I've become completely unmotivated. I guess this is plenty evident from how rarely I actually write in this thing anymore. I also seem to just completely lack creative energy this year, which has made going to a very artsy based photography college 4 days a week for 6 months now kinda interesting.
Several weeks back I actually told one of my teachers, Marcus, that I...
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I figure if we have a catch up on the Thursday, you might inspire folks to join you at Game On or to do something over the weekend too! I can tell you right now that if you like metal/rock music, the place to go after Game On is Blink at Club 299 in the Valley. That is where I and my friends will be!! And then Sat night is Trash at 299 in the Valley, though the music isn't to my liking, being more pop-punk and indie. Trying to organise a hookup on a weekend is tricky to say the least because everyone has stuff going on. But Thursday could definitely work.
I've gone round to folks on my friends' list to let them know - I figure others will see the potential dinner thingy in the group anyway.
As for pics, we have yet to move in - I still haven't packed ANYTHING at my old place - so when I get settled, and I'm thinking about a week, I'll do the pic thing.
Oh, and I found out that Saturday night the 299 crew are organising a trip to Dreamworld, so that could be something you might be keen to go along to. When I find out more info, I'll let you know.