You know, I've now moved four times in the past five years, and every time I've sworn never to do so again.

So why don't I ever listen to myself? Is grad school really worth this shit> whatever

What really gets me? I'm moving across the country to get my MFA in Creative Writing, so that I'll be good enough to find an agent and get...
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You know what gets me? The fact that even if someone is GREAT at doing something, like writing or drawing or art, whatever, you still don't get acknowledged for it unless you have a piece of fucking paper stating that you are good at it. And you have to spend thousands of dollars and all those years of your life in school just to get that piece of paper.

My husband wants to be a comic book artist, and he's great, he has a fresh new style and original ideas, he has since he was a kid. But he doesn't think it will be so easy because he has no schooling. Ugh, whatever, I think it's all so silly.
I always used to wonder back in grade school typing class why the keys didnt go in alphabetical order so that I could at least remember where the hell they were on the keypad. I dunno who designed this thing, but I at least HOPE they designed it to where the letters that were put together the MOST were close together or easily accessible or .. developed in SOME way by logic and not just some randomness.

Youve made a lot of killer points in this journal, I love when you get all philosophical on us wink
So, breezing over that little-read downtrodden blog post from yesterday, I can say now that today I met with th eliterary agent I signed up to sit down with at this writer's conference thing here in Austin and it went a lot better than I expected it to. She was great, and genuinely seemed interested in what I was doing. She loved the idea I...
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Happy 25th to one of the good guys around here.

Thanks for your inspirational last paragraph on my page. It means a lot to me.

My computer is dead. I'm using a friend's for a while today. I'm getting a new one installed on Saturday. The Sox-Cubs games last weekend were like night and day compared to the week before. That's part of what makes sports so great. You can never predict anything very well.

The Cubs are a formidable team, maybe the best in the NL. I'm rooting hard for a third meeting in October.

Best of luck.
I meet with this literary agent tomorrow for what will probably be the most important meeting in my life thus far. Ten minutes is all I'll have. I met with a couple at an informal get-together after the conference stuff tonight, and one of them told me to send in my first four or five chapters, but apparently she does that a lot and that's...
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Finally got back to writing the other day (I have about 355 pages so far), and I've finally figured out how to move the story forward. My meeting with the agent is next weekend. Ten minutes to pitch my book and myself, and to make myself stand out from the who-knows-how-many-other potential authors the agent will be meeting with. I'm a little nervous about it,...
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I LOOOVE writing, but I haven't been able to get to my stuff in a while now. I've got like 6 different stories in my head, and my husband and some friends and I are working on something epic! But I will mostly be writing it because I don't think they are as good at it as I am tongue

I've always wanted to work in a bookstore, I am so jealous of you! Ah well, one day. Seriously though, books are the best. I'm reading about five right now, including Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris, and I will hopefully be seeing him when he is in town Thursday to get my book signed smile

kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
I posted this in the HBO group, but few people respond there so I thought I'd post it here too. Just a heads up: this regards my recent obsession, the TV show The Wire, but you don't have to watch it to get what I'm talking about here.

I just finished watching Season 4 (and I'm pissed that I have to wait until August...
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The Wire kicks ass, I've been addicted to that series from the get go.

As for cops know a days, it seems things still have a long way to go. My brother is an officer here in Chicago and to here some of his co-workers talk you'd think it was the '60s and '70s.
Yes sir, she did:

"You know what the trouble is, Brucie? We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in another guy's pocket."

--Frank Sobotka, The Wire

I think I'm going to lead off every new blog post with a quote from The Wire (well, probably not, but maybe the next few posts). There are just so many good lines there....
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Whoa! Are you from Philly? If so, I have a barrage of questions for you.

p.s. If i saw you in person, everytime i would sing that song Baltimore that Jon Waters put in Pecker. It's a pretty good song. You and your gal should make it your theme song.

