I had a strange experience last night. First, some context: this is my ninth holiday season working retail, and I know for a fact that I don't have a tenth one in me. Every day seems to be worst than the last, and last night I actually gritted my teeth to keep from screaming in frustration. It's not just that the customers at this store...
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How was your Christmas? I was finally able to post a positive blog about how I spent my day. It sure beats the usual depressing stuff I have been posting lately.

I wish you nothing but happiness.
Happy new year. You are a decent, caring person. Definitely someone I'm proud to call a friend.
Long post ahead, fair warning....

I've been in Austin for the holiday, and I delayed my flight home from tomorrow morning to Monday. As soon as I saw the skyline from the plane (and especially after I stepped out into the low 70s temperature) I immediately wondered why I left. Yeah, I got into an MFA program, but that's been pissing me off lately. They...
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By the way, I can relate to your comment about this being a shitty year. I don't remember a time in my life when I've had to deal with so many different crises. Nothing can ever compare to the period after my wife's passing. It's just that there have been so many things I've had to deal with, one after another with no relief in sight.

I hope the upcoming holiday season brings you some joy. There has to be a way for all your, and my drama to disappear, at least for a while. As I say often in my journal entries, I value peace of mind above all else. I wish that for both of us.

OMG, u sound so much like me, its not even funny! Hearing ppl tell me I cantt do something only makes me want to do it *more*, which can be both a good AND a bad thing because it can motivate u to do amazing things, OR it can urge u to make stupid decisions. It's pretty difficult to figure out which result it will get u in the end .. just make sure nothing BAD can result from trying really hard to do something that seems impossible for someone else.

Damn, u sure are in a fuct up field of work, I cant think of many jobs that are as complicated as being a writer. Its like being an artist and trying to make money soley on your art, it's damn near impossible unless you're in that small fraction of a percentage of ppl who are phenominal. No amount of schooling can FORCE an artist (synonymous with musician, writer, etc) to "make it" in the real world, and that's what sucks. I really admire what you're doing, following your dream like that. It's filled with a shit ton of sacrifices, as u already can see. If there really is such thing as karma then it will all be worth it in the end, right?
Hey, nice game, eh?

Also, great avatar, Gary.
Still waiting to hear from the second (well, technicall third, but the second just never responded) agent I submitted my book to. Today I decided I should start on a second one, but not the second book in the trilogy -- if the first one gets picked up, I can start worrying about the second one then. No, for now, I think I should focus...
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Hope you're doing better.

I don't know what's going to happen first, election day or my going insane. I've become totally paranoid about Obama's chances of winning, despite the polls and the opinions of the "talking heads". I wish I could be more optimistic. It's just that I still see so much racism even here in New York City. If that's the case, I wonder what it must be like in other, less liberal parts of the country.

Sorry if this post sounds a lot like my last one. Just had to vent.
After everything I've seen in my lifetime, I can't think of anything more memorable than the Obama victory. I'm stunned , but deliriously happy.
Fuck it.
Thanks for enlightening me on the Bears game. Unlike baseball, I don't have the NFL package. From what I've seen of Orton, I agree that he's developing into a solid QB.

I'm surprised at your description of the Bears defense. I guess that just because they have a bunch of "name" players doesn't mean that they're doing the job. I'm not nearly as much of a Bears fan as I am a White Sox fan. Right now though, they're my only focus when it comes to sports. They're in a very mediocre division and should be able to stay competitive all season long. In a way they remind me of the Sox in that they're not that good, but could easily make the playoffs.
I have almost no interest in the World Series.
My emotions all day, courtesy of the Chicago Cubs:

--It's okay, they can still win tonight.
--Wait, even if they lose, they're going to a much warmer climate in L.A. and facing two pitchers who aren't nearly as good as the Dodgers' first two pitchers with two very good pitchers of their own.
--Oh, let's just get to this game already.......
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First of all, thanks to all of you who left messages of support for my (foolhardy?) literary endeavors. The agent I spoke to in Austin finally got back to me today to give me the name of another agent who handles stories like mine. I had more or less expected that, based on our earlier conversations, but still, I'm disappointed. She did say she really...
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What a roller coaster ride the last few days. I'm nervous as Hell about tonight's game. I'm worried about Danks going on short rest. He seems the least equipped to do so of the starters.

Anyway, it will be "all hands on deck" for both the Sox and the Twins.
What a game. Danks pitched the game of his life and established himself as someone who can be counted on in the clutch. The same can be said for Buehrle and Floyd.

