i had to sell my Rage tm to Time Warner......Your Hotness is like That scene in Snow White where her and all the creatures of the forest are warshing the skidmarks out of the dwarfs undies.They can't resist they must come to the yard and sing and warsh clothes. SSSO is too amazing to be spoken of without an AnnaGramologizingness. To speack of it in full word form causes the lesser peeps ears to rupture with magical ear goo of happiness which is sacred and holy,
I want to see the new HP movie! But at last I never saw the last one. I must hide my head in shame. And how did you know I wanted to see you in that outfit?
Fills me with rage? Wow, nothing. Used to be this bitch I worked with, however, I'm her boss now, and well, that's pretty much all I have to say about that.
Your coolness can NOT be measured, you are correct cuteness! Truly outrageous, Jem!
Plans? What are these "plans" thing you speak of.
Well there are the two SGBs me and Pogo_The_Monkey are going to in June. I'm so excited (and I just can't hide it).
shit...doood. I hate colds. I think you cold got in through the hole in your knee. Maybe your doctor used a dirty needle to drain your knee! You could have SARS or The Monkey Virus!!!! OMFG, you should drink some whiskey immediately.
My big plan is to get really drunk with SGSAC and a bunch of midgets in a park on the 30th of this month. I'm not kidding. I will try to take pictures.
And check the dedication sometime... there may be something new
that pic just sent everything out of control