Happy hump day, everyone! My job interview got pushed yet another day >.< my frustration and probably blood pressure is through the roof. I just want to know when I start working. I was offered a part time job and of course I took it, but the boss wants to do the interview anyways. As of right now, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!
I am...
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Feel better! Xo
Thank you, pretty smile <3
Good morning, everyone! Happy Tuesday ^.^ I landed a job interview today! Hopefully I nail it and I can start making some monies!
My plan is to get my license and a car and once I make enough money and I get my dog grooming certificate, I'm grabbing Gunther and we are heading out on a road trip across America. We will visit every state...
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I have been slacking like a total slacker. I'm still on the job hunt, and it isn't going well at all. I had a job interview today, but they lost my resume so I had to run home and get another one. Then the woman tells me that she will call me to come back for the interview because they are swamped and she doesn't...
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I do like tea, green tea. Green tea eliminates free radicals and alleviates oxidative stress which keeps me looking nubile. I like reading too, Nietzsche And Thus Zarathustra Spoke makes me feel like Die Ubermench.
Nice! I love green tea. I love reading horror books, mostly about murders and scary things that people go through everyday, like rape and beatings and drug addictions. I like it when books make me cry and cringe. Makes me feel something.
That was a pain in the ass.

Just uploaded a new album, tights&feet&things

feel free to take a look and drop a comment biggrin

have a nice Sunday!

- Jambi
nice pics biggrin
Hello everyone! Sorry I've been slacking on here, I've been pretty busy lately. But I ran into some free time and I decided to upload a new album, Rated R wink

I am going to upload another album very soon!

keep your eyes peeled! biggrin

I hope everyone is having a good day smile

- Jambi

<div class="legacy-text"><div class="legacy-text"><div class="legacy-text"><div class="legacy-text">Naked pictures <img class="emoticon" src="https://d1a0n9gptf7ayu.cloudfront.net/img/emoticons/smile.gif" width="15" height="15" alt="smile" /> </div></div></div></div>

Damn I looooove those homemade pics ... great job baby :) so sexy XxX
Hello, my loves. I am finally moved into my new place. Most of my stuff is all unpacked and my hedgehog Gunther is adjusting very well, and I am trying to get comfortable as well.
Its weird living somewhere else for the first time.
But I'll get used to it.
I'm gonna be shooting a new set soon, so keep your eyes open!

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congratulation and haste to see thatlovelove
Seeing all of you beautiful ladies gives me so much inspiration for future photo shoots.

I want to post some sneak peeks soon, so keep an eye out biggrin

If you are in the Boston, MA area Thursday July 18th, come on down to Cantab in Cambridge, MA and see Travel Amydgala! Show starts at 8 and they are headlining and playing with PowerSlut, Axemunkee, and...
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Hey everyone! Have you heard the band Travel Amygdala? You haven't? What's the matter with you?! They are an amazingly, incredible, mind blowing talented progressive rock/grunge/experimental/psychedelic band located in Boston MA. Its kind of hard to describe them, but front man D.J says it more than perfectly:

When we place the word travel in front of amygdala, we are trying to make it visual, giving...
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September 5th! September 5th! September 5th! My first set "New England" goes public in the member review September 5th at 7 pm! I'm so excited, I can't wait to find out when and/or if I go pink! Make sure you all check out my set when it goes public biggrin

- Jambi
so excited to have someone on the east cost here it gets lonely being the only one
I'll make sure to keep you company, then smile
Hello my loves! ;* As it is said in my profile, I like to write short stories. I haven't written in years and I just started picking it up again, so it might not be the best, but I think they're pretty damn good tongue I like to write surreal horror stories. Things that some peoples unfortunately deal with every day of their lives. This is...
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