I don't know what's going to happen with the Rays. I'm not going to think about that now and just savor the moment.

Best of luck with the Cubs. I'll be pulling for them, unless and until they meet the Sox in the World Series.
Hey all, sorry I haven't been reading or commenting much lately; I've been rather busy with work (I don't even want to count the number of bills I have piling up on my counter) and editing my book. That was a laborious process, but I'm finally done with it and ready to submit the thing to the agent I met at the Austin Agents and...
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i know what you mean about the school thing...i'm in 2 writing classes this semester and i really hope i can handle it. i'll be writing 1 screenplay and 2 short stories this semester along with all the regular papers that come with being an english major. what classes are you taking?
sounds great! i wanna do my MFA in new york or la or boston after my undergrad. smile
Tonight at 12:40 AM, I completed the main draft of my first novel. A lot of it still needs to be edited, and of course it's only book one of two (or possibly of three; I've been thinking a lot about that lately), but I can say that I've completed a novel. It's 141,807 words long, and just over 468 Word Processor pages. Hells yeah....
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Congrats on your Cubs. They're definitely cooking on all cylinders.
Hey Buddy, congratulations. It's quite the accomplishment. I'm sure you're tired but very content. I'm sorry to here about the woes with your girlfriends health. Hopefully things are much better now and you're both settling in to your new digs.

Every fucking time I think she's starting to get better she regresses. Either she stops taking her meds because she doesn't like being "fake" happy on them or something else. (For most of you who haven't been keeping up, check two blogs back to see what I'm talking about, because I'm too drained to go over it any more).

And I can't tell her that...
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Thank you so much for the special mention. I only wish I could do more to help.

Your frustration is understandable, just as your concern for your lady is obvious. I don't have anything brilliant to say, except that you need to be true to yourself. The worst that could happen is that your frustration and anger begin to impact on your feelings for her. I agree with a lot of what coleen said.

I'm not trying to jinx the Cubs. Since they took the first three from the Brewers, congratulations are already in order, no matter what happens today. Looks like the Sox are getting Ken Griffey. As of now, there's no news about who the Sox will give up for him. If it's just Brian Anderson, then it's okay I guess. I'd rather have a pitcher instead of Griffey though.

There's no reason to worry about the Angels yet. Let the Cubs and Sox make the playoffs first and then let the chips fall where they may. BTW, if the season ended today, Carlos Quentin would be the logical A.L. MVP in my opinion. What a find he's been.

I hope everything works out for you and your lady. Please keep me posted. I care.

I must say that you have to talk to her, like coleen said.

It is hard, and frustrating, I am sure. Trust me, I know my other half has had his share of wanting to scream due to my head issues, but talking about it all helps us both. I wish I had something profound to say that would help..but I have been like her for awhile, and am actually going through a bit of it myself currently.

I will be around tonight, if you want to talk.
So everyone should just read my last blog and know that things were getting better, but now they're right back in the same place. FaaaaaanTAStic....

On a positive note, I've seen The Dark Knight twice now (first at a midnight showing) and I'm still having a hard time fathoming how good it was. I was thinking Heath Ledger definitely deserved a Best Actor nomintation, but...
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Haven't seen The Dark Knight yet. Maybe next week.

Sorry that things that were getting better reverted to where they were previously. Hope that's only temporary and things improve for good.

Only you can decide how to deal with your book. From what I've observed of you, you will ultimately do whatever is best for the long term success of your publication.

You must be somewhat concerned about your Cubs. A case can be made that with the acquisition of Sabathia the Brewers are the better team. I really would like to see the Cubs make it to the World Series. Based on the last two miraculous comeback wins by my Sox, I'm more optimistic than ever that this could be another magical season for them, similar to 2005.

There would be nothing better in sports and of course for the city of Chicago than for a Red Line World Series. If that happens, I would be thrilled to share that experience with my Cubs fans friends like yourself and MrChairman.

Savage is just looking for attention and I didn't want to give it to him. He's like Ann Coulter. They don't exist.
First of all, I'm in the midst of a hellish move and dealing with some personal issues, so I'm sorry for not having time to read anyone else's blogs for a while. That said, God this week has been awful. As if the normal complications of moving across the country weren't enough, my girlfriend is having a breakdown.

She isn't exactly depressed (she was in...
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Good to hear from you. I hope the worst is over.
I hope she gets better frown That kind of stuff is really tough.

I know this is different but when I moved to Canada I started getting really depressed and had some nervous breakdowns because I had no friends and nothing to do. But my husband was just there for me, it really helps a person get through things.