I am soooo sick and miserable. I think I might have the flu after all. I went to the doctor AGAIN on Friday and she gave me a steroid shot, an antibiotic pack (b/c she can't decide what the hell is really wrong with me) and some cough medicine with codeine in it. I cant take the cough medicine b/c I cannot function on codeine....
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the dog looks as though he/she is spell RUN in his/her mind.
So last night at about 2:30am I heard gunshots that sounded like they were right outside my bedroom window. My dog and I jumped out of a dead sleep and ran down the stairs, I dont think I have EVER moved that fast in my life!!! As soon as I got to the bottom of the stairs I yelled into my mom's room to see...
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wow that is scary
Very random and scary. Did you find bullet holes in the house? let me know if you are coming down to deep ellum. I can always use more drinking friends!
In the history of bad valentines days this is the absolute worst.
So far today I
Spent 3 hrs at CareNow to find out that I just have an upper respiratory infection.
Waited 1 hour at the pharmacy for my prescriptions.
Got into a really nasty fist fight at CVS with two women easily a foot taller and bigger than me.
Was then detained...
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shitty deal

I have absolutely nothing to update about, excpet the stupid shit that drives me insane about nursing school. Its just that what they teach in school is not what you will actually encounter in the real world. Also my teachers are jerks who can't make up their minds about what chapters we are having exams over.
So here is a lame survey.
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So here is a lame survey.
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Oh the Silver Fox.


Happy Holidays!

Hi Im back maybe...........

Damm Gril, Welcome Back. So what are you up to these days?
So last nigth I spent the night at my sister's house so that I could watch her 18mnth old baby today. She is the sweetest thing! EXCEPT she scared the shit out of me today. We were sitting in the living room and she was going back and forth from her room playing with her toys when all of a sudden I realized I didnt...
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I absolutely love cold case files and the first 48! They rock! I like that the first 48 is sometimes in dallas
Drunks are way easier to deal with, plus I don't worry about 'screwing them up.' lol. Thanks for the vote of confidence, though.
Sounds like a very scary evening. We lost Austin in the pet store for a few minutes last night. Scary part is we didn't realize until we heard him crying. Then it took so long to find him. He was only crying because he lost us. I feel ya, though.
Sounds like a very scary evening. We lost Austin in the pet store for a few minutes last night. Scary part is we didn't realize until we heard him crying. Then it took so long to find him. He was only crying because he lost us. I feel ya, though.
So last night at work we had 2 patients on our floor code and die. IT WAS INSANE. I ended up having to take a body to THE MORGUE!!
The first one happened right during shift change and the Tele Moniter Tech saw the patient dropping on the moniter. The nurses ran down to the room, called the code, the crash team came but they...
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sweet...what department are you the secretary in?
Man that is freakin crazy, what a story to tell! Hope you don't have any bad dreams from the experience.
Its cool the place you work at isn't a regular office gig and the environment is a bit off, but it would suck to do things that only medical personnel should probably take care of.
Hope it goes well and you don't see too many bad things happen, but it is a hospital.
Good luck!
Its cool the place you work at isn't a regular office gig and the environment is a bit off, but it would suck to do things that only medical personnel should probably take care of.
Hope it goes well and you don't see too many bad things happen, but it is a hospital.

Good luck!
soooo Im not really back I just renewed my acct for one month so I could come save all my old journals. DAMN that shit took forever and made me kinda sad. I miss the good old days, I miss alot of the people I met thru this site and reading thru that made me remember all the good sex I used to have. haha.
hey good to see you back..i believe im only here for a month as well. oh well.
i miss good sex too! what happened? this drought sucks!
i miss good sex too! what happened? this drought sucks!

Anywho, Couch to 5k? I'm loving it so far and hope you like it too. =)