewhere. This is by far enough for all of us. I know I'm kinda being a loudmouth and speaking for everyone, even though I don't have any right to, but I know my feelings are much more about you, Flashmo and Ryan right now and keeping up on what's going on and how you're all doing. You've been there for all of us in the past--whether to share a hug or a good laugh or a hot booty shot. Just know we're all here for you now, and stop with the "sorry I'm not..." this or that.
I'm just glad you've found the time and made the effort to update your blogs so we all know what's happening. And I'm glad Ryan's getting into the doctors asap and I'm extra-extra glad Flashmo is home with you for awhile. Hugs.
(you can't tell... but I'm doing a happy dance for you and Ryan.) I am so glad that this is all panning out for the better sooner than I had hoped. Much love to you all.
Thank you everyone for your kindness and encouragement...they mean more to me than I am able to verbalize. I am able to borrow some of your faith and hope at a time when I need it the most. I wanted to tell you that Ryan has an appointment tomorrow with the best Neurologist in Spokane, so we should know... Read More
I had a really nice New Year's eve with several friends and Mae-Ann. I was able to feel a little like my old self for a few hours. I wish it could have lasted indefinitely.
I hope you get everything you want in the coming year.