PPS Before you leave Austin, please lets say hi or come to the Beauty Bar party, or something. Jeez.
U think baltimore is expensive? Shit, then u are wise to have decided on baltimore to go to school ... you'd have suffocated looking at the prices for apartments *here*! You've got to factor in the insane price of gas these days and figure out if its even WORTH it for u to live that far from school. You should hookup with the sg baltimore ppl, I know there are a lot of cool sg ppl out in that area for sure. You might just be surprised at how cool ppl are just from this site alone .. its like having an instant grp of friends wherever u go! lol
"Don't matter who did what to who at this point; fact is, we went to war, and now there ain't no going back. I mean, shit, that's what war is, you know? Once you in it, you in it. If it's a lie, then we fight on that lie; but we gotta' fight!"

--Slim Charles, The Wire

One of my more conservative friends the other...
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Gaw, I don't even want to think about any of this "war" shit. It's hard though, my best friends bro just got shipped to Kuwait as a field medic.
That sounds frightening. Such an elitist attitude, not being able to admit wrong doing or having any fault in anything that you do or have done. Someone shoot him.
Had a disconcerting experience last night. I was headed to the store to buy more wine when I found myself avoiding the self check-out because the same guy is always there to check IDs for alcohol and I was afraid he would think I'm an alcoholic for buying more bottles of wine (I've probably gone once every three days for the past couple weeks). Then...
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Look, you are not a alcoholic, though many great writers count themselves among the ranks. If you start jonsing the juice more then the word or story, then you're an alcoholic. My novel's finished and I'm shopping for a publisher... if I could count the dead whiskey and wine bottles long the way, a recycling monument would be standing in the national mall. wink

BTW, my editor... that bitch, thinks I need another chapter for clearity... God I love her.
Noooo... I'm not getting published; I'm shopping for a publisher. I'm done writing though, my editor feels I could/should drag the story out further. I have never been good with "opinions" regarding my work. I admit my grammar and spelling skills are, well, lacking (thus, the need for an editor), BUT folks who feel the need to criticize my content, take their lives into their own hands.

Anywho, Middle-Earth, yes... Middle-Ages, FUCK NO. How could an attire civilization lose/ignore the advances that came before them? GEEZ.

Btw, Demster rocked on the mound today... wish he gotten finish ALL nine innings. Hey a win is win. biggrin
After hardly drinking at all in the nine months since I moved here to Texas (by virtue of my not having a bar I can call my own here) I recently began drinking wine alone in my apartment at night. A lot of wine. Is it bad that I love getting drunk again?
Join the freaking party mannnnn. I hate that I love getting drunk, but I'm always the life of the party tongue I should post pictures from my latest drunk experience on my next blog.

P.S. I don't have a bar here to call my own either. None of my friends are old enough to go out drinking with me anyway. LAME. So I just stay in, go buy them booze and have a nice time.

Don't be afraid to join the Drunks Group either if you haven't already biggrin
You might be asking the wrong crowd about that topic. biggrin

Here's a diddy for ya.

Hey all, my article's up. Comment, yo!
I know what you mean, sometimes you have to vent on here, and that stuff is not what bugs me.
P.S. Great article, duder. I just remembered to go back to it today! Sorry it took me so long.
I'm boing to Baltimore. I tried everything I could think of to talk myself into going to Roosevelt, but ultimately I mostly wanted to do that simply because I wanted to live in Chicago. The bottom line is, Baltimore is the better program for me right now. I'm still not completely sure about my decision, but I'm more sure about it than I would have...
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Hey, there are a few suburbs of Baltimore that aren't terrible Glen Burnie is not all that fun or exciting, but it is cheapish. Will you have a car or no?
I lived in Baltimore for two years and before that in Glen Burnie, it has it's crime, but a lot less than Baltimore, and rent was reasonable.
We'll all be safe from Satan
When the thunder rolls,
We just gotta' keep the Devil
Way down in the hole.

--Tom Waits

Still trying to decide between Baltimore and Roosevelt. I think I'm leaning toward Baltimore now, even though I've really been trying to talk myself into Roosevelt because I love the city of Chicago so much. But when I'm actually honest with myself,...
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Instincts, you gotta go with your instincts....