First Purdue wins to go to the Sweet 16, then the health care bill passes. I call that a good night.
you on facebook? i'm letting my sg account expire for good.
After 5 games, the Sox aren't exactly setting the baseball world on fire. One thing I was right about so far is that the Sox could have the best starting pitching in baseball.

It's a long season, so there's no reason to get upset yet no matter who your team is.
You know, if I think back, I'm sure I can remember a time not too long ago (say, winter break or last semester) when I actually had a social life.... At least the classes that are keeping me busy this semester are fun ones from which I can actually learn something.

By the way, for everyone with a PS3, go play Heavy Rain. Now.
At least you're looking at the bright side and making good use of your time.

Things are bound to pick up. Look at me. I'm 62 and am building an ever-increasing social network, which is leading to an ever-increasing social calendar.
Being social is overrated.
So today I finally beat an SNES game I've had for years for the very first time. I'm not sure what that says about me.
It shows that all the brain cells that were destroyed from all the fun stuff you've done over the years have been restored.
Are you saying that today begins the White Sox inevitable march to the World Series?
I need alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. And I've blacklisted three "friends" since last night, so that means I'll probably be drinking alone. If anyone in the Baltimore area sees my name in the police reports, kindly contact a bail bondsman. Thanks.
Hey, I know you.
You know, with all the things I've been disappointed in lately -- my lack of a decent job, my failure to get any writings published, my lack of money, pretty much anything related to politics -- and the frustration I've felt with where I am in my life, the continued winning ways of the Colts (and hopefully the Longhorns in three weeks) has kept me...
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Great hearing from you, my friend.

How many more days until pichers and catchers report to spring training? Except for the Blackhawks, winter sports suck for me.

How's the writing?

It's not so much agonizing as feeling giddy with anticipation. The fact that I have plane ticket in hand and know that this is certain to happen very soon takes some of the edge off.

I'm trying to calm myself. I don't want to peak too soon, after all.
The closest (non-sports related) thing to good news I've had in about two weeks: I just did some math and found out that my credit card debt has gone from hovering at a stable $9,000-$10,000 to $6,000 in just over a year since I signed up with one of those debt consolidation groups. I can't use those three cards, and it's been a hell of...
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I've always wondered if these debt consolidation companies were any good. I guess you're an example of their effectiveness. The prospect of being debt free must be a good feeling.

I'm taking a vacation from sports until pitchers and catchers report to spring training.
I'm so poor right now that I'm almost ready to start asking bums on the street for change.
Thats so funny that u say that ... because not only am *I* in the same position financially .. but when I was driving home the other night I saw this bum with a cup walking thru traffic begging for money, and I thought to myself "that dude has way more cash than me right now!!" And then .. during the following few minutes, I actually contemplated doing the exact same thing, lol! I thought abt what outfit I could wear to make myself look more pathetic, how I could smear mud on myself to make it look like I was homeless .. and even what I would write on my sign, hahah! I quickly discarded the idea as crazy, but now you're bringing it up again and it doesnt seem like too terrible an idea anymore lol. What happened to your job at the book store?!
An early Merry Christmas to you too. I can't wait to get up to Canada and spend time with Kathy already. The anticipation is killing me.
The next part from my story (see my previous post for part one):

She would return to this pool every day the seasons allowed for the next fourteen years, never finding another Mer but never losing her curiosity. She trained herself to hold her breath for longer and longer periods of time, so that she could dive a little bit deeper into the pool, but...
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As always, i wish you much success in your writing career.

For me, sports has become boring and almost unwatchable. Maybe it's because so many more important things are happening in my life. That will surely change to some extent when pichers and catchers report to spring training. After all, unlike the teams I root for in other sports, the Sox are, and will always be like a lifelong friend to me. This will be my 56th season rooting for them. That's a lot of pain, mixed in with occasional pleasure.

It's the pleasure that makes the pain tolerable, or even welcome. Sort of like another part of my life, I suppose.

So, what's going on otherwise in your everyday life?

Thank you, my friend.

oh, I know right where you are then. Great area. DO have any food places that you especially enjoy.
Working on a new story, this one for class (which is why I haven't worked much on the novel lately). It's a sort of Silmarillion-esque story, essentially a distantly-narrated version of an epic novel I plan on writing one day, that condenses maybe 600 pages into about 25.

Here's the beginning:

Here follows the tale of Ania, Princess of Estolle.

Ania Minerva was the niece...
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I will come back and read this later..my brain is not focused at all.

Thank you, though for what you said.
It means a lot right now.
Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I see that you're wrting again. That's great. I have to prepare for spending the day with my family, but promise to read your story the first chance I get, which should be over the weekend.

As always, I appreciate your support and gladly offer mine.
Note to self: stop posting while inebriated. It brings out the wrong kind of honesty, the type that's best kept to yourself.
Anything new going on in your world.
The fact that you've feigning illness just to get a day off is not a good thing. I hope things slow down for you.

I'm embarking on a life-changing journey which will result in my spending the rest of my life with a woman who will provide me the lifestyle that I've always been meant to live. I'm more than ready to start living strictly for myself. All my obligations have been met. It's MY time now and I can't wait to experience it.
The move is (mostly) complete, and today I finally got my internet back. TV, though, is another story....

Anyway, I love the new place and all, but right now it's just a fucking mess. Between work and school, the only day I've had to do anything in regards to this move was the day we actually moved. I'm just now beginning to unpack the ungodly...
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Things are really complicated for you right now. Sounds like there's some good and bad going on in your life.

I hear you loud and clear about money. I still can't believe how I had to change my lifestyle in order to survive. The good thing is, that when I start getting some steady money in again starting the end of next month I'll probably benefit from the Spartan lifestyle i've had to live and continue the frugal habits i've developed.

Hang in there. In a few years from now when you become famous, I can tell everyone that I lknow you.
Not one word from mattacme. I know i tend to think the worst in a situation like this. I hope i'm wrong, but I have a bad feeling about what might have happened to him.
After about 2-3 rather unproductive weeks, I've actually been able to do a good amount of writing in the past two days, and just today I realized that I'm just past my projected halfway point. That comes a lot sooner when you're shooting for 70,000-80,000 words as opposed to almost 150,000, like my first book....

Still haven't heard whether or not we've been approved for...
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What's up?
150,000 words? are you crazy man? i wrote a 25000 word novella once. once.