My girlfriend and I are getting a new apartment right in the heart of downtown Baltimore. It's a great apartment (and a hell of a lot nicer and bigger than the cookie-cutter place we have now in White Marsh), and it's on Pratt St., literally right across the street from the baseball stadium. You look right at Oriole Park from our window, and can see...
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I'm glad you're back to focusing on your writing. The idea of young adult fantasies really sounds exciting.

Congrats on the new apartment. Your perseverence in getting the tuition help shows me that you're fighting for yourself instead of feeling defeated. I know what both of those emotions feel like. Believe me, the way you're going about thigs now is the way to go.

Hey, maybe you should submit my story too. It sure it reads like a fantasy. no one needs to know that it's based on real events.

Thanks so much for the b'day wishes.
I officially fail at life. I suck as a writer.
thank you very much for loving me and for you great comment....smile
When you print the story out at school, make sure nobody sees it. They might think you're wierd. On the other hand, you may make some new friends, LOL.
Started writing a new novel; this one will be much more marketable than my other one. But I don't have near as much time to write now as I did with my earlier one, mainly because, in Austin, I could write at work (I probably wrote a good 300 of the 500 total pages while working). But this book is going to be shorter, maybe...
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Hey, did u ever finish the last novel?? Jesus, I havent been gone *that* long! I was just here last month!!

And what is the deal with having to write at the library and work? Is there a reason you cant write at home? Do you not have a private place in which you can relax and open up your thinking cap to all the crazy ideas in your crazy little head?

I know what it is to be a retail slave, and for many many years. But one thing you have over me ... is that you're almost done with that bullshit!! Look ahead instead of looking into the present. You've come a long damn way and damnit it shows and WILL pay off greatly.
Just noticed that you were online. How are you? I also noticed that I missed your birthday. I have to keep better track of all my friends' b'days.

Sorry about the oversight. Happy belated birthday. Better late than never, I guess.
I'm too drunk to care right now.

Points of pissiness:

--Maryland law requires all bars to be closed by 2:00 AM. What the fuck?
--All liquor stoeres I've found in Baltimore (in Baltimore! The Lonely City! Where everyone is depressed!) close at 10:00 FUCKING O'CLOCK!. What the fuck?
--Friends keep bailing on me when I want to go out, even with all the shit that's...
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Hungover. God, why do I keep doing this?
I know the Cubs have been horrid, but I'm surprised you're giving up already. My Sox haven't exactly been tearing up the league. I'm still optimistic that they'll be okay.
I understand perfectly. It's probably best to not get one's hopes up too much when you're a Cubs fan. The same was true if one was a Sox fan before 2005.

Perhaps the Cubs have put the worst behind them and will contend for the rest of the season. I don't see why not.
I'm really feeling the financial burn, and there isn't a fire extinguisher in sight.
I hear you loud and clear.

Did you decide to change anything with that last story you posted?
What happened with the story you posted recently? You're a fine writer. Something good will happen soon.

I'm feeling a little better. I may be starting a part-time job in a week or two. It won't pay much, but that's okay. I need to find out if I can deal with working again after not doing so for a couple of years. A part-time job is the best way to ease back into the work force, I think.

I used to like writing. It mostly consisted of having many "letters to the editor" published. I had a political article published in The Nation many years ago.

I'm in awe of people who are able to write a novel. I can't imagine being able to write anything longer than a short story.

Keep at it.
All right, another story. It's a bit longer than the one I posted in my last entry (10 pages instead of 6). This one I just submitted to a contest with a 3,000 word limit (it's exactly 3,000 words, too). There's another contest I want to submit it that has a 7,000 word limit, so, with that in mind, I have a couple questions at...
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How friendly are you with mattacme? I'm concerned about him. He hasn't posted anything since 2/17. I'm wondering if you heard anything.
Mae-Ann claims she still cares about me. She has a funny way of showing it.

You're right. Having a job is a precious thing these days. I'm sure many people don't like what they're doing but don't dare leave for fear of not being able to find another one.

I don't know what to make of mattacme's absence. I hope he's okay.
All right everyone, here's the full version of the story that I began in my last post. And just in case anyone I don't know happens across this and gets any ideas about stealing it, I've already submitted this to multiple contests and magazines, so you're too late.

This one is called "The Baltimore Touch." Enjoy.

Pratt Street penthouse, day gray and hot without warmth,...
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You are amazing.

I wish we could work on something together. I feel like so many of your strengths are things I lack.

Is it too soon to expect any response from the places that you submitted this story to?
Instead of one unified entry this time, I'm doing several little mini-episodes, so to speak.

**Last night I was waiting outside the wine store for my girlfiend, who took my car to the mall across the street, to pick me up, I noticed a guy and a girl who looked more or less my age sitting on a bench outside. They were bundled up and...
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ARRR!!! yes....
I appreciate your words of encouragement, as I always do.

You've mentioned that your financial situation hasn't been all that great. The money that you gave those two young people was likely hard to part with for practical reasons. Your empathy and common decency have been obvious to me for quite a while. I can relate to what you did. Your reward, while intangible, is priceless.
My girlfriend Joanna and I went down to the Inner Harbor for New Year's Eve (holy fuck, it was cold!) As we were walking back to the car, and then driving back, we saw four different cop cars breaking something up at a bar or searching cars (one was searching a taxi). I just grinned and said, "Yep, not twenty minutes into 2009 and already...
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I just re-read your blog. The things you said resonate even more than the last time I read it. Besides being prouder to be an American than I've been in a long time, I'm feeling better about my personal situation. For the first time in what seems like an eternity, I was able to post a totally positive, even upbeat, blog.

I know not to get too high about things, because not much has changed from a material point of view. At least my attitude is a welcome change. Not just for me, but for those who care about me as well.
i love you pc`s!!!!!!!